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Old September 5th, 2010, 11:53   #16
Official ASC Bladesmith
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BBs have oil on them already, I go one step further for my sniper ammo, I wash the BBs themselves. I don't oil my bolt action rubber, I do as I posted above for AEGs, mainly because one has to in most cases, and I've never had any inconsistancy problems at all. And I'm not just talking about my guns, I'm going by the hundreds of guns I worked on over a five year period. I HAVE seen BBs jam in the hop up rubber, largely it's maybe a half dozen over my airsoft span, and a dop of oil in the loading tube fixes it every time. Mainly its' due to the gun sitting for a long time without maintainance, or it's from dusty environments.

Last edited by CDN_Stalker; September 5th, 2010 at 11:58..
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Old September 5th, 2010, 12:51   #17
formerly BLACKWATER204
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
BBs have oil on them already, I go one step further for my sniper ammo, I wash the BBs themselves. I don't oil my bolt action rubber, I do as I posted above for AEGs, mainly because one has to in most cases, and I've never had any inconsistancy problems at all. And I'm not just talking about my guns, I'm going by the hundreds of guns I worked on over a five year period. I HAVE seen BBs jam in the hop up rubber, largely it's maybe a half dozen over my airsoft span, and a dop of oil in the loading tube fixes it every time. Mainly its' due to the gun sitting for a long time without maintainance, or it's from dusty environments.
I wash mine too , well BB's for my B.A I wash. It seems like a small thing to do, but it does make a difference none the less. I guess to a degree I can understand you're point on the silicone oil, that does make sense for a AEG that has been sitting unused for a long time especialy.
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Old September 5th, 2010, 15:40   #18
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Originally Posted by BLACKWATER204 View Post
I wash mine too , well BB's for my B.A I wash. It seems like a small thing to do, but it does make a difference none the less. I guess to a degree I can understand you're point on the silicone oil, that does make sense for a AEG that has been sitting unused for a long time especialy.
Ya, there really isn't any way around it if it's jamming or plugged by a BB, one must oil the rubber. But if there isn't any problem with the gun firing, I do agree it's not good to keep oiling the hop up for no reason.

With my M24, I really DO need to wash my ammo, I'm set up at 400fps, use 0.36g Bastards (coming out at around 300fps), and with full hop up set..........I need as much backspin as possible, so no oil in the hop up and totally dry BBs.
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