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Places to play for a noob in Manitoba?


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Old May 20th, 2010, 00:39   #16
bpbcc1's Avatar
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I think the lowest age we have had out so far with Lowshots is eight years old. He played fine and has become a favorite.

Outside of news stories the most out right irresponsible action I have ever seen with and Airsoft gun was perpetrated by a person over the age of 40. I am not saying all adults are bad and only kids can be trusted. I can only fully vouch for what I have seen with my own eyes. Everyone complains kids don't play in an appropriate location or under the right supervision. Well they do with me and that can only make things better because like it or not they want to play just as bad as we do, and any of us saying wait until you are 18 won't stop it. to quote Die Hard, you can be part of the problem or part of the solution. I prefer the latter and I hope you do as well. Teaching them is so much more fun than trying to stop them. Every few weeks I get another adult player to come out with us and its always the same; they've never had that much fun before and this is the way it was meant to be played.
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Old May 20th, 2010, 01:02   #17
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bpbcc1, I guess we have differing views on how minors should get involved. I think we both agree it's probably better than sitting at home playing video games or out causing trouble for "the establishment" or whatever kids do these days (nah, jk I'm only 20 I probably sound like I'm an old timer). Anyways, I think it's actually great that you've taken the ideals that we should have mentors to mentor the next generation of airsofters although still I think 8 is a little low and really they should probably wait a few more years. I don't doubt their maturity or anything just that 8 is probably a little low. It's like drinking in somewhere like France, half a glass is probably fine for kids that are 14 or around that age but I wouldn't go younger than that. But you should just continue to run your place how do cause it sounds like it's pretty successful and you shouldn't mess with the formula.
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Old May 20th, 2010, 01:11   #18
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You are right. I wouldn't say its for every eight year old and he was just the youngest we've had and the only one at that age. He just had the right attitude and it worked. Like I said before, we just won't use age as a determining factor. You might be only 20 but if you haven't yet, you will soon see your elders disappoint you in their behavior. You probably shouldn't be a concert violinist at eight either but exceptional people do exist even if they are children. I have no problem admitting, it's not for everyone. But for those who can, I like to think we make a place for them to do.

Besides, where do you think those Bond super Villains get their devoted minions from. Got to start them young if you are going to take over the world. You can't buy that kind of loyalty no matter how much money you extort from the UN with stolen nukes! I'm out of the Army next month and looking for a new career. Got to stick with what you're good at. First Winnipeg, then Manitoba and then maybe Saskatchewan if there's time. I don't want to be greedy!
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Old May 20th, 2010, 01:17   #19
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Lowshots and Ambush Anonymous are a fantastic idea -- It allows the kids that will be shooting airsoft guns on playgrounds and in public forests a controlled place to play.

If they don't know about a good place to play -- they'll find somewhere.
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Old May 20th, 2010, 09:36   #20
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Winnipeg MB
Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
Anyways, I think it's actually great that you've taken the ideals that we should have mentors to mentor the next generation of airsofters although still I think 8 is a little low and really they should probably wait a few more years. I don't doubt their maturity or anything just that 8 is probably a little low.
Yes you are probably right. I years old is quite young to be giving a kid something that can harm someone else, but lowshots teaches kids to have respect for others, and that airsoft IS a dangerous sport when it is abused. We do not let any people who abuse those benefits play with us because there are children around. I know this one guy who always said he was going to run up to someone and point-blank someone in the head, and because of it, he isnt allowed to airsoft with us anymore, just because he said that. He didn't actually do it, but because kids were around, we weren't going to take the chance. This person who said that wasn't a kid either, it was a full 17 year old. maybe even older.

The children will also probably feel a bit intimidated by all the adults around, so i doubt any kids will try to seriously harm anyone. Also, we encourage the kids NOT to aim for the head if possible to prevent any serious injury. Airsoft is a dangerous sport for anyone. Young or old. It's the level of maturity that determines the level of safety and fun involved.
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Old May 20th, 2010, 12:22   #21
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba
I've been playing at Lowshots since the first game, its a great experience for sure. Its a tight show and is a safe environment. Surprisingly, we are getting a lot of adult players as well as young players.
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Old May 20th, 2010, 12:35   #22
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Have you guys considered maybe making your own posts in the games section to advertise your games and explain your fields policy. I think the OP and everyone else for this matter has got the fact that you play with children (gee I can't think of a good way of saying that) and that you have no field fee's. Its great and Im sure there's alot of people interested in your field.

Post your next game up or make a post explaining your field and its rules.
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Old May 20th, 2010, 17:13   #23
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Lowshots is great, I have been with Baldwin from the start and he is probably the most helpful person in any airsoft community I have ever known, I know he has helped me so much getting more and more into airsoft.

The main thing I like about Lowshots is not that kids get to play (okay maybe a little), but that we are educating them in airsoft safety. Things like proper eye protections, having a gun case and the gun leaving the case only at home or at a PROPER field, not the park!

I have played with all of these kids, and whoever says kids can't airsoft is surely mistaken, they are sneaky little buggers. For example, I'm walking along on a patrol, and a kid pops up from behind a fallen tree, and at least having some common sense not to light is up from 10 feet away, mercies the three of us!

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"Including stoppages?"

"Yeah, stoppages too."
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Old May 20th, 2010, 19:07   #24
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Originally Posted by bpbcc1 View Post
You did say the middle of Canada and that is just a little east of Winnipeg.

You would be most welcome to sign up on

You don't need to be age verified because it doesn't matter to us. We believe in judging a persons abilities based on their abilities. We have no age limit.

There are a lot of fields to play at and games are frequent. We play nothing but Mil Sim and use innovative rules. All games are objective based missions grounded in realistic scenarios. We are the ultimate father and son outing.

We are a not for profit member run group dedicated to youth in Airsoft. We are putting the toys back into the hands of kids. We have over 60 years of combined Military, Police, Medical and Technical experience in our Adult members.

My name is Baldwin, I have been in the CAF for 22 1/2 years in this contract and I am Lowshots.

LOWSHOTS IS WHERE ITS AT!!!! its time for people to get involved, get outside, what better way to get outside than to have a blast playing airsoft, with friends, family members, or even people you have no clue, BUT, either way, YOU WILL HAVE A BLAST PLAYING in the fantastic patrol, defensive airsofting games (THERES WAY MORE TYPES OF GAMES TO LIST)

those of you who have never heard of lowshots, or even heard of it, but never signed up, PLEASE SIGN UP, even if u think that your probably wasting your time, YOUR NOT, the people on there are great, brian baldwins great, thats why we want your support, sign up today, YOU WON'T BE DISSIPOINTED!

i am kodi clark and i have been a lowshots member since june/15/2009, i know thats not long, BUT, i joined, and i played, its grrrrrrrrrreat!
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Old August 4th, 2011, 14:37   #25
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Winnipeg MB
For anyone still interested in airosfting that is under 18 (or above 18 year olds can play too, we dont discriminate), we have a new site. Lowshots is no more. A new site you can go to play is Lots of friendly people, theres a barbaque at break time, and most of all, anyone can play. Sign up at Cuddy's Commandos!
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