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I feel like Im getting screwed.



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Old September 30th, 2009, 12:20   #1
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I feel like Im getting screwed.

So I sold a GBB to a fellow. It came with 2 mags and gear to go with it. Now we agreed on the full amount at first then the first time I see him he wants to do installments... Well alright I guess Ill get my cash any way just a little slower so no matter. We agree on installment payments on every Friday until its paid off and that's fine with me, bills need to be paid and such.

So when I sold this pistol to him I stripped it all down, relubed it, made sure it all works and then gave it to him for the first payment.

A week later he says he does not have the 2nd installment cash at the time and says the following week he will give it all to me (The 2 other installments)when we meet up for a game. I'm annoyed at this point but no matter, stuff happens and I figure its part of selling guns.

Now I get a call 2 days ago (2 days before he is supposed to pay me the rest of it, $340) saying something came up and he needs his first installment back and he will give me the gun back.

Now at this point I'm fairly pissed off in general. It's now 3 weeks Ive been hooped with this deal. In the end I agree to it to help him out (not sure why at this point) trying to be a good seller, as Ive seen sellers roasted here for trying to hurt buyers. That not the reputation I wanted to start off with here.

Now to top it all off he took an additional 2 days to get me my gun back, but soon as I went inside to test it and make sure every thing is fine with it I find it does not work now.

All I know is that it worked perfectly when I gave it to him and now it does not. I called him up again and he said he didn't do anything to it. Though this whole deal with him has put me on edge for his reliability.

What I'm curious about is does it seem like I'm getting the shaft here? There seems something wrong with all of this and me getting back a gun that no longer works after I know it did when I sold it seems like I'm getting the bad end here.

Any one have any suggestions on how to handle this? This was my first sale and needless to say it left me with a very bad impression. Again any help that can be given would be amazing.

Thank you in advance,

Guitar, W. Jason

Last edited by Outcast569; September 30th, 2009 at 12:28.. Reason: Made it look like less of a rant.
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Old September 30th, 2009, 12:24   #2
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His 'bill payments' = he broke the gun...yes you are getting the shaft lol
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Old September 30th, 2009, 12:29   #3
Ktown Militia
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dude thats a rough deal. I would keep on his ass until he either pays for repairs or buys the gun back. Or he swapped yours for p.o.s. LOL. Either way the guy is a total douchebag. Hope it works out for you man.

Last edited by Ktown Militia; September 30th, 2009 at 12:32..
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Old September 30th, 2009, 12:33   #4
Brian McIlmoyle
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You set yourself up for this by accepting an "installment plan" that should have been your first clue.

Important business tip... don't deliver goods until they are paid for.

If you accept installments .. you hold onto the article until all the payments are made.

It's foolish to offer credit to strangers when you don't have a clue if they have any ablility to pay.. which clearly this fellow did not.
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Old September 30th, 2009, 12:35   #5
Ktown Militia
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
You set yourself up for this by accepting an "installment plan" that should have been your first clue.

Important business tip... don't deliver goods until they are paid for.

If you accept installments .. you hold onto the article until all the payments are made.

It's foolish to offer credit to strangers when you don't have a clue if they have any ablility to pay.. which clearly this fellow did not.
I was also just going to mention that. I would never, NEVER, be paid in installments from someone I didnt not know, or trust. Tough lesson on being nice to strangers!
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Old September 30th, 2009, 12:36   #6
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Originally Posted by Ktown Militia View Post
dude thats a rough deal. I would keep on his ass until he either pays for repairs or buys the gun back. Or he swapped yours for p.o.s. LOL. Either way the guy is a total douchebag. Hope it works out for you man.
I know its the same gun. I mark all my gear. How do I go about it though really? He claims that a family death happened and they needed the cash for a plane ticket. Now either way I got a screwed gun. So other then harassing him is there a way to deal with it. Yes I know I sound like a wimp.

I just hate dealing with this crap with people. This is why I provide all the cash upfront for a deal.
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Old September 30th, 2009, 12:37   #7
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
You set yourself up for this by accepting an "installment plan" that should have been your first clue.

Important business tip... don't deliver goods until they are paid for.

If you accept installments .. you hold onto the article until all the payments are made.

It's foolish to offer credit to strangers when you don't have a clue if they have any ablility to pay.. which clearly this fellow did not.

Number one rule right there. If he wants to do installments, that's fine. But he gets the gun when it is fully paid off, no sooner.

Keep on his ass and get your money, and give him the gun. If thats the condition he is returning it in, that is the condition he is still committed to buying it in.
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Old September 30th, 2009, 12:46   #8
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Only when i get the full amount of $ do i ship/give the item.

Being 'nice' is just asking for problems unless you really know the person.
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Old September 30th, 2009, 12:47   #9
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I've paid multiple things off in installments, but only once did I receive the item before it was paid off, but that's only because my trader rating is pretty high, and it wasn't the first time I dealt with said person.

That being said, money first, fun later.
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Old September 30th, 2009, 12:49   #10
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Originally Posted by Ronan View Post
Only when i get the full amount of $ do i ship/give the item.

Being 'nice' is just asking for problems unless you really know the person.
Thought I had some bearing on the guy. We dealt face to face and played every friday together. He seemed a good guy. But hey what do I know lol.
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Old September 30th, 2009, 12:52   #11
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Outcast569 View Post
Thought I had some bearing on the guy. We dealt face to face and played every friday together. He seemed a good guy. But hey what do I know lol.
There is no such thing as a "good guy" when it comes to business

Trust is all well and good.. but CASH is better
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Old September 30th, 2009, 12:55   #12
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
There is no such thing as a "good guy" when it comes to business

Trust is all well and good.. but CASH is better
Well at least lesson learned there.

Another question for the rest of you guys here. He does not have an account on ASC but only threw JOC. Should I be including his user name in all this or not?
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Old September 30th, 2009, 13:00   #13
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Originally Posted by Outcast569 View Post
Well at least lesson learned there.

Another question for the rest of you guys here. He does not have an account on ASC but only threw JOC. Should I be including his user name in all this or not?
A warning to people would be nice, so we know not to 'trust' this guy.
Originally Posted by Mr.Shiney View Post
Yes it is hard to find an Instructor that teaches how to Finger, Suck, Squeeze and Blow all at the same time.
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Old September 30th, 2009, 13:06   #14
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To answer your question directly..

Yes, you got shafted.


You bent over to make it easier.
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Old September 30th, 2009, 13:09   #15
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Outcast569 View Post
Well at least lesson learned there.

Another question for the rest of you guys here. He does not have an account on ASC but only threw JOC. Should I be including his user name in all this or not?
If you "out" this guy as a chump ... and you have to play with him every friday... it's going to create tension.

Tell him in no uncertain terms that you feel as though he did not hold to the bargain and that you don't trust him.

If anyone asks .. the reply is I don't trust that guy.

It will get around well enough

This is a good lesson for you.. and him leave it at that
Brian McIlmoyle
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