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Was robbed this morning



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Old September 24th, 2007, 21:39   #76
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and DON'T torture them in the basement afterwards.

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Old September 24th, 2007, 22:26   #77
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lol MY GOD THIS MAN HAS PUT PICTURES OF HIMSELF ALL OVER This house! *sprinkles crack on him*

but yea if someone broke into my house i would take a bat to their skull and give them some hurt then call the police
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Old September 25th, 2007, 00:36   #78
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I remember seeing a documentary where these people suspected a certain person of B&E to their house several times and they let it be known that there was a large amount of cash at a residence, then pretended to go away but in fact hid inside with the lights out and waited and low and behold the person broke in and was removeing the cash and the people snapped on the lights with a video camera running proceeded to beat this guy with a baseball bat on the backside then called the police and they had the guy arrested. The thief then had them all charged with assault and sued and won. What the court said once they grabbed the guy he was no longer a threat and they had no right to beat the guy. They each wound up with huge fines from the criminal court and then had to pay pain and sufferring to the guy. There is no justice for the victims the thief won out and gained monitarily
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Old September 25th, 2007, 02:58   #79
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Originally Posted by mack_silent View Post
Hahaha, I'd prolly do the whole
1. one or two smacks with the baton or frying pan (whichever is handy)
2. followed by cuffing the guy
3. a few minutes of beating him with yellowpages phonebook
4. and then "sprinkle some crack" on him...
5. call police
you actually have crack handy for just an event?
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Originally Posted by GBBR View Post
If you ever go to a milsim and hear a vuvuzela, you are fucked.
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Old September 25th, 2007, 04:23   #80
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I always thought if you did end up killing some burglar in your house you could just dump the body. I'm pretty sure most theives don't tell their wives " I'm off to rob the Smiths, back in a minute!" Also after you dump the guy you could look in his wallet, case and rob HIS house, he wont be home to call the cops. Not that I've thought much about this sort of thing. Cheers!
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Old September 25th, 2007, 07:20   #81
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Check Kijiji toronto there's quite a few hot products on that site
YANHCHAN'S AIRSMITHING: AEG repair/Tune up/Upgrades V2/V3 mechboxes, rewiring/reconnecting.

Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country ~John F. Kennedy
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Old September 25th, 2007, 18:03   #82
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Originally Posted by Galahad View Post
Thats why they have a law in some states now that if someone breaks into your house, if you feel your life is in danger, you have full rights to open fire without asking questions. It's called the "Make my day" law. If you do some research on it, a lot of websites about home defense in the US will tell you it is actually better to kill an intruder than to shoot and wound them. Harder for them to sue that way, plus the cops only get to your side of the story.
Interesting way of thinking about it.

By the way, if I recall it is Florida that has the most "aggressive" no retreat required self defense laws.

As a civil litigator I have to disagree with your analysis on the killing the guy issue. If the guy is still alive, he will a) likely lie and be an ass in court, and b) have to wear the happy jumpsuit to trial. If he is dead, no matter what story you tell, a) the forensics don't lie and they will put together a good picture of how the guy was whacked, and b) the plaintiff lawyer/crown will be able to put his widow, orphans, grieving parents on the stand which is easier to make into a good case. And if the guy is dead, you're not likely to be able to get his criminal record or the copious evidence of his bad character in.

I ought to come to ASC more often, this is the second legal issue this place has got me thinking about today. More than at the office!

On a more serious note, if you property is the only thing in danger, let it go.

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Old September 25th, 2007, 18:19   #83
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Originally Posted by mack_silent View Post
It happened in the states (has to be one of the dumbest cases ever). Apparently a burglar broke into a family home while they were away on vacation, he went out to the garage in an attempt to steal the car, and the door leading to the house closed behind him, trapping the buglar in the garage.

He was there for several days and survived on dog food, he then had the balls to sue the family. And guess what? He actually won! What a load of BS in the law system that something like this could happen.
Now you've got my attention. The sad part is you believed it.

This non-existant lawsuit is an urban myth, likely propogated by various groups in the US interested in tort reform. It is one of the many bogus cases that have made their way around under the moniker of the Stella awards.

Even the real Stella awards, written by a gent who hates lawyers and civil lit. admits this one is completely made up:

Our (and their) legal system may be one of the most misunderstood parts of our society.

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