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M4 Commando by G&G any good?


Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old April 19th, 2011, 23:05   #1
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M4 Commando by G&G any good?

Hello all,
Question: Is this Gun any good?

Feedback greatly appreciated.
Also, if this gun isn't any good, can somebody recommend me a decent to good gun that has top rails (for scope) and front all around rails (like the gun in above link has, sorry idk the proper term for the rails) for additional accessories?
M4, SCAR, or Bull Pup design preferred, please no super long gunzzzz. Metal Preferred but "Cansoft" style is ok.
Price range: $400 and Under preferred, but willing to go $550 and under if need be (I am trying to avoid that though)
Thanks for any help/input. Sorry for being so demanding.
G'day errbody
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Old April 19th, 2011, 23:09   #2
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do this check list first
Search it up
read the FAQ
then get age verified
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За Родину!

Last edited by redzaku; April 19th, 2011 at 23:19..
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Old April 19th, 2011, 23:35   #3
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not really what I was looking for but ok:
Searched it, I couldn't find any reviews regarding this gun in this forum
FaQ: I am doing it right now
AV'ed: Not old enough YET, 3 months to go, I am just looking for information now so that once I am 18 I can get out asap and buy my gun.
Still looking for info.
Thanks for the try though, appreciate it.
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Old April 19th, 2011, 23:41   #4
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One of the rules of this site is that you can't help non-AV'd people aquire airsoft guns.
So his answer might sound dickish but....yeah.

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Old April 19th, 2011, 23:43   #5
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Yeah that gun is pretty good,my friend has it and he let me use it in a game.The only complaint he had was the piston head design but everything else he said was great.
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Old April 19th, 2011, 23:52   #6
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
One of the rules of this site is that you can't help non-AV'd people aquire airsoft guns.
So his answer might sound dickish but....yeah.
Really? well you are not really helping me acquire a gun, I am not asking where to get it or if you can ship it to me.
I just want info, ideas, reviews. So when I turn 18 in 3 months (this is true I am not lying) I know which direction to look. And if reviews and opinions are regarded as "acquiring" a gun, then the entire forum should be 18+ and not the only the sales part. Sad Panda....... :sad:
Oh well, Can you at least tell me why here in Beautiful Canada people are so on about the 18+ rule? In the states it seems to be a lot more lax and open to young players.
Thanks for the input Silver Grape.
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Old April 20th, 2011, 00:02   #7
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It's just the site rules.

If you want to read some reviews, you can google it. That's not a rare gun so you'll find a lot of answers.

In short, it's not a bad gun especially for your first one. But you can find better guns once you're AV'd.

EDIT: Oh just checked and that's the smoked plastic lower version. Yeah you can find better, full metal guns for the same price or less.

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Old April 20th, 2011, 00:03   #8
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Originally Posted by dantheman View Post
Really? well you are not really helping me acquire a gun, I am not asking where to get it or if you can ship it to me.
I just want info, ideas, reviews. So when I turn 18 in 3 months (this is true I am not lying) I know which direction to look. And if reviews and opinions are regarded as "acquiring" a gun, then the entire forum should be 18+ and not the only the sales part. Sad Panda....... :sad:
Oh well, Can you at least tell me why here in Beautiful Canada people are so on about the 18+ rule? In the states it seems to be a lot more lax and open to young players.
Thanks for the input Silver Grape.
You've opened the gate and unleashed it... If you use the search function, you will find all the answers to what you are asking.
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Old April 20th, 2011, 00:42   #9
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damn...... I thought forums were made for asking questions and acquiring info.......looks like I was wrong.
Search Function: Again I used it, Nothing comes up for that gun specifically, and I don't want to waste hours looking through thousands of search results which most of them don't even answer the questions I am asking
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Old April 20th, 2011, 00:58   #10
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G&G M4 are all pretty much the same except the externals and some internals (M4, M16, SPR...etc, etc). With G&G, there are 3 grades. 1- Top Tech, 2- G&G, 3- Combat Machine. Just look for reviews on the G&G gun that falls under those and that's it. There are many reviews on G&G guns on here so just search.
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Old April 20th, 2011, 01:03   #11
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Old April 20th, 2011, 05:55   #12
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Originally Posted by dantheman View Post
Oh well, Can you at least tell me why here in Beautiful Canada people are so on about the 18+ rule? In the states it seems to be a lot more lax and open to young players.
Thanks for the input Silver Grape.
Because in the US the laws regarding firearms are more "lax" as you put it. Firearms are more widely accepted down their then they are here. The sport of Airsoft is still in a "gray area" under Canadian law. As a result we prefer to only allow people who are legally accountable for their actions play. Im not going to state everyone over 18 is mature, its that once your 18 your held legally accountable for your own actions. In the US some places allow you to play at 10 or 12 years of age. Do think when you were 10 years old you had the maturity to play with a replica firearm? Their are way to many videos on youtube of 12 year old kids who played COD and thought it would be cool to get a gun and play in the park or a local field.

We are simply trying to preserve the sport here in Canada for those who really want to see the sport grow.
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Old April 20th, 2011, 06:48   #13
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Originally Posted by dantheman View Post
damn...... I thought forums were made for asking questions and acquiring info.......looks like I was wrong.
Search Function: Again I used it, Nothing comes up for that gun specifically, and I don't want to waste hours looking through thousands of search results which most of them don't even answer the questions I am asking
What I've learnt (and this applies to life elsewhere too) is to just take the shit that gets dished out. You may think you're at the top of the world (I assume being in grade 12). But in reality you know shit all and when you get to uni, college, or trade school it will reinforce the notion that you're insignificant (just like it was coming from elementary school being at the "top" to Grade 8 starting from the bottom of high school).

Even Ph.D's, they realize once they're done they know shit all, only a little bit of that super specific narrow niche they've been studying for the last X years of their Ph.D and Masters.

Anyways, it's alright to start off with but you can get better. Where to get better I can't say due to the sites rules but just know that should you purchase it not knowing anything else it will be good. But once you know a bit more and realize you could have gotten better you'll be kicking yourself.

Think of it like this. Not knowing anything about snowboards you decide to purchase one from The Boardroom or S2S. For sake of argument they have limited stock at that moment and are waiting for a new shipment and they're all 2010 models not new models with incremental improvements and also the staff tell you "We're getting a new shipment in 3 months but what we have available is alright for a beginner to use".

You decide to buy something for $400, it'll be alright for $400 (board/bindings/boots). BUT once Boardroom and S2S get their next shipment in 3 months you realize "Hey, for $400 I could have gotten this slightly better board setup that I like more". You didn't make a BAD choice, you made an OK choice at the time but now you're left wanting. At the same time it'll kind of always be like that with something slightly better coming out but why only look at the limited stock available to you instead of waiting it out for 3 months for the shops to get their new shipments and more stuff available to you to choose from.

Does that make sense?

PS: Here's a video review of the G&G M4 (Blowback version), it was posted on Arnies so I assume it's pretty good quality (haven't watched it all just skimmed parts). YouTube - G&G M4 Review (G&G GR16 & GR15 Raider)
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Old April 20th, 2011, 07:54   #14
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Okay, a bunch of the people I play with all got the G&G M4s when they first came out in Canada and within about a month, they all needed to replace something. I bought an ICS M4, 2 years ago and to this day it is still rock solid, as well as being easier to work on due to the split gearbox.
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Old April 20th, 2011, 15:14   #15
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Originally Posted by DEATH2000 View Post
Because in the US the laws regarding firearms are more "lax" as you put it. Firearms are more widely accepted down their then they are here. The sport of Airsoft is still in a "gray area" under Canadian law. As a result we prefer to only allow people who are legally accountable for their actions play. Im not going to state everyone over 18 is mature, its that once your 18 your held legally accountable for your own actions. In the US some places allow you to play at 10 or 12 years of age. Do think when you were 10 years old you had the maturity to play with a replica firearm? Their are way to many videos on youtube of 12 year old kids who played COD and thought it would be cool to get a gun and play in the park or a local field.

We are simply trying to preserve the sport here in Canada for those who really want to see the sport grow.
I see, you are right 12 year olds shouldn't be playing with guns, still doesn't mean that people 18 and over are more mature, I have seen 16 year olds more mature. I am 17 going 18 soon and am very mature regarding guns.
You really want to see the sport grow? Make things a little less hostile towards people who aren't age veriefied or under 18 (again not every one under 18 is an immature child)

Originally Posted by scurvythepirate View Post
Spoon feed:

It was THAT easy.........
Good job nothing came up, I searched before as well but hey, type in M4 or G&G and thousands of unrelated posts come up because these two words are so common. Thanks for trying though, appreciate it.

Originally Posted by Saberwing View Post
Okay, a bunch of the people I play with all got the G&G M4s when they first came out in Canada and within about a month, they all needed to replace something. I bought an ICS M4, 2 years ago and to this day it is still rock solid, as well as being easier to work on due to the split gearbox.
Good to know on the G&G, thanks for the input, appreciate it.

Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
What I've learnt (and this applies to life elsewhere too) is to just take the shit that gets dished out. You may think you're at the top of the world (I assume being in grade 12). But in reality you know shit all and when you get to uni, college, or trade school it will reinforce the notion that you're insignificant (just like it was coming from elementary school being at the "top" to Grade 8 starting from the bottom of high school).

Even Ph.D's, they realize once they're done they know shit all, only a little bit of that super specific narrow niche they've been studying for the last X years of their Ph.D and Masters.

Anyways, it's alright to start off with but you can get better. Where to get better I can't say due to the sites rules but just know that should you purchase it not knowing anything else it will be good. But once you know a bit more and realize you could have gotten better you'll be kicking yourself.

Think of it like this. Not knowing anything about snowboards you decide to purchase one from The Boardroom or S2S. For sake of argument they have limited stock at that moment and are waiting for a new shipment and they're all 2010 models not new models with incremental improvements and also the staff tell you "We're getting a new shipment in 3 months but what we have available is alright for a beginner to use".

You decide to buy something for $400, it'll be alright for $400 (board/bindings/boots). BUT once Boardroom and S2S get their next shipment in 3 months you realize "Hey, for $400 I could have gotten this slightly better board setup that I like more". You didn't make a BAD choice, you made an OK choice at the time but now you're left wanting. At the same time it'll kind of always be like that with something slightly better coming out but why only look at the limited stock available to you instead of waiting it out for 3 months for the shops to get their new shipments and more stuff available to you to choose from.

Does that make sense?

PS: Here's a video review of the G&G M4 (Blowback version), it was posted on Arnies so I assume it's pretty good quality (haven't watched it all just skimmed parts). YouTube - G&G M4 Review (G&G GR16 & GR15 Raider)
Thanks for the video.
Did I ever say I know shit all? No. I know what you are saying with your post even though the beginning sounded quite hostile. I came here to this forum to ask questions and find out things, that's what a forum as invented for. I searched and found nothing that was related or that satisfied my question, that's why I posted a new thread, does it kill anybody when they type up some information even though it might have already been answered somewhere here on the internet? It shouldn't, yet people act like its the end of the world. I know there are better guns out there, thats why I asked if the M4 Commando was any good or at least decent. I don't have a 2k budget like some people, so I have to shop smart and get lots of info and reviews on the guns, hence why I am here. But many "answers" I get are; get av'ed, use the search, etc etc. No, I won't get Av'ed, and I can't for now anyway, so no need to keep telling me that (thats meant for everybody not you in particular). Yes I have searched, like I said earlier nothing relevant came up, thats why I created a post.
Forum Rules are the forum rules alright, I understand that too. Still doesn't prevent you from telling me the Pro's and Con's from mentioned Rifle. Still doesn't prevent you from telling me other options.
Waaayyyy to hostile for newcomers this forum is. I understand you want to preserve your sport and you don't want 10 year olds around, but being "hostile" and only giving "get av'ed" as an answer will shrug many newcomers off this sport. And no sport will live long if it doesn't get enough newcomers.
Lighten Up people, all I want is info about what to buy, NOT where to buy. Suggestions Ideas etc thats all that I am (and many other newbies) are asking for, but most answers we get are very counterproductive.
Sorry if this came to you as "rude" or blunt or whatever, but thats how I see it, and probably many others as well. But who listens to a newbie right. My guess is that most of you are "feeling like you're on the top of the world" just because you already got your stuff together
Have a good day
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