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Your stupidest (harmless) airsoft mistake



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Old February 10th, 2006, 13:01   #106
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I was running for cover and slipped on a bunch of bbs, went headfirst into a wall and when i got back up i was picked off by 3 guys on the other team :|

there was a noob one day that played at xt... and i guess gord never told him the rules about mags... so the kid would just drop his mag as soon as he was empty. it led to a lot of laughing and him retraceing his steps to find the 2 mags that he had dropped on the floor... i wonder if they were broken.. that would suck...
I'm Not The One Addicted To Beer...Its Addicted To Me..OH! NO!..Its Back...STOP!....*chug chug chug*
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Old February 10th, 2006, 14:00   #107
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SGT Splatters last winter, there was one guy left hiding upstairs so very loudly one of the guys on my team said "I'm going in to get him, nobody shoot me!" :nod: :smack:
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Old February 10th, 2006, 15:09   #108
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So far.....
-Walked into a clearing (winter game) and sank up to my belly-button.
-Killed my own team-mate (we had been switching up teams a lot).
-Ran out of ammo and had two guys run me over. (Im very slow at changing mags).
-Pumped a shotty.... and bled for awhile, all over my friends shotty(My AEG's fuse had blown mid-game, he was the 'hostage' and was helping me....It pays to be cute). (I had hooked my fingers on the front of the slide because 1)the M3 does not have a good grip 2) My femininly short arms can't handle a non-sorty M3 very well. It's a long SOB.
-Tried to fire on Safe. Figured it out verrrry quickly.
-Goggles fogged, changed to glasses mid-game. Had to take my reg glasses off and was rendered semi-useless. (verry blind. All was blurry.)
-Actually considered charging the only guy left with a pistol in one hand and a shotty in the other. (Can't do The Rock's cool move from ''The Rundown'' wih an M3)
-I had already learnt how to use a pistol, but never practiced it. Fuse blew on AEG mid-game. The only mistake I made was when to release the slide. It still looked stupid.
-Didn't pay attention to where I was atempting to load my new magazine (MP5)- finally looked down (wasted time while my buddy was covering) and got the new mag in just as buddy ran out and had to re-load.
-In fire fight against two guys. I'm in the back corner of a garage, with good cover from the left... Then my boyfriend decided to combat roll, pull out his pistol and use a plastic garbage pin for cover. (looked awesome, scary as hell to go up against).I'm thinking ''A normal person miht surrender. But I still have AMMO!". He's advancing and there's a guy (with good cover) behind him firing above my head. They got me. Horribel HORRIBLE place to take cover.
-Whiel at the back of the garage I had to chnage up mags. I tried to do so with gloves I'd never worn before, no dice. Lesson-Practice practice practice. It sucks to find out mid-game what you should have practiced.

Those are my lessons learnt.

Originally Posted by Grim Fandango View Post
Ok, so let me get this straight here Megan.

- You wish to buy your boyfriend some airsoft stuff and/or video games for christmas
- You enjoy playing airsoft
- You enjoy playing video games
- You like to drink beer
- You seem to have a reasonably healthy obsession with sex

Do you happen to have like, a sister, who is like you in all these ways and is single, and lives in Toronto
~ Lady *Lucky* *Lass* Sparks~
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Old February 10th, 2006, 15:38   #109
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After respawning, I headed back to the last known engagement area only to find that no one was left except one person.
We stalked each other for what seemed to be 10 minutes, until he finally nailed me.
I realized, as I called "hit" and got up to head back to the respawn point, that the "enemy" was actually a member of the Freaks who was on my own team. ops:
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Old February 10th, 2006, 16:55   #110
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Talking FAMAS, or should I say I'm a "FAMASS"

Well as everyone should know, and which I knew at the time as well, is the second switch on the bottom of the body to FAMAS. Well I managed to go a whole game without getting hit and without hitting anything, not realising that the switch was in the off position :banghead: . We won as we completed our mission, with little aid from my part...

Feel the Iron Claws of the Wolfe!

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Old February 11th, 2006, 04:40   #111
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Winter game and I stormed inside a house but the flap of my mit got caught on the door handle, delaying me just long enough to get shot in the face.

Reading the manual of my G3 shortly after getting it and after I see the picture showing the release latch on the mag to let out the bb's I stupidly press it and nearly get all 70 bb's in the eye.
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Old February 11th, 2006, 15:51   #112
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REAL STEEL accident;

I hunt deer moose and small game. The former two with a 6 Mill Remington Model 700. My dad calls it the lady gun because I hunt with it. I call it freakin' AWESOME.
The moose was 35 feet in front of me. I don't have open sights so I was trying to get this thing in my 2-7x32 Tasco and I (had the weapon shouldered properly) put my face WAY too close to the scope. My dad yelled ''SHOOT!'' and I pulled the trigger.
I had blood pouring down my face (even the little cuts make lots of blood when they're on your face) and I had taken my glases off (broken) and all my dad coulddo was laugh. I couldn't shoot again (lucky shot- I got the 1000lb cow) to down the beast that was stumblign as much as I was. I couldn't open my eyes it hurt so much.
I finally walked up to it when it fell and did the executioner style shot while holding my head WAY back from the scope.

Originally Posted by Grim Fandango View Post
Ok, so let me get this straight here Megan.

- You wish to buy your boyfriend some airsoft stuff and/or video games for christmas
- You enjoy playing airsoft
- You enjoy playing video games
- You like to drink beer
- You seem to have a reasonably healthy obsession with sex

Do you happen to have like, a sister, who is like you in all these ways and is single, and lives in Toronto
~ Lady *Lucky* *Lass* Sparks~
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Old February 11th, 2006, 18:21   #113
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Originally Posted by NuttyHunter
REAL STEEL accident;

I hunt deer moose and small game. The former two with a 6 Mill Remington Model 700. My dad calls it the lady gun because I hunt with it. I call it freakin' AWESOME.
The moose was 35 feet in front of me. I don't have open sights so I was trying to get this thing in my 2-7x32 Tasco and I (had the weapon shouldered properly) put my face WAY too close to the scope. My dad yelled ''SHOOT!'' and I pulled the trigger.
I had blood pouring down my face (even the little cuts make lots of blood when they're on your face) and I had taken my glases off (broken) and all my dad coulddo was laugh. I couldn't shoot again (lucky shot- I got the 1000lb cow) to down the beast that was stumblign as much as I was. I couldn't open my eyes it hurt so much.
I finally walked up to it when it fell and did the executioner style shot while holding my head WAY back from the scope.


I'll be laughing at this one for a long time...

The only real "Embarrassing" event... was I jumped out from behind some trees to go look for the last guy... this was out at the Foxden... first game too... it was 3 of us... free for all... and I'd already got one... anyway... I jumped out to go looking for the other guy because I was getting to ansy to sit and wait... and as I did I saw movement to the right of me... it was the last guy lifting his M4... and I'd lost balance trying to lift mine... and slipped in the snow... ended on my ass watching all the BB's go flying over me as I rolled back into the trees... now... I'm trying to get my M4 to fire... -.-... my battery went dead... all juiced out from the previous fire fights all day...

Other than that.. it was a Real Steel... there'd I'd taken this huge RDS scope off my Grandfathers Remington semi-auto .308 and put a blank rail on to fill the screw holes... but I'd turned one screw down a little too much.. and as I was finishing this ((was doing it in feild because I couldn't see the Red Dot... the battery died and I was working on putting on a lensed scope))... anyway... out walks this Doe about 120 yards from me and I'm trying to pull the damn action after slapping a mag into the well... nothing... I yank on it thinking something was just stuck... ((dumb move))... hand slipped and I cut open my thumb on the housing... now mad... bleeding... and a confused Doe starring back at me... I get the screwdriver out lift out the screw a very little bit after seeing this... lifted the gun... damn doe had moved around the hill... my grandfather laughing at me now... I get annoyed and run to the top of the hill... lift the gun and fire two shots... the first in the does heart and the second in its neck... and walk back... sit down... pretend to have missed for all of the five minutes it took me to pack up our gear to head back for lunch... then cruised up with the Argo to get the deer ^.^ ((Grandfather was worried me not taking the normal route back))...

Only other incident was a moose... ran outta bullets and it was still charging... damn 30-30... my grandfather lifted his 12 guage shotgun that had a slug in it... BLAM!... one shot and the things humpy disintergrates... and the thing drops not 10 feet in front of me...
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Old February 12th, 2006, 16:17   #114
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I had a lot of fun with my first Cybergun Beretta 92FS softair springer I got in Minneapolis. The first was testing how powerful it was at point-blank on the palm of my hand with a .12g bb. It bled for quite some time.

Same time, we took some photos of each other in mock execution poses, other stuff like that, all while people are wandering in and out of the Mall Of America parkade. We got more than a few weird stares, but assumed people didn't do anything because they saw the Manitoba plates and chalked it up to "Krazy Kanucks".

There was also the time we were at Cabella's and were amazed with the assault rifles sitting behind the counter, so we posed with the AKs and M15s, and then my Jewish buddy and I posed with him pointing the AK at me and I'm holding my hands up with a freaky look on my face. In the background you can see the clerk pointing and yelling at us. That was pretty funny.

As far as stupid combat situations, I haven't really encountered any because I've only played at XT in Winnipeg three times, and that's the extent of my experience. One day, I'm sure to do something stupid there, I don't doubt it at all.
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Old February 12th, 2006, 17:17   #115
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Originally Posted by DoctorDeath
Shot myself in the hand, point-blank (barrel touching the palm) and bare skin just to see how much it would hurt. Was sore for a couple days.
lol, did the same thing but with my foot :mrgreen:
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Old February 12th, 2006, 17:20   #116
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Originally Posted by NuttyHunter
REAL STEEL accident;

I hunt deer moose and small game. The former two with a 6 Mill Remington Model 700. My dad calls it the lady gun because I hunt with it. I call it freakin' AWESOME.
The moose was 35 feet in front of me. I don't have open sights so I was trying to get this thing in my 2-7x32 Tasco and I (had the weapon shouldered properly) put my face WAY too close to the scope. My dad yelled ''SHOOT!'' and I pulled the trigger.
I had blood pouring down my face (even the little cuts make lots of blood when they're on your face) and I had taken my glases off (broken) and all my dad coulddo was laugh. I couldn't shoot again (lucky shot- I got the 1000lb cow) to down the beast that was stumblign as much as I was. I couldn't open my eyes it hurt so much.
I finally walked up to it when it fell and did the executioner style shot while holding my head WAY back from the scope.

lol :lol: :lol: thats funny/ sux
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Old February 12th, 2006, 23:41   #117
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Originally Posted by msg-90sniper
lol :lol: :lol: thats funny/ sux
You and Dracheous both think that's funny eh? I looked in a mirror (not knowing I was bleeding for the longest time) and it wasn't. My uncle drove up on a 4wheeler with a trailer and just stared at me then told me to go look in his side mirror. When I did there was blood just coverign my face. I washed my face and the bridge of my nose was cut (not so bad). The saddest part was when my dad laughed at me. The worst part was when I almsot passed out. The most painful part was waking up the next morning, with a killer headache and trying to make my brains stop swishing. The funniest part was the look on my uncle's face. He was mortified. Here's his cute li' 17 yr old niece, just got her first moose, and she looks like the moose got her.

Dracheous- you reminded me (charging moose are f*in horrifying!)

My uncle (same one as in the above story) and my grandfather when they wer MUCH younger, did not have 4 wheelers. They shot a moose (one moose per two people) and gutted it, then turned it over on logs so that they could go in a quarter it (cut into pieces) to carry out the next day. They walked in weaponless the next day, and the Cow's boyfriend charged them. Chased them both right up a tree. Aparently he'd found his lover's dead body and stuck aroudn to wait for the killers. Moose in rutting season= stupid (best time to hunt) + pyschotic. And they say hunting isn't a contact sport!

Originally Posted by Grim Fandango View Post
Ok, so let me get this straight here Megan.

- You wish to buy your boyfriend some airsoft stuff and/or video games for christmas
- You enjoy playing airsoft
- You enjoy playing video games
- You like to drink beer
- You seem to have a reasonably healthy obsession with sex

Do you happen to have like, a sister, who is like you in all these ways and is single, and lives in Toronto
~ Lady *Lucky* *Lass* Sparks~
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Old February 12th, 2006, 23:48   #118
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I find it funny because the way all my scopes end up being set up you'd have to have your face past the bolt... damn weird eyes... anyway... I've been told it could happen... never met anyone thats done it... mine you I got hit in the face by the barrel of my grandfathers double barreled 12-guage... only 11... pulled both triggers... hurt like hell... so did me arse when it hit the ground... but that wasn't really embarrasing....
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Old February 13th, 2006, 00:22   #119
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Loading my P226 mags. I load the first one with bbs and put it in the gun, load the other two. Game is starting in about 1 minute. Load my mags with gas as fast as I can and hop into the game. Sight up a target and fire twice. Gun does nothing but dryfire. Realization that I only filled the two loose mags with gas, and not the one I had placed in the gun.
Second mistake: swearing loud enough for target and his team to hear me, got caught trying to switch mags, completely helpless. Done.
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Old February 15th, 2006, 01:50   #120
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I was at a wasaga game and I was running around with my pistol under heavy fire, after emptying it I tried to grab for my other mag but I struggled then I said to myself wtf is going on... then I finally realized I didnt completely open/unvelcrope my pouch. Then moments later I got tagged out =/
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