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What do Canadians use an an urban camo



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Old May 3rd, 2011, 16:19   #1
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What do Canadians use an an urban camo

I read somewhere that when CSOR or JTF-2 are doing operations in an urban environment where they choose to wear BDU's they wear the American's because Canada hasn't released the CUEPAT yet. Can someone verify this? And if thats not true, what would they wear(to the best of your knowledge) on a job that would normally require an urban type of camo (where CADPAT TW and AR wouldn't work so well)

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Old May 3rd, 2011, 16:28   #2
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Either Cadpat Vanilla or Arid depending on the overall climate of the area. (ie Afghanistan would be Arid, Canada would be Vanilla) (and yea I know it's called Temperate).

As for JTF/CSOR, they would probably have access to Civilian or non issue kit, but I don't think they would wear US BDU without it being a joint op.
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Old May 3rd, 2011, 16:50   #3
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Old May 3rd, 2011, 17:39   #4
danteh, whats with all your threads like this? I dunno if it's you, or another person with the usernam danteh but they are also asking questions about JTF and CANSOF on another forum. Just because you heard a rumor or read something(read from where?) means nothing.

CANSOF wears Canadian uniforms, not US - this is based on pictures of them. For the most part it is CADPAT, JTF also has black flight suits(or something similar). As well depending on the job they will wear civilian dress ie when working as Close Protection for Canadian Diplomats overseas - Also, regular CF pers also do Close Protection as well.

As well, there isn't much photos of CANSOFCOM, so I don't know where some of you are getting this "info" of them wearing US BDUs in urban enviroments, or when they are on joint ops they wear American uniforms.. where is this info coming from? Unless you know something for fact which is doubtfull when it comes to CANSOFCOM outside of seeing some picstures you shouldn't assume things or post "rumors". If they do have other uniforms, well there isn't any publicly released photos, etc so doesn't look like it's something they want the public to know about if they do have anything else.

Rugger_Can what is CADPAT vanilla? Who calls it that? It's CADPAT TW (Temperate Woodland)

danteh, CEUPAT? where did you hear about that? Never heard or seen anything with regards to an "urban" CADPAT

The closest I've seen of JTF(in pics) of them wearing anything other then CADPAT is an older pic of JTF dude with a US or British Rain jacket.

Last edited by -Skeletor-; May 3rd, 2011 at 18:03..
Old May 3rd, 2011, 17:52   #5
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Originally Posted by -Skeletor- View Post
danteh, whats with all your threads like this? I dunno if it's you, or another person with the usernam danteh but they are also asking questions about JTF and CANSOF on another forum. Just because you heard a rumor or read something(read from where?) means nothing.

danteh, CEUPAT? where did you hear about that? Never heard or seen anything with regards to an "urban" CADPAT
I'm asking about this stuff because i'm trying to make a JTF-2/CSOR loadout and the info I need isn't already posted. Sorry if i'm asking to many questions, but every question I've asked hasn't already been posted, and its helped me out so thats why I continue to post.

as for the CUEPAT

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And as for me hearing rumors, thats why I asked around, and I found out that is isn't the SF guys that wear the American BDUs its CSIS that do, so my mistake for that.

Last edited by danteh; May 3rd, 2011 at 18:03..
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Old May 3rd, 2011, 17:59   #6

These pics should give you a fairly good idea of what JTF2 has for uniforms and some of their equipment

As for the CUEPAT it's just a prototype and R&D phase, so nothing official by the looks of it yet or what the CUEPAT will even be used for aside from the first link there about CBRN suits. Also during the project they might not even like it or want to continue and it could be scrapped entirely.
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