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Kit Dilema


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Old November 29th, 2009, 23:29   #1
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Calgary
Kit Dilema

Im looking for a solution to a dilema Ive had for a long time, how should I set myself up in terms of kit? Ive looked at plate carriers, they seem to restrict too much body movement and I really dont want all that extra weight. Ive heard that chest rigs are much better that the full out vest but I still have an issue with the mags and pouches being in the front. I haven't tried one but it looks as if it might make an akward mag change when the mag is under your trigger hand. It also looks like it would be uncomfortable to crawl or anything of the like. I like to have lots of moblility and at the same time have room for the pouches that i need to carry on me. I also would prefer not to have my chest covered in 24 mag pouches and a radio. What Im asking is, does anyone have any unique solutions or ideas about how I should set my self up?
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Old November 30th, 2009, 02:56   #2
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Can we get details on what you typically bring out onto the field? Type of mags? Mag count? Secondary weapon? Hydration? and so on...

You can think about mounting your pouches on a belt or on a leg panel.
Just a couple things you can check out

Last edited by Cuddles; November 30th, 2009 at 03:08..
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Old November 30th, 2009, 06:34   #3
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Modular chest rig, something like HSGI Warlord where it sits a full panel on your chest and extra underneath your arms. This will let you sit all your magazines to your off side and keep non-weapon items like water and an IFAK on your strong side. Similar rigs will also let you attach a hydro pack to the back freeing up more space for things that go bang.

Additionally if you carry a pistol, you can wear a light belt kit below the chest rig with drop-leg holsters/rigs and small pouches.
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Old November 30th, 2009, 12:46   #4
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Belt rig + suspenders + backpack to carry food and water? You can fit all the grenades and mags you'll need on a belt kit, plus you'll be extremely mobile, almost no movement restrictions.

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Old November 30th, 2009, 13:22   #5
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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My plate carrier doesn't restrict my movement at all, you just have to find the right one
As for weight, it is heavier than chest rigs, depending what chest rig your looking at, but the huge bonus to the plate carrier is that everything stays where you put it, nothing flops around or bounces off your chest while your running, and it offers padded protection for you!
Believe me having 12 metal M4 mags knocking the wind out of you when you hit the deck SUCKS.
Also there was one instance I was CLEARLY hit and walking away, and I got shot in the back by 3 guys, all firing 10-20 round bursts. Luckily only 2 BB's hit outside the armor of my plate carrier but as you can imagine I was pretty glad I was wearing armor

If your set on a vest, I highly recommend the camelbak delta-5. It's got a built in hydration pouch, and as far as vests go, it's pretty sturdy, and it breathes REALLY well for hot days. I put 2 closed cell foam pads in the internal map pouches so I had some padding between myself and my mag pouches.
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Old November 30th, 2009, 20:39   #6
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Cuddles: I carry a sig 552 as a primary and a beretta 92 fs as a secondary. Finding pouches for the sigg 552 mags has been a challenge, the clips on the sides hookup on all the lips and edges of most pouches. I only have to carry 4-5 mags usually, pretty much every decent priced mag for the 552 is a highcap. For the beretta i have a dropleg and some mag pouches that are attached to that. I have 4 mags for that as well. I also use a hydration system which is pretty much a camelbak that I bought at some army surplus store for hiking. The other gear i have to carry is my radio(needs quick access), two grenades, energy bars, rain gear, medkit, some misc pouches for whatever i else i decide i need. I was looking at a molle drop for a utility pouch or some mags

Lerch: I looked at the warlord and it seems pretty good, I would just have to set it up right without having the shitload of pouches on the front. I dont want to end up like one of those guys with some many pouches that they have to waddle and their arms stick straight out

ThunderCactus:The camelbak is exactly what im trying to aviod, i find that i work better without having all my gear on a vest, and with your plate carrier how is your manoverability on the ground? Is crawling a pain in the ass? What about crouching or looking around corners?
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Old November 30th, 2009, 20:50   #7
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I had the same plate carrier that Thunder had... It didn't restrict movement at all, it ended right above my belly button so I was able to crawl, crouch, duck, all that without any restrictions what-so-ever.

If I had a Sig 552, I would honestly cut all those magazine clips off, Sure they're functional and all for quick re-loads... but I would snag those on gear far more than I would like to.
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Old November 30th, 2009, 22:53   #8
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ya, the clipped mags fall apart far too often to be of any use, i just have to find a way to takem off without scratching up the entire side of the mag
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