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Flakers - Why not have a game feedback system?



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Old October 27th, 2009, 14:13   #106
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by shiftsup View Post
Is posting that you're 80% in for the event better than than posting "tent" or does that clutter the thread too?
this is a joke right?

pull a dictionary off the shelf and flip to the word committed ... what does it say?
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old October 27th, 2009, 14:19   #107
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
this is a joke right?

pull a dictionary off the shelf and flip to the word committed ... what does it say?
Not a Joke.

Originally Posted by m102404 View Post

I'm 80% set for this one...I'll be able to firm up the week before. If you've got to toss my spot for someone who can confirm before me to stay under a cap, do what you have to.
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Old October 27th, 2009, 14:31   #108
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by shiftsup View Post
Not a Joke.
80% is not a confirmation

80% in is tentative

100% in is confirmed

so it's no better.

is there a point to this?
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Old October 27th, 2009, 14:32   #109
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Originally Posted by Disco_Dante View Post
Maybe its just pointless clutter to you as a game host, but to me as a player, I like to look through the thread and see that Larry and Curly are confirmed, and Moe might show up if he can get off work. It gives me a general idea of who I'll be seeing at the field.
Originally Posted by Duckman View Post
will who MIGHT be there effect if YOU are going to show up? is this elementary school where you're only going to go if little billy is going to be there? or maybe you're not going cus little suzy might be there?

Having a player roster is a good way to gauge the quality of the players that will be attending and by extension the overall quality (or style) of the game.

Call it what you will, but I know certain players will bring a level of play to the table that others simply will not and I don't necessarily feel like going to a game just to find out i have no interest in playing with the people there.

That being said, tents on roster are useless. Knowing that so-or-so MIGHT be there doesn't give me any kind of clear indication if I wanna go. If its some skirmish or whatever, fine, but for serious events there shouldn't be any tents: get your shit organized and figure out if you're going or not.

I also think this is why private games are becoming the norm.

And for the few public events left, flakers should just get blacklisted.
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Old October 27th, 2009, 15:15   #110
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I PM'd Steve after I posted that to his skirmish game at CQB and asked if I'd be allowed to walk on if I only got freed up later after the game had started.

I reaffirmed in the PMs that I would be fine if he said no...and fine if he needed to bump me out for someone who could confirm.

Post #49 I firmed up as soon as I got the green light from the wifey (and I confirmed Wildcard too since he figured out what day his flight would get in)...I would have posted an Out in that post if she had pulled rank on me.

And if you were really an internet sleuth you'd be able to track down that despite Steve replying to my PM that I'd be welcome whenever I could make it, he never put me on the player list until I had confirmed in the latter, nyah!

I'm an open book, got nothing to's an easy read too.

(But it's a half-cocked cheap shot like that which will make it simpler for me who gets into any events I'm involved with...heh)
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Old October 27th, 2009, 15:18   #111
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LOL, sorry I couldn't resist. Nice response though.

You didn't have to defend yourself with such manly vigor though. It was a wee bit unnecessary but humourous nonetheless.

I have never met you and probably never will but you're good guy obviously (I think anyway).

Last edited by shiftsup; October 27th, 2009 at 15:58..
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Old October 27th, 2009, 15:52   #112
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Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
I PM'd Steve after I posted that to his skirmish game at CQB and asked if I'd be allowed to walk on if I only got freed up later after the game had started.

I reaffirmed in the PMs that I would be fine if he said no...and fine if he needed to bump me out for someone who could confirm.

Post #49 I firmed up as soon as I got the green light from the wifey (and I confirmed Wildcard too since he figured out what day his flight would get in)...I would have posted an Out in that post if she had pulled rank on me.

And if you were really an internet sleuth you'd be able to track down that despite Steve replying to my PM that I'd be welcome whenever I could make it, he never put me on the player list until I had confirmed in the latter, nyah!

I'm an open book, got nothing to's an easy read too.

(But it's a half-cocked cheap shot like that which will make it simpler for me who gets into any events I'm involved with...heh)

I just choked on my beer on that one.......nice answer Tys
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Old October 27th, 2009, 16:21   #113
Jayne Finch
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tys you need to get your ass out of TO and come play in the backwoods sometime. lol. i'll put you as tent on all my games from now on
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Old October 27th, 2009, 16:43   #114
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Here my 2 cents after a lot of hosting games in québec.

I put the tentative for now in the roster and player have to confirm 2 week prior to the events, if not confirmed i remove them from the roster. I do that only for player i know that are actually be there, other won't even be asked to play.

In the after action reports i put the last signup roster : and i put comments and color to it. So everybody know what you did ( Being late, leaving early, not showing up or given weird reason. ).

If everybody see it, it give a lot more punch than only host in a private forum, trust me. the team will be pointed out, the friend gonna be reminded that his firend is not thrustworthy and so on. The pressure will come to this player from everywhere and this is working.

this year i have over 95% of attentance.. With 1 game of 89 players out of 90 who were signup.

We also screen player, we choose who can come, and if you have been seen to flaked out, guess what.

I also tried pre-payment in the past, the result was better, but nevertheless i still have gotten 10-12 players who did flaked out.

There is a game organizer here in quebec for host. The programmer will add the flaker rating to it on the next version.. the tool already exist in french. it could be translated i guess.

I will begin to use it for all game next year.

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Old October 29th, 2009, 22:41   #115
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If there's an argument to be made for Pre-paying, it would be so that the hosts wouldn't be out of pocket. I know that Z and Scarecrow spent money to set up zombies last weekend, and that isn't free. If there had been pre-payment, (be it refundable or not....say within 24 or 48 hours) it would at the very least help them offset the cost of the leg work beforehand.

As Tyson said, $20 may not send someone home from a night at the bar, but it adds up. If there are 10 no shows, that's $200 that had been counted on that's no longer there. Ok, so there will still be the same amount of people there, but at least the same losses won't be incurred by the hosts.

Originally Posted by Duckman View Post
prepaying can have it's merits in terms of getting those truely willing to commit to the game however most of those will show up regardless of prepay or pay at the door. brian's idea of using that method for bigger more resource intensive games is great. it'd be a waste of time for most smaller games though.
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Old October 30th, 2009, 08:18   #116
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by clueless View Post
If there's an argument to be made for Pre-paying, it would be so that the hosts wouldn't be out of pocket. I know that Z and Scarecrow spent money to set up zombies last weekend, and that isn't free. If there had been pre-payment, (be it refundable or not....say within 24 or 48 hours) it would at the very least help them offset the cost of the leg work beforehand.

As Tyson said, $20 may not send someone home from a night at the bar, but it adds up. If there are 10 no shows, that's $200 that had been counted on that's no longer there. Ok, so there will still be the same amount of people there, but at least the same losses won't be incurred by the hosts.
my only concern now is that someone will have to dedicate more time to doing a lot more administrative duties. I agree that a deposit or prepayment would be nice to ward off flakers but it might make things tougher on games where it's typically one or two people hosting/organizing. for a much larger event, I don't see it as much of a problem seeing as you'd probably have more game officials and additional help. maybe this is something to look into a little more for the private field games.
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Old October 30th, 2009, 09:44   #117
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by coachster View Post
my only concern now is that someone will have to dedicate more time to doing a lot more administrative duties. I agree that a deposit or prepayment would be nice to ward off flakers but it might make things tougher on games where it's typically one or two people hosting/organizing. for a much larger event, I don't see it as much of a problem seeing as you'd probably have more game officials and additional help. maybe this is something to look into a little more for the private field games.

Pre pay only makes sense for private fields where the host is the owner/manager. at paintball fields the host has nothing to do with the money.
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Old October 30th, 2009, 10:02   #118
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Pre pay only makes sense for private fields where the host is the owner/manager. at paintball fields the host has nothing to do with the money.
I know. I mentioned that previously.
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Old October 30th, 2009, 12:28   #119
The Rain Man
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You know you can keep beating this until the horse is dead but it won't change anything... a chronic flacker will always be a flacker.

It all comes down to that we are adults here so start taking responsability. Yes shit happens, we all know that. I myself have had to drop out of games for whatever reason but I have always made sure that I let the host know that I will not be able to show up. I have never woken up and said shit I don't feel like going airsofting today... when I commit I am there. But the problem isn't the guy that drops out every blue moon... the problem is the guy or guys that drop out or worse just don't show up on a regular basis.

When I host games they are always rain or shine. If you're an airsofter that doesn't like to play in any weather except sunny and 22 degrees then play in doors and don't bother signing up for outdoor games.

If you're planning to go out the night before and get shit-faced then don't sign up.

If you want to go but don't have a ride then arrange for one and then sign up.

If you sign up for a game, then DON'T DECIDE to drop out because you decide to go to another game instead... this is the flacker that I hate the most. I'm not even going to get into why there are two games on the same day.

As a host I post tentatives but I don't hold any stock in that palyer coming out until they confirm and I usually ask all the tentatives to firm up. If I've put a cap on the game and I get players that are willing to confirm before the tentatives decide then they get the spot and the guy on the fence is out of luck.

I've started to keep track of the flackers that never showed for the games that I host and the chronic flakers will not be welcome to my games.

And the guys that always come late... well that's a different thread.

Last edited by leecas; October 30th, 2009 at 12:32..
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Old November 2nd, 2009, 10:28   #120
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Originally Posted by m102404 View Post

Your WW2 games at Old FR were always great...although the weather was always sh*t for the ones we made it out to.

The best one was Oct 29th 2006. It was cold and waves of white-out snow/rain were hitting every so often. Ground was muddy.

Our line was moving through the trees...light fluffy snow flakes were drifting down like mini paratroopers, so calm everything seem to just hang in the air. We were slow stalking lined up abreast and stopped, everyone took a knee for a minute. From right to left a big deer broke cover and start out in front of us, walking about 20ft in front of our line. Not a peep from anyone...but someone moved and it froze...stared straight at us (wet flecktarn in a dirty forest is like an invisibility cloak)...then kept going along it's way.

That was cool.

Also cool were the phone calls from my wife around noon and then every hour or so...telling me she was going into labour...but it wasn't bad yet and that I probably had time to finish the game. Finished up the game...booted home, drop gear, grab wife, goto hospital and ta-da! new baby girl the next day!

You run the best games buddy!
Tys, now that's an airsofter... wife in labour and he still finishes the game! I think I would have understood if you have to leave early. :smile:

Thanks for the kind words mate... hope to see you at a game soon.
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