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What would you have between normal AEG vs PTW when you got money??


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Old November 14th, 2011, 17:26   #31
GBB Whisperer
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Originally Posted by Fox62 View Post
Use the search function for "sensor" HERE. Look at the first entry. I don't doubt your expertise, but what's that manual referring to, then? What else is a (verbatim from that file) "sensor that will cut off electricity to the motor once it has sensed that the magazine is emptied."?

For the sake of technicality, a sensor is a device that changes a physical quantity in to a signal.

In that regard, the terminology is correct, and your statement could still stand.

However, I still doubt a piece of dust could prevent a physical lever and micro switch system from operating. In the case of the PTW, it's a lever (the bolt stop) that rests on a micro switch. As long as the magazine has rounds in it, it will keep the switch depressed and the circuit closed, allowing it to fire.
When the rounds in the magazine empties, the follower will push the bolt stop lever up, which releases pressure on the micro switch, and will open the electrical circuit, denying the system the ability to fire.

When I'd read 'sensor', I thought you were referring to an optical sensor, which is what's used in the gearbox, as i still can't picture any way a piece of dust could trip the physical switch open. However, I can see a chunk of dust blocking the optical sensor which would cause timing issues (but still not an outright failure - the gun could still fire, although with sporadic results - this is a known issue when too much grease is slopped on the gears)
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Old November 14th, 2011, 18:43   #32
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Don't forget guys, the purpose of this discussion is purely the technical and performance comparisons, we're assuming cost is no object here.

As far as reliability, though I don't have my PTW yet, I'm close with "team PTW" in brooks. I can tell you, PTW's do need maintenance. You can't run them 3 years straight with no maintenance like you can with some AEG's (or at least it's really not recommended), they all consistently require periodic service. But then, technically so do AEG's.

The story for reliability is the same as performance. Out of 10 fully upgraded G&P AEG's, you'll have 2 that can go 3-5 years with zero service. You'll have 6 average ones that need to be serviced seasonally and have a 30% chance of going down at big games, and you'll have 2 that are just complete demon guns that require constant tweaking and just never operate like they should.
Out of 10 PTW's, they all require the same amount of periodic care and maintenance, and they all operate the same as long as they get that maintenance.
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Old November 14th, 2011, 18:56   #33
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With the way the weather is here I would never own a PTW any amount of moisture they are useless they can be as finely tuned and uber cool as ya want if its damp your F**ked.

Dont get me wrong they are pretty to look at and hold but for the price of one and to get it up and running with mags and a couple cylinders and your looking at upwards of 3000$ not too mentiong buying all the reinforced parts that they are known for breaking.

NOT WORTH IT! for me

and psssst. i have yet to see a PTW out perform either my CA or my KWA hell for that matter my buddies 300$ Jing Gong.

Oh yeah and the prices were just based on if anybody was to buy one, Not someone with connections.

Last edited by Spawn28; November 14th, 2011 at 18:58..
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Old November 14th, 2011, 19:08   #34
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Originally Posted by Spawn28 View Post
With the way the weather is here I would never own a PTW any amount of moisture they are useless they can be as finely tuned and uber cool as ya want if its damp your F**ked.

Dont get me wrong they are pretty to look at and hold but for the price of one and to get it up and running with mags and a couple cylinders and your looking at upwards of 3000$ not too mentiong buying all the reinforced parts that they are known for breaking.

NOT WORTH IT! for me

and psssst. i have yet to see a PTW out perform either my CA or my KWA hell for that matter my buddies 300$ Jing Gong.

Oh yeah and the prices were just based on if anybody was to buy one, Not someone with connections.
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Old November 14th, 2011, 19:09   #35
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Originally Posted by Spawn28 View Post
With the way the weather is here I would never own a PTW any amount of moisture they are useless they can be as finely tuned and uber cool as ya want if its damp your F**ked.

I've run them in rain, laying in wet grass, humidity, and never an issue. I wouldn't submerge it, but then I wouldn't do that to any AEG, especially one with a FET.

Originally Posted by Spawn28 View Post
Dont get me wrong they are pretty to look at and hold but for the price of one and to get it up and running with mags and a couple cylinders and your looking at upwards of 3000$ not too mentiong buying all the reinforced parts that they are known for breaking.
More like about $2200 with 2 cylinders and 6 extra mags and a battery. Used, it can be much less.

Originally Posted by Spawn28 View Post
and psssst. i have yet to see a PTW out perform either my CA or my KWA hell for that matter my buddies 300$ Jing Gong.
I build them all the time. Does your Jing Gong get a flat trajectory out to 270 feet (90 yards) at 420 fps? Can it still go to 300 FPS in 10 seconds? Does it get 2500 rounds out of a 1600mah battery at 420 fps?

Didn't think so.

So, what are these performance advantages again?

Originally Posted by Spawn28 View Post
Oh yeah and the prices were just based on if anybody was to buy one, Not someone with connections.
I suppose if you mean that anyone can make an internet order with a Canadian retailer and have it shipped to them, then yes, I suppose that is "connected".
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Old November 14th, 2011, 19:16   #36
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Originally Posted by Spawn28 View Post
and psssst. i have yet to see a PTW out perform either my CA or my KWA hell for that matter my buddies 300$ Jing Gong.
If that is the case, you really need to get out and play more.
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Old November 14th, 2011, 19:18   #37
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Well then how come every one ive seen goes down when its damp? EVERYONE of em watched like 6-10 of em go down in less than an hour and the LZ Ottawa like 2 years ago.

A Known PTW dealer in canada is 2200 just for the gun. Not everybody is Age verified on this site.

We dont play at 420 FPS but yes it shoots consistant at 380FPS and can hit 6 inch targets at 90 yrds and yes that was outa the box.

Oh yeah i forgot not to post any opinions on here cause there is always someone out there with a different one and well ya see what happens

There should be a rule about opinion threads

Last edited by Spawn28; November 14th, 2011 at 19:22..
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Old November 14th, 2011, 19:25   #38
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Originally Posted by Spawn28 View Post
Well then how come every one ive seen goes down when its damp? EVERYONE of em watched like 6-10 of em go down in less than an hour and the LZ Ottawa like 2 years ago.
That was 2 years ago. How about now? You want to see water infiltration? I have 4 of the SWAT PTWs on my bench now getting some maintenance. The rust and debris inside these things is ridiculous. They all still run.

Originally Posted by Spawn28 View Post
A Known PTW dealer in canada is 2200 just for the gun. Not everybody is Age verified on this site.
Try $1580 at Double Tap with a modified hop-up.

Originally Posted by Spawn28 View Post
We dont play at 420 FPS but yes it shoots consistant at 380FPS and can hit 6 inch targets at 90 yrds and yes that was outa the box.
OK. If you say so.

Originally Posted by Spawn28 View Post
Oh yeah i forgot not to post any opinions on here cause there is always someone out there with a different one and well ya see what happens
Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one, and they all stink except your own. Words to live by.
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Old November 14th, 2011, 19:32   #39
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I owned a PTW but then it rained.

When they work and they are not on the bench and after you mod the hop up and do work to the motor they are great. I had never needed a back up EVER till the day a small late summer shower killed my titanic err PTW.

With gas rifles everywhere I wouldn't even look at a PTW even if every issue I had was proven to be fixed now (most owners tell me they come "fixed" out of the box now) I would still go gas.

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Old November 14th, 2011, 19:59   #40
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Originally Posted by Spawn28 View Post
We dont play at 420 FPS but yes it shoots consistant at 380FPS and can hit 6 inch targets at 90 yrds and yes that was outa the box.
I suppose we should define "hit". Are we talking 8+ out of 10 shots? If your answer is yes, I want to ask whether you're sure that it was 90 yards rather than 90 feet?
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Old November 14th, 2011, 20:05   #41
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
I build them all the time. Does your Jing Gong get a flat trajectory out to 270 feet (90 yards) at 420 fps?
Dude, I have no doubt a PTW outperforms a fully upgraded and custom modded 600 FPS VSR/Tanaka/KJW M700 That costs as much, and requires tons more work. Why do people bother when they can be sniping at 100 metres with a 400 FPS, unmodded rig?
I'm thinking this thread's full of it.


Last edited by Fox62; November 14th, 2011 at 20:08..
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Old November 14th, 2011, 20:11   #42
Death March
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I'v been running my PTW since 2007,yes I'v had alittle work on it. BUT I'v used it in the rain with no issues,I always take my G&P for a back up and it never gets used! I still have my ICS,G&P and sold my Classic Army M4 and picked up a MP5. Point is my PTW is by far the best in performance and lack of issues,but I still like to keep the other AEG's around because I like them. It's not that I fear my PTW will go down, and if someone else need's a gun at a game than I have one for them to use As for falling on a PTW, I'v fallen on mine twice and it's still going! Never broke anything,can't say the same for my ICS as a few small tab's broke on the S.I.R. unit.
All my AEG's run with minimal issues,because I maintain them! Back in the day when I built my ICS it ran me $2200.00 to get that set up. I won't get into what I spent on my PTW (I could have bought a car),but it's only because I wanted all Real steel parts. Not because I had too,but because I wanted too,there's a difference!
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Old November 14th, 2011, 20:15   #43
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Seriously, someone should invite the other snipers on the forum just to have a laugh at the 270 ft. mark. Bet that's with .12's, too.

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Old November 14th, 2011, 20:18   #44
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Originally Posted by Fox62 View Post
Dude, I have no doubt a PTW outperforms a fully upgraded and custom modded 600 FPS VSR/Tanaka/KJW M700 That costs as much, and requires tons more work. Why do people bother when they can be sniping at 100 metres with a 400 FPS, unmodded rig?
Sniper rifles are not really 600 FPS in Canada. Try more like 475-500 fps, but that will change soon for some clubs. What you know (or rather don't) is quite frankly irrelevant. When you show up at a game of 200 people with 50 PTWs on the field, you can let me know.

Or should we take your word of some guy who told you something once as the definitve gospel on the PTW?

I have forgotten more about the PTW than you will ever know.

Originally Posted by Fox62 View Post
I'm thinking this thread's full of it.

You are entitled to your opinion, even though it's wrong.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Last edited by mcguyver; November 14th, 2011 at 20:23..
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Old November 14th, 2011, 20:21   #45
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I know what 270 ft. are, and you're not gettin' that, even with a fully modded PTW, MATE.

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