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Newbie Tank

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Old December 12th, 2009, 11:13   #346
a.k.a. Morgothor
représentant officiel de
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Quebec City
Hi, my name is Iain, I'm 26 and I live in Quebec City. I'm in a 18th century commemorative regiment called the 78th Fraser Highlanders. Been playing with guns for along time. I already tried paintball but the big mags and the space age looking guns were not for me.

I've begun to gear up a little and I hope to get my first AEG real soon. Hope to see you guys in the field!
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Old December 16th, 2009, 02:30   #347
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Vancouver BC.
Hi everyone, just registered. I want to let everyone know I'm not a noob to Airsoft, just underage. Ive been around Airsoft for about 3 years, so you won't hear all the crap like "What is the best gun?" and everything else related. Being only 15 I got to wait 3 yrs, sure hope that 2012 does'nt happen! {! year short, ****!}

Make lolz not war (A slogan worth repeating)
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Old December 16th, 2009, 15:48   #348
lemonparty forever
a.k.a Gospelnut
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Location: Ajax, Ontario
Hi, everybody! My name is Ezra and I'm 21. I live in Ajax Ontario, and would like to get a western loadout. (After I get age verified that is!) My other hobby is brickfilming, because I'm too lazy to explain here is a link link.
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Old December 20th, 2009, 21:06   #349
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Location: KW
hello, since i never officially did this, I'm Steve. I'm 15 years old and live in Kitchener, Ontario. I'm sorry for all of the ruckus I've caused in the past on this forum, and hope everyone will forgive me. As of now, I have a crappy crosman airsoft kit. This kit is merely for scrimmaging with my brother and friends and experimenting to help myself figure out how the guns work and what the parts do. Thanks.
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Old December 21st, 2009, 05:22   #350
Join Date: Dec 2009
Hello! Came here to gain new knowledge

My first post with this site.
Youth is not useless, but Used Less. Youth is not careless, but Cared Less.
Happy (and safe) New Year from Me.
Wish u all Merry Christmas well in advance.
ferngesteuerter hubschrauber
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Old December 23rd, 2009, 15:10   #351
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Join Date: Nov 2008

Hey my name's Colin, i'm from winnipeg manitoba. I've been a member of ASC for a little while but never had much time to post. Schools done for the year so i finally have time!! Looking forward to chatting and learning some cool stuff about this awesome sport/hobby. I'm also on the MAA boards as Hooch and strongly encourage anyone else from manitoba to join up there too!!
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Old December 23rd, 2009, 21:10   #352
formerly Josh Hilliker
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: GTA
Hi everyone,

My name is Josh Hilliker, I'm 20 years old and from Edmonton, AB. I have done some research on airsoft and I'm sure this is definitely the sport for me. I have started to put a kit together, which consists of an SRC M933 carbine with an Eotech holosight and a new stock (for comfort reasons).

Thanks for your time,
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Old December 30th, 2009, 00:47   #353
Join Date: Dec 2009
Hey is for horses.

Hello everyone, my name's Kyle. I'm 18 years old and I live in Pickering, On. I've read plenty of threads and done quite a bit of reasearch on Airsoft and Airsoft in Canada. I just got an Aftermath Kraken from Bass Pro, and aside from the cosmetics, I'm impressed (If your considering one read the thread). Thanks all.

P.S. Any help with getting age verified would be apprciated. (Yes i've read the thread and contacted an Age verifier in Durham with no luck.)
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Old December 30th, 2009, 18:56   #354
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: quebec
Hello everyone. My name is Pat and I'm 36...yes 36!! I decide to try airsoft after I realize it's very difficult to play with restricted firearms on the range!
This sports seem really fun. I'm from sept-iles, Quebec. So, if anyone here is in this forum, just let me know!
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Old December 30th, 2009, 20:36   #355
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Location: 8 Wing Trenton
New Member :D

Hello everyone,

I've been looking into Airsoft for awhile now after seeing some of my buddies playing a game. Anyways I'm 20 years old (21 in Feb.) and I'm currently serving in the Canadian Forces (Final Weeks of Basic Training). I live in Brantford Ontario.

I do have a few questions and I dont want to make another post asking. Please mind my questions if they have been answered, I do not have alot of time at the base to search every post.

My main question goes out to any military out there. Is there enough time to get into Airsoft and play games if I'm in the military. My trade is Infantry and some have said that there are weeks where you will do nothing and weeks where you wont stop but I would like to know from people who might have experienced this. I obviously have no time now during Basic Training but I have a few weeks left and I'm done.

My second question is, is it kindove going overboard to have my starting set something like a M4 with an EOTech as my starting AEG? I love M4's and I'm not a huge fan of all of the fancy optics and sights hell I think the CFs ELCAN is to huge heh. But as a start would that be good or a little to much.

My last question is... For finding games and events, I know you can find them here but are there some to look out for, for people who have never played a real skirmish or milsim (thats what its called right?). I have only done little forest scenarios in my buddies private forest in his backyard nothing organized.

I am very sorry if some of these questions have been previously answered just let me know and when I have time I will look them up.
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Old December 31st, 2009, 05:19   #356
Join Date: Dec 2009
Hello guys! my name is danny, I live in Spain and i'm a UKSF FAN!
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Old January 1st, 2010, 15:34   #357
Join Date: Jan 2010
whats good asc, im a new member from toronto. call me jay and im 18.
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Old January 4th, 2010, 00:15   #358
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Toronto
Hey, I'm Adam and I'm an Alco-----. Kidding, seriously I'm not. So that's me saying hi, and this is me saying I have 670 dollars and I'm willing to use it all on an airsoft rifle. Thing is I'm pretty new into airsoft and it's pretty hard to know what to get when I don't know whats out there. I'm into sniper rifles and I wont go anything under Tokyo Marui or Classic Army (I've read that newb post about elitists and overall I found it very helpful so thank you to the person who wrote that). Again, Nice too meet everyone on this board even though I haven't really met you and it's on a forum.

peace, and later.
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Old January 4th, 2010, 17:34   #359
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Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Winnipeg, MB
Hello to ASC, Not really new to this site but decided to say hello.

You can just call me Twitch, I am 17 now but turn 18 in Sept. so for now I am just reading and learning.

For now I am being preened by Wolfpack WBAT in Winnipeg at Terror Tuesdays as a Recruit and member of the team when I turn 18.
I am also on the Operation Cold Front site known as Mitchell.

So once again, Howdy!
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Old January 4th, 2010, 20:54   #360
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Mississauga/Hamilton
Hello everyone,
My name is Micky and I am 19 and I live in Mississauga and I am new to airsoft. I used to paintball for a while but I found it just wasn't what I was looking for. A friend of mine from the States then introduced me to airsoft and now I am really interested and cannot wait to experience this sport first-hand. I am currently joining the reserves in the Armed Forces for the 705-communication Squadron in Hamilton to get my feat wet in the military and help cover tuition costs for university. Looking forward to meeting you folks.
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