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Dart wants a new toy.


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Old October 8th, 2010, 09:24   #1
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Dart wants a new toy.

Hey guys,

So with the sale of my AK47 I am on the hunt for something new and great.

I am looking for an AEG as one GBBR is enough for me. I also want something that can cover multi conflict. IE a Sten was used in ww2, korea, and all the way up into vietnam. What ever I get I want to be able to do a full kit, so the proper side arm will be nice to be able to acquire.

So far I have it narrowed down to a AGM sten *dunno about that AGM part* a Ares PPSH-41, a A&K m60, a BAR *supply seems to be an issue with these*, a Garand *again supply but not impossible and yes I know this is a GBBR...* mp40 *these were used early early in vietnam and korea... plus of course WW2*. I do not want a sniper rifle as I already have a VSR money pit. So an assault or support weapon would be ideal.

AGM sten seems to be pretty un upgradeable from what I can tell. It uses modified v2 pieces and seems like it might be a bugger to get parts for. Anyone have any experience in this area with these?

Ares PPSH-41. Ares makes good stuff, this gun gets rave reviews. Only issue is the side arm here. No one seems to make a GBB russian pistol. Now I know I can always rock this in a german uniform as they were a favorite of the germans to capture. So a luger may work here. They were also used alot in vietnam as the Russians supplied arms.

A&K m60. This was used from VN all the way up to today still. American gear and side arms are easy to find and the m60 is used by many armies so lots of play room there. But its fricking 30lbs of gun to haul around the field. And its newer on the market. I have read some good reviews and some bad reviews on this. Any input?

BAR. This would just be cool to have. But the mags would be as rare as hen's teeth and so is the gun it self. We have a team member waiting on one and its been about 5 months now. Anyone know any other manufacture of said gun?

Marushin Garand. I don't know how field-able this would be. Being that you have to gas it up after about every 2 mags plus its got that horrid duel hop up system. Anyone use one in game? How were they? This one has lots of flexibility in kits as well.

Lastly mp40. I can use this as a german, as a VC, lots of options. Does anyone know how easy it is to get parts? I know its another AGM.

The only other gun I can think of would be an m14 to add to this list. It would be a WE though if I got it and I would like something I could use in colder weather.

If you guys can think of any other items I should add to this list to look into It would be much appreciated. Most of these would be around the same price minus the sten and mp40 *the cheaper two of the bunch* so pricing really won't factor in.

Thanks guys.
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Old October 8th, 2010, 11:18   #2
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Hey Dart,

I own every gun that you mentioned except the PPSH-41.

The A&K M60 , the Sten, the B.A.R and the MP40 (to a much lesser extent) are skirmishable.

The Marushin Garand is fun to shoot. However it's 8mm with clips that pop out when empty. Good luck.

However, I'd love to have a WW2 game where one side had TW 98K's and the other had Marushin Garand's.

The A & K M60 and the VFC B.A.R both allow for a quick spring change. However, you have to remove the gearbox first. 4 screws removed on the M60 and the GB is free. You have to field strip the B.A.R to get to the GB.

The hop rubber and nub on the M60 are garbage. The M60 weighs is at ~20 lbs. Replace the hop up immediately. If you use the carry handle it'll break. There have been critical reviews of the box mag. I haven't had any problems with mine yet (+10,000 bb's so far). Mine was a bit wobbly when it arrive. Loctite and tightening some fasteners did the trick.

The 500mm stock inner barrel on my VFC B.A.R was too short making this AEG ridiculously under powered and inaccurate. I replaced mine with a PSG length 6.03 TB and it shoots great now. The VFC BAR is very very very solidly made.

Uncompany and had VFC BAR Hi Cap mags in stock last time I checked. Never seen a BAR mid cap mag in stock anywhere.

I have a Viva Sten. I changed it into a Sten Mark 2S combining airsoft parts with RS parts. The Stens are gameable out of the box but their range and accuracy aren't the best IMHO but they are nice little shooters nonetheless.

The Cyma Thompson M1A1 is your best bet for a multi era ASG since has been used in conflicts from pre WW2 all the way to Bosnia and I wouldn't be shocked if some have been confiscated in Iraq and Afghan. Cyma Thompsons are highly skirmishable out of the box and are relatively easy to upgrade and mod (wood kit furniture etc)

I recommend (in particular order) the Cyma Thompson, the A & K M60 then the BAR and finally the Sten.

I have a WE M14 too. I haven't had a game with it yet. It seems ok but not sure about longevity since it reminds me of my broken Marushin M2 Carbine when I shoot it. At least there will be plenty of after market parts for the WE M14.
Originally Posted by Aper View Post

Anyways, it's not my problem. Enjoy your overpriced shaving acessories.

Last edited by shiftsup; October 8th, 2010 at 12:19..
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Old October 8th, 2010, 17:18   #3
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Originally Posted by shiftsup View Post

The Cyma Thompson M1A1 is your best bet for a multi era ASG since has been used in conflicts from pre WW2 all the way to Bosnia and I wouldn't be shocked if some have been confiscated in Iraq and Afghan. Cyma Thompsons are highly skirmishable out of the box and are relatively easy to upgrade and mod (wood kit furniture etc)
Quoted for truth! I own one of these as well and I love it! Shoots great, nice and heavy, v6 gearbox and the price was RIGHT!
Originally Posted by Jayne Finch View Post
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Old October 8th, 2010, 17:42   #4
Frozen Tex
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+1 to the Tommy gun; I read an article in a police gun magazine a few years ago that said a guy came to a SWAT training course from a small southern US sheriff's dept. and he brought a Tommy gun, and claimed to use it on duty.

I would add a full-sized FN FAL or H&K G3 to the list. They've shown up all over the world in the last 40-50 years.

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Old October 8th, 2010, 18:08   #5
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Originally Posted by shiftsup View Post
Hey Dart,

I own every gun that you mentioned except the PPSH-41.

The A&K M60 , the Sten, the B.A.R and the MP40 (to a much lesser extent) are skirmishable.

The Marushin Garand is fun to shoot. However it's 8mm with clips that pop out when empty. Good luck.

However, I'd love to have a WW2 game where one side had TW 98K's and the other had Marushin Garand's.

The A & K M60 and the VFC B.A.R both allow for a quick spring change. However, you have to remove the gearbox first. 4 screws removed on the M60 and the GB is free. You have to field strip the B.A.R to get to the GB.

The hop rubber and nub on the M60 are garbage. The M60 weighs is at ~20 lbs. Replace the hop up immediately. If you use the carry handle it'll break. There have been critical reviews of the box mag. I haven't had any problems with mine yet (+10,000 bb's so far). Mine was a bit wobbly when it arrive. Loctite and tightening some fasteners did the trick.

The 500mm stock inner barrel on my VFC B.A.R was too short making this AEG ridiculously under powered and inaccurate. I replaced mine with a PSG length 6.03 TB and it shoots great now. The VFC BAR is very very very solidly made.

Uncompany and had VFC BAR Hi Cap mags in stock last time I checked. Never seen a BAR mid cap mag in stock anywhere.

I have a Viva Sten. I changed it into a Sten Mark 2S combining airsoft parts with RS parts. The Stens are gameable out of the box but their range and accuracy aren't the best IMHO but they are nice little shooters nonetheless.

The Cyma Thompson M1A1 is your best bet for a multi era ASG since has been used in conflicts from pre WW2 all the way to Bosnia and I wouldn't be shocked if some have been confiscated in Iraq and Afghan. Cyma Thompsons are highly skirmishable out of the box and are relatively easy to upgrade and mod (wood kit furniture etc)

I recommend (in particular order) the Cyma Thompson, the A & K M60 then the BAR and finally the Sten.

I have a WE M14 too. I haven't had a game with it yet. It seems ok but not sure about longevity since it reminds me of my broken Marushin M2 Carbine when I shoot it. At least there will be plenty of after market parts for the WE M14.
wow thank you so much!

firstly I have considered the Thompson and ended up holding one at a game a few times, I find them uncomfortable for some reason. They are not a very natural pointer. Mind you I bet it would just take some time to get used to it.

about the m60 carrying handle. I have read that its made of cheap metal as well. Now is it possible to put an after market handle on? no one seems to mention this in the reviews.

The bar will be the most challenging to get and the most patient testing.... how ever good things come to people that wait right lol.

And thats funny about the m2, that was another gun I was considering..... we will just cross that off the list .

I guess another gun I should add though is the STG or MP44. I do not know about how much this was used outside of WW2 being replaced quickly with the ak47.

FN FAL would be cool. But the G3 is common out here for some reason and I am looking for a little spice, and something that goes back to older conflicts.

now why do you say the MP40 to a lesser extent? Is it mag size? or just under powered?
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Old October 8th, 2010, 18:29   #6
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if you are leaning toward sFAL I highly recommend teh KING ARMS variant, they are solid performer out of the box
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Old October 8th, 2010, 18:42   #7
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For the A&K M60 you should consider getting another hop up block, the A&K are pretty inconsistent...
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I can do a CTRL+ATL+DEL on your gun !

Gun doc in Montreal on AEG, GBB, GBBR and Bolt rifle (gaz and spring)
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Old October 8th, 2010, 19:36   #8
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Originally Posted by Ninja_En_Short View Post
For the A&K M60 you should consider getting another hop up block, the A&K are pretty inconsistent...
Hop up block? Do you mean the rubber or the entire chamber? If you mean the rubber and nub yah I have read this a few times.

Anyone have experience with the ppsh?
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Old October 8th, 2010, 20:04   #9
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I think what he means by hop up block is the metal unit. The CA ones are supposed to fit but are scarce at the moment. My hop up works decent but not stellar. However I won't be putting in a TB either. I want to keep it "raw" and not make it into a lazer with a 4K BB reservoir.. To each their own.

The A&K M60 carry handle is pot metal. Consider it a decoration and not functional.

The STG 44 is ok. I have one. The metal its made of is suspect. But the internals are upgradeable from what I have read. Factory mags are hi cap only. Some peolple have modded them to mid cap by using an MP5 mag inside the STG44 IIRC.

The STG 44 is sorta global. The US confiscated a few in Iraq early on. Post WW2 it was mostly used by Warsaw Pact LE and similar forces.

The AGM MP40's are like snowflakes. No two seem to be the same. I don't like them. They are creaky and underpowered. Some suffer from air seal problems. I don't like shooting mine.

I'd like to say I like KA FN Fals. But I have had four of them through my hands this year. 2 were fine out of ther box and the other two were lemons. They were all long lenght paras from UNCompany. I think others have had better success with either of the two carbine versions.
Originally Posted by Aper View Post

Anyways, it's not my problem. Enjoy your overpriced shaving acessories.
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Old October 8th, 2010, 22:19   #10
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I mean the whole block is to change, if it was only the rubber I would not even mention it
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I can do a CTRL+ATL+DEL on your gun !

Gun doc in Montreal on AEG, GBB, GBBR and Bolt rifle (gaz and spring)
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Old October 8th, 2010, 23:06   #11
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I suggest the M60, because M60. I love that thing. I'd go with the M60E4/Mk43 version, as it's shorter, lighter and has a nice front end, but the classic Pig is nice too.
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Old October 8th, 2010, 23:17   #12
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Well, the thing for choosing between E1 and E3/MK43 is the balance : there's really a lot of weight on the front on the E1 (also known as VN or Vietnam).
I have a 417 (RS) which is a big gun, yet an airosft M60E1 still is hard to handle for me...
The MK43 on the other hand is way easier.
Tous les jours nous nous endormons plus instruits mais pas forcément moins bêtes...
I can do a CTRL+ATL+DEL on your gun !

Gun doc in Montreal on AEG, GBB, GBBR and Bolt rifle (gaz and spring)
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Old October 8th, 2010, 23:38   #13
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Originally Posted by Dart View Post
and I am looking for a little spice, and something that goes back to older conflicts.
Originally Posted by disasterarea View Post
I'd go with the M60E4/Mk43 version
Originally Posted by Ninja_En_Short View Post
Well, the thing for choosing between E1 and E3/MK43 is the balance

Is this the M60 discussion thread?

The E1 isn't the same as the "VN" or plain old M60. It's debatable that the E1even entered production.

E4 / MK43 was developed primarily in the 1990's.

The OP states he is looking for a gun that is multi era.

Back on topic.

I will +1 myself and say you should try handling a Cyma Thompson again. The sights on it are excellent for airsoft. You have lots of mag choices (60rd lo, 110rd mid and 190rd hi cap) readily available.

The price is very very good. Wood kits are available. And you can definitely game with it out of the box.

Edit: I really dislike the "T" stock on the aeg sten. The pistol grip or the wire stock are preferable. The RS ones are readily available. However you'll have to mod it to fit. The AEG stens do not have a spring return cap like the RS Stens do. The are fixed to the body by a screw.

MP40. I have played a handful of WW2 games the last 12 months. Honestly can say I haven't seen one Axis player game with one. The STG44 is THAT much better.
Originally Posted by Aper View Post

Anyways, it's not my problem. Enjoy your overpriced shaving acessories.

Last edited by shiftsup; October 8th, 2010 at 23:53..
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Old October 8th, 2010, 23:51   #14
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Get a thompson uncomfortable at first, but it grows on ya. Also probably one of the easiest gearboxes to take apart making it very easy to upgrade gotta love V6's. Just the bitch part is if you lose any of the selector switch pieces or break one good luck finding a replacement for it. Just one problem I noticed is that if you go prone with it the mag is a little to long making it uncomfortable to aim also no rail system or optic attachments, but can be solved with a drill and screws.
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Old October 9th, 2010, 00:07   #15
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Originally Posted by sushicake View Post
no rail system or optic attachments, but can be solved with a drill and screws.
You never, EVERRRRRR put that shit on a Thompson. EVER.
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I'm no expert on the law, but the only victims of rape in this story are the 40 men.
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