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Situation regarding Thenooblord



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Old February 14th, 2010, 16:11   #121
Official ASC "Dumb Ass"
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If the majority of the ASC hosts agree to abide by th decisions of the hosts, perhaps they can make it so that only hosts that belong to the association can posts games on ASC? If you want to post your own games and do your own thing, then you can do it somewhere else.
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Old February 14th, 2010, 16:12   #122
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I got no problem with that
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Old February 14th, 2010, 16:35   #123
The Saint
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
If the majority of the ASC hosts agree to abide by th decisions of the hosts, perhaps they can make it so that only hosts that belong to the association can posts games on ASC? If you want to post your own games and do your own thing, then you can do it somewhere else.
Whoa, easy there. Permission was given to discuss NL's antics, not table and debate new ASC policy (a rehash at that).

My personal feelings aside, thus far TPTB on ASC has been pretty decisively against ASC policing activities off ASC. Recall the substance use at game thread, for example. I don't think that sentiment's going to change anytime soon.

Without going into the issue of legitimacy (whether it's ASC's place to be involved in screening games, even if some hosts are for it), such an "association" requires a certain amount of additional work for both the hosts and ASC op team. If the hosts themselves have proven unable to establish the necessary structure among themselves, don't expect ASC op team to push for it.
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Old February 14th, 2010, 16:46   #124
Official ASC "Dumb Ass"
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No one was asking Asc to police anything, just only allowing people who want to be hosts to post their games here so long as they abide by the rules decided by other hosts collectively.

Or simply requiring any game hosts to join the game host bunker so that any issues can be discussed and that the lines of communication are open.

The nooblord issue has been dealt with already, y'all can lock the thread now if you want.
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Old February 14th, 2010, 16:51   #125
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Originally Posted by The Saint View Post
Whoa, easy there. Permission was given to discuss NL's antics, not table and debate new ASC policy (a rehash at that).

My personal feelings aside, thus far TPTB on ASC has been pretty decisively against ASC policing activities off ASC. Recall the substance use at game thread, for example. I don't think that sentiment's going to change anytime soon.

Without going into the issue of legitimacy (whether it's ASC's place to be involved in screening games, even if some hosts are for it), such an "association" requires a certain amount of additional work for both the hosts and ASC op team. If the hosts themselves have proven unable to establish the necessary structure among themselves, don't expect ASC op team to push for it.

this is going a little off topic here so I'm going to make it brief so I can get this out of my chest. If ASC are not willing to support the formation of some sort of regulatory body to control the host or activities of Airsoft then who will?? as a website this forum is the most visited, as a forum this also contained the largest collection of players in Canada, for a forum that preached a self imposed 18plus participation rule how can we expect the new players or host to respect that rule when we are not willing to enforced it ?? Yes i know teh 18+ is a self imposed ruling and have no effect outside the forum but don't forget the 18+rule has been followed by every other canadian airsoft forum. See where I'm getting at?? since there are no regulatory body that controll the activities of Airsoft I don't see why Airsoft Canada are not willing to step up to the plate, I am willing to bet that if given the chance there are a few people in this board and others that can make this happen. If it's money issue I'm sure there are more than a few willing members here that will chip in a few bucks, this association talk was once started by Tgoode and a few others at the time it was a bit on the wild side but I think the time is right for one, just look at UK with teh UKARA.

Brian M said it the best when he said this earlier "so many things that could be done.. never are because people would rather talk than do"
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Old February 14th, 2010, 16:55   #126
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this thread needs a lock, I think these are good points... for a completely different thread

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Originally Posted by Kid View Post
The apartment I am in right now costs $100 a month.
My average spending on food per day is less than $4.
My airsoft spending in the last month and a half has totaled over $1400.
They're called priorities. Get yourself some.
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Old February 14th, 2010, 17:12   #127
The Saint
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I think people often give ASC as an "organization" far too much credit. It is literally a handful of people doing nothing but moderating, and an even smaller number of people making the odd decisions as their personal time permits. Any administrative skills or expertise possessed by the mods is a matter of the individual mod, not integrated into any sort of ASC team capability. ASC is not an organization capable of leading anything. Do not confuse ASC's ability to moderate electronic communications over its jurisdiction with organizational capacity.

Furthermore, if there are people motivated and competent enough to make a workable Canadian player organization, it'll happen with or without ASC operational support.

I'd love to see some sort of player organization happen. It's on my personal to do list, in fact, but my plate's currently more than a little full for the time being. If someone competent and trustworthy wants to lead, I'd gladly chip in my time and effort. Unfortunately, everyone competent and trustworthy in my eyes are busy with their own stuff.

Otherwise, I'm glad this the subject of this thread was resolved in an agreeable manner. This thread will be locked pending someone contacting the mods about having something new and relevant to add.
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