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Noob Marksman Advice


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Old August 16th, 2011, 12:01   #1
Join Date: Dec 2010
Question Noob Marksman Advice

Original Post deleted.

For all those DM's and Snipers and Sharpshooters and plain ole' good shots out there, what is your tactical and strategic advice for a springer slingin noob with minimal camoflauge (dark green shirt and grey-brown pants) with binoculars?

I am 6'0"
148 lb
have almost no stealth experience.
Like to work in a team, but am just as effective individually
has pretty good eyesight,
and has rather good patience, and decent observational skills.

Thanks. I've been getting killed a lot at really short range by lpeg, aep, and shotgun wielders, and I know I should be able to at least match them as I have at least a 2.5:1 rage advantage. I know and admit to being basically defenseless against real aeg's, short of a few other players to support me. Also, countersniper advice would also be helpful, as I don't really want to get hit by my friend's 550 fps Christmas gift.

Thanks, Bill.

Last edited by appa609; August 16th, 2011 at 20:55.. Reason: Wrong Question
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Old August 16th, 2011, 12:12   #2
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You're 13.

Wait 5 more years, then we'll help. We don't condone minors with airsoft rifles, even the cheap shit.

That and you're looking to buy cheap shit out of country. Again, a no go here.

Try again later.

Edit: Ah, you're currently in the US.

Keep your cheap airsoft shit in the US, but it'd be ill advised if you braught it into country. In most cases it will be consfiscated. With your given age you'll find very few that will want to help you

Try Http:// instead. They'll give you advice on your cheap shit there.

Last edited by Strelok; August 16th, 2011 at 12:18..
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Old August 16th, 2011, 12:13   #3
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So you aren't from Southern Ontario then.

In any case, it seems to be the rule on these forums that nobody is going to advise you on purchases till you're AV'ed.
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Old August 16th, 2011, 12:33   #4
Join Date: Dec 2010
OK, and thank you both for your time.
I will go register for Airsoft Retreat, and ask my questions there.
I initially thought this would be a better forum to ask because the discussions on these forums seem overall more professional and more informed. However, seeing that I am not eligible for use until the age of 18, I will search elsewhere, and return here for advice not directly related to purchase.

Right, I'm not in Southern Ontario, though I was originally. Sorry for the initial, unexpected ambiguity of "Great Lakes Region."

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Old August 16th, 2011, 12:39   #5
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And just to be smug, I'm 14.
14.0575342466 mean solar years.
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Old August 16th, 2011, 12:59   #6
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Originally Posted by appa609 View Post
And just to be smug, I'm 14.
14.0575342466 mean solar years.
Canadian airsofting scene is nothing like in the States where a 14 yo can walk into a store and buy a pistol/rifle without batting an eye.

We're more mature here (99.99% of the time) simply because we're older with more experience.

And congratulations on being born 26 July 1997, and being conceived by your parents in mid to late October 1996 (assuming you were brought to term normally)... they must be so proud.
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
Stalker stays where he is.
His BB's fly across the country to hit their target.
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Old August 16th, 2011, 18:45   #7
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Bub, you are shy of 4 years to buy airsoft guns and here, no sidearm cost less than 120 dollars in Canada, short of being aged verified. So wait those 4 years and come back here when you are AV'ed then buy them plus don't ever troll, read ever FAQ here and don't even try to import airsoft guns to Canada because it WILL get confiscated by the CSBA. PS don't ask where to buy the gun because no one will tell you.
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За Родину!
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Old August 16th, 2011, 20:33   #8
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Sit down, stop your yapping and read this:
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Old August 16th, 2011, 20:37   #9
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Originally Posted by slink182 View Post
Canadian airsofting scene is nothing like in the States where a 14 yo can walk into a store and buy a pistol/rifle without batting an eye.

We're more mature here (99.99% of the time) simply because we're older with more experience.

And congratulations on being born 26 July 1997, and being conceived by your parents in mid to late October 1996 (assuming you were brought to term normally)... they must be so proud.

Thank you, and they are. Good math. Actually, I was 2 weeks early, but that's getting to NRA.
So does anyone have any useful tactics for a marksman who is not well camoflauged, with a pair of binoculars and a bolt action which outranges most of the opposition? Tactics should be fair ground, right?
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Old August 16th, 2011, 20:43   #10
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Originally Posted by surebet View Post
Sit down, stop your yapping and read this:
Read. Coincidentally, I actually just finished reading that before coming to this thread and seeing your link. What are the chances

Anyways, I'm not importing anything, nor smuggling anything anywhere.
So do you think bb's are cheaper in Mexico?

What do you think is the best way to aim and fire a big traditional stock rifle in the woods at moving targets? Is a scope necessary, or even helpful?

Also, how does everyone organize games? I find that getting everyone to agree on a good date is really quite tough.
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Old August 16th, 2011, 20:45   #11
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Ok guys, he's all yours...
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Old August 16th, 2011, 20:47   #12
Suburban Gun Runner
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There is actually a section about tactics if you looked a bit I'm sure you can find it.
This forum is a great tool with many knowledgeable members on a whole range of topics. But we ask you to try ans use the search function first. Then if you have more specific questions about the things you have discovered or truly can't find info feel free to ask questions.

For an example instead of "So does anyone have any useful tactics for a marksman who is not well camoflauged, with a pair of binoculars and a bolt action which outranges most of the opposition?"

A better question would be " I've read that as a sniper with superior range over aegs I should help support assaults or to pin down enemies. Where should I position myself to best accomplish this?"

Anyways you get the hi and low of what I'm trying to get at I hope. Enjoy the forum, and read those FAQ's.
Originally Posted by Pinard View Post
eeyore, the more I look at your avatar, the more I find it looks like a vagina...
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Old August 16th, 2011, 20:58   #13
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Originally Posted by Eeyore View Post
There is actually a section about tactics if you looked a bit I'm sure you can find it.
This forum is a great tool with many knowledgeable members on a whole range of topics. But we ask you to try ans use the search function first. Then if you have more specific questions about the things you have discovered or truly can't find info feel free to ask questions.

For an example instead of "So does anyone have any useful tactics for a marksman who is not well camoflauged, with a pair of binoculars and a bolt action which outranges most of the opposition?"

A better question would be " I've read that as a sniper with superior range over aegs I should help support assaults or to pin down enemies. Where should I position myself to best accomplish this?"

Anyways you get the hi and low of what I'm trying to get at I hope. Enjoy the forum, and read those FAQ's.

Thanks, and sorry for that. As a matter of fact, your example is an excellent question which I'd actually be curious about. so,
I've read that as a sniper with (marginally) superior range over aeg's, I should help support assaults or to pin down enemies. Where should I position myself best to accomplish this?
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Old August 16th, 2011, 21:10   #14
Suburban Gun Runner
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Location: St Lambert, Quebec
Ok, thats a really good question

Well typically a sniper in airsoft gathers intelligence and passes it on down. Your binoculars will help you do that, allowing you to see where the enemy appears to moving too, numbers etc. Typically we play with radios and if your group does too this is a great addition to your kit.

Generally speaking you want to try to take a flank when supporting an assault keeping opfor pinned down and unable to move or effectively return fire while your team manuvers. Being higher up obviously helps with this as well. But as a sniper lacks rate of fire and there generally is a MED (medium engagement distance) when using a sniper rifle you need a side arm. Strictly speaking a snipers primary is his pistol and his rifle is his secondary. Without a sidearm you are pretty much at the mercy of anyone who enters your MED.
Originally Posted by Pinard View Post
eeyore, the more I look at your avatar, the more I find it looks like a vagina...
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Old August 16th, 2011, 21:13   #15
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For the love of every thing 6mm and spherical. Search the forms, google, tea leave. Something.

Depending where you play you may be just sent to get intel. Nothing more. Other times helping a patrol. Others setting up ambushes. There is no exact thing you can do. Its a role.
You will do what you are needed when needed. Like any rifleman, just with a different set of jobs.

And just because I could.

Last edited by Outcast569; August 16th, 2011 at 21:16..
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