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Year Of The GBBR....or just a stinky smell that's passing through...


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Old August 17th, 2009, 11:08   #1
m102404's Avatar
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Year Of The GBBR....or just a stinky smell that's passing through...

Ok...part boredom...but I've been wondering this for the past couple of months....

- development, production and sales of GBBR (gas blow back rifles) weapons have really taken off overseas.
- they've been out for a bit
- aftermarket parts are out there
- they're fun as sin....
- the How-To's, DIY and instructional stuff is accumulating

(note: I haven't gotten mine yet...hopefully the stars&moon will align that that will be changed soon).

I personally am wondering about the shot to shot consistency when gaming...we'll see I guess.

* Does anyone actually think these things are skirmishable/gameable here in Canada?
* Would you ditch ALL your AEGs/PTWs to go over to the gas-side?
* Are you positioning your GBBR as just a fun gun? Occasional use? Full-on go-to primary?

(Note: If you post up what make/model you've got...I'll keep a running tally for interest sake).


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Old August 17th, 2009, 11:17   #2
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I've got two GBB SMGs coming in for CQB, but the summer season is so short here that I don't really see GBBs as economically feasible without an HPA setup for outdoors. A gun I can only use 4 months out of the year is useless to me

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Old August 17th, 2009, 11:22   #3
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I sold 3 of my guns to able to afford one. D :

Will be so worth it.
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Old August 17th, 2009, 11:23   #4
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Some game days move slow enough as it is, with people stopping to reload. Now add gas to the equation. More people will be loading and gassing than playing, not to mention use in cold weather will deteriorate performance.

This is a a look cool fad and will pass like all the rest. I have my tuned "classic" AEG's that work, why mess with success.

Unless you want to, because you can

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Last edited by MADDOG; August 17th, 2009 at 13:32..
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Old August 17th, 2009, 11:33   #5
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Originally Posted by MADDOG View Post
Some game days move slow enough as it is, with people stopping to reload. Now add gas to the equation. More people will be loading and gassing than playing, not to mention use in cold weather will deteriorate performance.

This is a a look cool fad and will pass like all the rest. I have my tuned "classic" AEG's that work, why mess with success.

Unless you want to, because you can
+1 agreed
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Old August 17th, 2009, 11:41   #6
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Airsoft works in cycles its just back to the gbb cycle right now. I would take an externally powered escort system gbb any day over a aeg.
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Old August 17th, 2009, 11:51   #7
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Tys' Question:

Here you go Tys I like underlines and bolds as always

* Does anyone actually think these things are skirmishable/gameable here in Canada?

Yes, I think it would be great for the summer and indoor games in the winter time. Personally I never had any troubles with my Hicapa in the winter, I just keep my mags and propane tank in the front seat to keep it warm when going to play.

(Assuming the indoor field has adequate heating in winter)

* Would you ditch ALL your AEGs/PTWs to go over to the gas-side?

No, I think it would be side by side for me, an AEG and a GBBR, since GBBR are as inexpensive as keeping a GBB pistol, so why not?

* Are you positioning your GBBR as just a fun gun? Occasional use? Full-on go-to primary?

Full on Primary - Indoor games

I don't think it will be a fad, so long as its reasonably priced and parts are always available. But its not going to massively replace AEGs thats for sure. I will certainly use my GBBR for indoor games as a primary. I've always used a pistol primary for indoor games anyway. Propane use has never been a problem for me.
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Last edited by cbcsteve; August 17th, 2009 at 11:54..
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Old August 17th, 2009, 11:53   #8
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Durability, reliability, price of spare parts, and their availability will be key. What's the fun in having to replace your BCG every 3000 rounds?

When it comes to a reciprocating bolt, pot metal just won't cut it anymore.
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Old August 17th, 2009, 12:01   #9
Brian McIlmoyle
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For most..

I doubt they will replace a solid performing AEG,

for me.. it's an addition to the collection.. I'll reserve judgement on the playability of it until its in my hands

frankly .. GBB pistols have been skirmishable for years .. I know plenty of people who do well enough with a pistol.. and its certain the that GBB pistol is king for CQB

Another element for me.. is the operating system does a good job of simulating the function of a real rifle, for a training platform it's a valuable tool in my opinion . where the AEG has always lacked
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Old August 17th, 2009, 12:30   #10
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Personally (and this is very premature since I haven't had one in my grubby little hands for any extended period of time) here's my take:

- parts, accessories, etc...are a non-issue. They're out already, and will only be more available. As long as it's not a base design fault (i.e. hopup) or critical part (i.e. lower receiver) cheap parts can be swapped out. The whole argument of buying cheap and replacing everything vs. buying "good" right off will still be there (it's cheaper in the long run to buy "good" first and not look back).

- it's a new "trick" fad at the moment, but one that has potential staying power...I don't think we'll see how it'll turn out until a complete year (cold/hot) has passed.

- durability/smooth functioning getting there. Cheap clones whose parts stink like a** will always be there...that's the nature of the beast. The 2nd/3rd gen ones are showing excellent promise.

- power regulation...this is where I see the next big "fix" for them. Adjusting FPS either through swapping parts (i.e. bolt/nozzle swap) or through "tunable" part/valve is going to be killer. Regulating power so shot to shot consistency is solid...that'd be awesome, but I don't know when that'll happen mainstream.

- Cold/Hot weather...this is it's Achilles heel. Too hot and you're shooting over...too cold and you're going to be shooting way low. That's why a power regulation system will be clutch. Different issue from the mag "cool down" effect.

Indoor use where functioning/reliability/consistency will likely be better will be prevalent. Outdoor use will probably flare and then die off until power regulation is figured out.

- costs...immaterial. It doesn't matter if a setup is as cheap as a weekend of beer or more than a car, guys will spend whatever it takes to get themselves what they want. If they need a full kit of mags to skirmish/play a game then they'll find a way to do it.

Mine will be an occasional use/fun-gun...I'll disect it and play with the internals a bit (probably wreck a bunch of stuff and burn a bunch of money in progress). Shot to shot consistency I can live with as long as I can get 30rnds out reliably...but big swings in velocity depending on how hot the mag gets and the ambient temperature is not acceptable for field use.

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Old August 17th, 2009, 12:37   #11
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Quick math:

Gas has a couple of pros over AEGS, and vice versa. Unless one system has many more pros, it won't be able to replace it.

Gas is more fun and realistic to use, but performance is hindered by inconsistant power and cool-down with accuracy and sustained fire suffer adversely affected. In Canada and other Northern nations, these guns will have a limited useability based on temperature. And, as mentioned, propane stinks and if one isn't dilligent taking care of their expensive mags, they WILL leak.

AEGs are less realistic and fun to shoot and make that whiny motor noise, but can operate year round. Shot consistancy and sustained fire are not a problem. Mags are cheap and plentiful and they don't stink.

Certainly, gas is a revitalized power source for a main gun and one cannot deny the entertainment and 'cool' factor of squeezing off a burst with a GBB full auto, but a lot of the value of gas is in the look/feel, not the performance.

GBB - as augmentation, not replacement for most. If you only play indoor or a few games in summer, YMMV.

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Old August 17th, 2009, 12:43   #12
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For just the lack of consistent weather.....they could be real treat.

If one were to look at just the last month of weather in the Southern ON area...for any given day/weekend outdoor game, who would be able to predict the temperature (and consequently the performance of a GBBR)? It's chilly one day, then brutally hot the next. Thunderstorms then sunny weather every other day.

An indoors would be no better at some places. Our Tornados were self-killers at the last CQB was that hot.

That'd be a death knell for a GBBR. (Basement skirmishing at home would rock though...LOL!)
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Old August 17th, 2009, 12:51   #13
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I'll bite..

Krooked and I took ours out to Rawdon this weekend. We had to use duster as the AWSS systems shoot pretty hot out of the box.

Did a Chrony on duster at 340 FPS on .2's

We did a lot of shooting that day, had little to no issues, I think the only one we had was dirt getting into Krooked's gun - but even then, he was still kicking ass and taking names. I remember slamming into some of that white sand really hard and half the gun went in with me, completely covered in white, I continued to fire and eliminated both of my targets.

For me, the AWSS is a reliable system in the sense that I can smack the sh$t out of it, and continue to game it, all it will need is a cleaning, just like any real rifle. I have less worry running this gun as the parts are very inexpensive, and really easy to replace.

At this point in airsoft, if I can't drag it through the dirt or roll down a hill with it... I won't be enjoying myself.. After using the AWSS, going to anything else is a big step down, I don't like having to "baby" my guns.

EDIT: For cold weather play, use co2 mags, although I haven't personally tested it. WEtech claims that they are really quite solid for cold weather... Time will tell I guess.

Last edited by c3sk; August 17th, 2009 at 12:58..
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Old August 17th, 2009, 14:46   #14
The Saint
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I think GBBRs are here to stay, mostly because of the milsim side of airsoft.

They don't have quite the same appeal in a skirmish setting, but they'll still be about even on casual days.
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Old August 17th, 2009, 15:51   #15
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One of these companies needs to make something like the old Sun Projects... It can use standard AEG mags, runs off of a remote line'd CO2 (You run the line down the sling.. it's not that big of a deal.)

Those were consistent, could play all day without having to re-charge gas... and you could use team mate's normal mags.
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