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Short Modern "Western" film - casting call - check out if you've ever wanted to be in a film!


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Old May 15th, 2011, 18:22   #1
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Newmarket
Thumbs up Short Modern "Western" film - casting call - check out if you've ever wanted to be in a film!

Hey all

Don't know if this appropriate thread or not (there was one other casting call so I figure I'm safe, but if I'm mistaken please forgive me haha).

After some serious re-imaginings, I've decided to shoot a modern Western short this summer. And what makes Westerns awesome? Gunslingers! So instead of dusters and prop revolvers this film will have PMC/Merc style get-ups and airsoft guns! Right now we're still in early pre-production, so locations (will for certain be in and around the GTA, probably York Region) and the primary shooting schedule are still being locked down.

To ensure y'all that I've got some credibility, I've directed a few crappy short films so far and I directed/shot a music video for Toronto artist Scotty Dynamo that will be on MuchMusic hopefully soon. Most of my experience comes from editing and doing special effects for shorts and documentary films for people at UofT. With the connections I have so far, I could probably get this short in a bunch of festivals and possibly on tv, so all the more incentive to show off your swag and be total badasses on film.

So for the 3 or 4 of you who are still interested after reading this spiel please send me a PM or reply to this post with a pic of your get up. I don't know how many people we'll use in the end, but I doubt we'll turn anyone down!

thanks for looking and we hope to hear from some of you!

ps. I'll (I'm the filmmaker) have a smaller part in the film, and I'll put up pics of my getup so you can get an idea of what we're looking for. thanks again!

pps. the El Mariachi trilogy came to mind just now when trying to think of current examples similar to what we're trying to shoot, that is minus any pro Mexico nationalism themes and stupid Robert Rodriguez narratives haha.

Last edited by OldowanStudios; May 15th, 2011 at 18:25..
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Old May 15th, 2011, 18:39   #2
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Why is it every aspiring filmmaker treats ASC like some kind of casting agency?

Are you paying the legal minimum wage set out in Ontario? Or are you expecting volunteers? (Just so everyone knows as a volunteer you forfeit all protections under Ontario labour laws and workplace safety laws. As well you have no legal protection from prosecution for any legal issues that the organization you are volunteering for may commit)

Where is principal photography to take place in approximately and do you have the appropriate licenses and permits?

Otherwise hope your film works out.

Just so you understand there have been a tonne of random jackass's trying to be a gorilla filmmaker on the backs of local airsoft communities for years.
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Old May 16th, 2011, 09:43   #3
Join Date: Nov 2010
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Ok dude I can understand your point but I there are two things you need to realize. First is that the film industry in Ontario heavily uses volunteers for work. I've worked as an editor for 3 years professionally and had to volunteer for atleast a year before even that. No one will hire you if you have zero professional experience, which you can only begin to accumulate as a volunteer. As such, why would I pay people who are not professional actors but rather amateurs playing airsoft. Secondly,and this is really the more important one, why do feel you have any opinion on the matter, do you work in the industry as well? If you don't like the idea then just ignore it rather then wasting time to complain. If you'd like I can refer you to the craigslist ad I posted before this if that complies with your "professional" opinion about how casting is done.

As for the permits, I've secured a private property near Keswick which is one location, but nothing is finalized. Assuming I'm a amateur in this matter is a mistake, I've paid my dues to gain the experience I have now.

I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm just sick of the hassle I get for trying to make a short film, yes I don't have the funds to pay actors at this time, and I know there are lots of wannabe directors who screw people over, but atleast give me the benefit of the doubt haha.

Last edited by OldowanStudios; May 16th, 2011 at 09:51..
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Old May 16th, 2011, 15:04   #4
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Originally Posted by OldowanStudios View Post
Ok dude I can understand your point but I there are two things you need to realize. First is that the film industry in Ontario heavily uses volunteers for work. I've worked as an editor for 3 years professionally and had to volunteer for atleast a year before even that. No one will hire you if you have zero professional experience, which you can only begin to accumulate as a volunteer. As such, why would I pay people who are not professional actors but rather amateurs playing airsoft. Secondly,and this is really the more important one, why do feel you have any opinion on the matter, do you work in the industry as well? If you don't like the idea then just ignore it rather then wasting time to complain. If you'd like I can refer you to the craigslist ad I posted before this if that complies with your "professional" opinion about how casting is done.

As for the permits, I've secured a private property near Keswick which is one location, but nothing is finalized. Assuming I'm a amateur in this matter is a mistake, I've paid my dues to gain the experience I have now.

I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm just sick of the hassle I get for trying to make a short film, yes I don't have the funds to pay actors at this time, and I know there are lots of wannabe directors who screw people over, but atleast give me the benefit of the doubt haha.
Casting company way out here in small town Saskatchewan pays non professional "actors"/extras minimum $40 for 1/2day shoot, some shoots pay more depending on location and such. I've been in and out of filming since 1994, mostly for Cable television and special events running a camera, but have done some on camera work. Only times I did that and didnt get paid, was when I started in high school and got a placement for class credit (most of my filming time was done in Northen Ontario).
Saskatchewan Age Verifier! Contact for more Info.
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Old May 16th, 2011, 15:08   #5
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Originally Posted by OldowanStudios View Post
Ok dude I can understand your point but I there are two things you need to realize. First is that the film industry in Ontario heavily uses volunteers for work. I've worked as an editor for 3 years professionally and had to volunteer for atleast a year before even that. No one will hire you if you have zero professional experience, which you can only begin to accumulate as a volunteer. As such, why would I pay people who are not professional actors but rather amateurs playing airsoft. Secondly,and this is really the more important one, why do feel you have any opinion on the matter, do you work in the industry as well? If you don't like the idea then just ignore it rather then wasting time to complain. If you'd like I can refer you to the craigslist ad I posted before this if that complies with your "professional" opinion about how casting is done.

As for the permits, I've secured a private property near Keswick which is one location, but nothing is finalized. Assuming I'm a amateur in this matter is a mistake, I've paid my dues to gain the experience I have now.

I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm just sick of the hassle I get for trying to make a short film, yes I don't have the funds to pay actors at this time, and I know there are lots of wannabe directors who screw people over, but atleast give me the benefit of the doubt haha.
I believe that was your ass that Bloodsport just handed you.

That is all.
Originally Posted by Pinard View Post
eeyore, the more I look at your avatar, the more I find it looks like a vagina...
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Old May 16th, 2011, 15:35   #6
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Modern western? My people will haunt you.

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Old May 16th, 2011, 15:43   #7
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i would be interested but im in BC at the moment if you wana film some stuff maybe in september it would be cool i take film production at york university so yerp
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Old May 17th, 2011, 22:24   #8
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Fair enough bloodsport, but you made the point that it was for cable television. This is purely independent of any support. Being part of a crew and acting are two different fields entirely, they both have separate unions in the official film world (which I'm only a part of as an editor, which is another union), as such starting up as an actor and starting up as a camera operator or DOP are two different experiences. Anywho, I'm tired of all of this, I've got the cast I need from my craigslist add so if a admin could delete this thread that would be great.
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