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For those that still doubt that Law Enfrocement trolls discussion boards...



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Old January 28th, 2007, 02:04   #46
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Daves not here!
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Old January 28th, 2007, 04:33   #47
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Well, there is a lot of them and some of them enjoy it like hobby like most of us do. As example my buddy sold TM G26 to Custom Officer which he didn't know what was his occupation until he asked him lol... But at end, he wanted to try out the sport.
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
The plush dogs were cool.

Don't let the dog haters and plushy haters get to you, man. ANYONE can post pictures of their guns, but it takes a special breed of man to post a picture of his guns with plushies!
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Old January 28th, 2007, 04:40   #48
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Originally Posted by Greylocks View Post
Oh, if you want proof, you'll have to show me proof of your security clearance first.
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Old January 28th, 2007, 06:09   #49
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Yeah, im not on asc that much, but i couldnt care less if sone goverment agent was sitting at a desk and noticed that mark plays airsoft, or oh my god, mark owns a replica firearm. I keep it locked away, it doesnt see the light of day unless its being cleaned/repaired at my house, or im at a game. If they were serious about it, how come when we are at a game a swat team doesnt jump outta the bushes an arrest us? Its not like we dont have directions to the feild/exact times were gonna be there?!
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Old January 28th, 2007, 10:19   #50
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Originally Posted by Digital_Assasin View Post
Then one would hope that you would be aware of the associated responsibilities that go along with possessing a security clearance and thus would not be so freely suggesting that you would make information available that apparently requires a security clearance. Regardless of weather or not the receiving individual has a clearance of sufficient level, the still do not meet the "need to know" condition that is attached to designated or classified information.
You did not read what I said. If she has a proven clearance of the proper level, I can talk with her about it. You are nitpicking about the details. You can discuss classified material with others who have the right level. You can even go into fair details without revealing anything.

Aware? I can say "Hey, today was fun; I traced a criminal's electronic papertrail and the Security Director was right there watching the show. Too bad it only took 5 minutes."

I cant tell where, I cant say who I traced, I cant name the director or talk about the exact information I found, and I cant show documented proof. Cant say much of anything even to another security cleared person.

All I have said so far is not classified at all. Obscure maybe, but not classified. Should I say where to point Google Earth for one of the monitoring facilities in Ottawa (anyone can see it) our would you get me fired? Should anything classified be blanked out? Good luck. Wont happen.

You are what? 25? So you've been gung-ho about the rules for maybe 5 years? Time for you to breathe and refrain from trying to educate others on rules you just learned. This is like you showing up in the Director's office telling him how to do his job and chiding him. Wrong target lad. Go find folks who really break the law IF that is your job. If not, you are impersonating an officer of the law.

Hmmm, want to be as professional as you claim? I would change my profile's comment about my job real fast. Government Security pros dont advertise. Telling all the world what you do in that field is not a good move.

And learn about sarcasm too, it will help your career.
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Old January 28th, 2007, 10:25   #51
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
I can show you proof of mine!
I know you can. I know vaguely where you work.

Stalker here is an example; we talked. We discussed in very basic ways what we both do. We can say we spent our day fixing a (insert item here) and being frustrated in the middle of a public place and still say nothing that reveals any information.

"I fixed a computer filled with viruses today, it was hell." I just told the truth, nothing is classified even if the computer and it's contents are. The computer is not named, nor it's location, access codes or content. Not even the subject of the contents. That's how the secrecy laws work.

If I'm STUPID enough to spew out details, then I'm in shit. That's when the other person better have the right clearance, and the right need to know, on paper. That's how it works, for those of you who need practice in the application of the laws.
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Old January 28th, 2007, 10:32   #52
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Primus; I know where you have worked, you know (just one of the places) where I have worked. We probably have the same clearance.

You know what records were kept there, and their sensitivity. You know what I did and I know what you did. Can we talk about it in details? No. Can we talk about the same thing? Yes. Even then, not in details.

That's the point I'm trying to make.
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Old January 28th, 2007, 10:53   #53
The point of the post was to illustrate, once again, that nothing you post on the internet should ever be considered private.

Nothing more.
Old January 28th, 2007, 12:01   #54
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Yep, and like anything else here it went into a total tangent. I'm guilty there too.
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Old January 28th, 2007, 12:05   #55
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Originally Posted by GREYLOCKS
You did not read what I said. If she has a proven clearance of the proper level, I can talk with her about it. You are nitpicking about the details. You can discuss classified material with others who have the right level. You can even go into fair details without revealing anything.
No, you can't. Again you are ignoring the need to know aspect. Just because someone has a secret clearance does not mean that they have carte blanche access to all classified secret information or lower for that matter.

Originally Posted by GREYLOCKS
"Hey, today was fun; I traced a criminal's electronic papertrail and the Security Director was right there watching the show. Too bad it only took 5 minutes."
Your above statement is far from going into "fair details", though the exact meaning of that is probably open for contention.

Originally Posted by GREYLOCKS
I cant tell where, I cant say who I traced, I cant name the director or talk about the exact information I found, and I cant show documented proof. Cant say much of anything even to another security cleared person.
Going by what you said, then you know you wouldn't really be able to tell the individual anything more then what you stated here, if information related to that is indeed designated or classified:

Originally Posted by GREYLOCKS
The Police Officer who watched and read this site is from the Joint Provincial Firearms task force (or whatever acronym they use today). They dont post, but they DO read.

Originally Posted by GREYLOCKS
Should I say where to point Google Earth for one of the monitoring facilities in Ottawa (anyone can see it) our would you get me fired?
If its existence and exact location as such is classified, regardless as to whether the general public can see the building, and you identify it as such. (The general public can see it and not know what it is used for. eg. another bloody office tower.) Then yes, ultimately it could get you dismissed depending on a lot of other things of course.

Originally Posted by GREYLOCKS
Should anything classified be blanked out? Good luck. Wont happen.
That's the principle behind classifying information, to prevent people that are not cleared and have a need to know from seeing it.

Originally Posted by GREYLOCKS
This is like you showing up in the Director's office telling him how to do his job and chiding him.
I would if they are not following security policy. I have an obligation to bring it to their attention if it is done in front of me.

Originally Posted by GREYLOCKS
Go find folks who really break the law IF that is your job. If not, you are impersonating an officer of the law.
Never said that I was in law enforcement, in fact as you pointed out my profile states, vaguely, what I do for a living.

Originally Posted by GREYLOCKS
Hmmm, want to be as professional as you claim? I would change my profile's comment about my job real fast. Government Security pros dont advertise. Telling all the world what you do in that field is not a good move.
My profile contains less information then is publicly available on GEDS and I never stated what my actual job entails.

Originally Posted by Greylocks
"I fixed a computer filled with viruses today, it was hell." I just told the truth, nothing is classified even if the computer and it's contents are. The computer is not named, nor it's location, access codes or content. Not even the subject of the contents. That's how the secrecy laws work.
I am glad you understand that. However you do not need a security clearance say that [first sentence] to someone.

My point is when you said:

Originally Posted by Greylocks
Oh, if you want proof, you'll have to show me proof of your security clearance first.
You were implying that you had information that required a security clearance to obtain, has not been declassified, and were offering said information to another individual that, even if they had the correct level of clearance, do not "need to know" said information. Such an action (providing said information to the other party) would be a contravention of at least Section 4.1.A of the Security of Information Act.

This is probably all mute because you are now claiming it as a "sarcastic statement". But as you pointed out if "you want to be as professional as you claim", you would never have made that statement to begin with.

Last edited by Digital_Assasin; January 28th, 2007 at 15:07..
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Old January 28th, 2007, 12:27   #56
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Originally Posted by Greylocks View Post

And learn about sarcasm too, it will help your career.
I am sure your bosses don't read ASC then, or you would be stuck in the mailroom. I have never seen anyone with such a Napoleon complex in my life. That is a little man who means nothing, who lauds over all with his opinions. Who cares how old you are, age does not always mean a experience does mean something, but man you live in your own little world.....where you are king. What you are is King of the little people, people who know nothing and hide behind you because they think you speak for these boards. In the eyes of another much older adult you are simply pathetic....there are alot of "Cliffies" (ever watch Cheers) out there, you are in the club. My God trying to impress people with your security act like a 12 year old. People who have security clearances that matter DO NOT discuss it...end of story. Christ you work in Ottawa, everyone has a clearance are nothing special so please please, for the love of God wake up.

Last edited by Debbie; January 28th, 2007 at 12:32..
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Old January 28th, 2007, 12:34   #57
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Originally Posted by Debbie View Post
I am sure your bosses don't read ASC then, or you would be stuck in the mailroom. I have never seen anyone with such a Napoleon complex in my life. That is a little man who means nothing, who lauds over all with his opinions. Who cares how old you are, age does not always mean a experience does mean something, but man you live in your own little world.....where you are king. What you are is King of the little people, people who know nothing and hide behind you because they think you speak for these boards. In the eyes of another much older adult you are simply pathetic....there are alot of "Cliffies" (ever watch Cheers) out there, you are in the club.
Umm... gee... does there remain anybody older than Greylocks that still actively posts on this board?

Ok, back to the sidelines. opcorn:
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Old January 28th, 2007, 13:06   #58
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Digital, you really need to relax. I'm not saying become slack in any security areas, but your exhuberance of youth in your job is a little overwhelming at times. LOTS of folks here have security clearances. One of my duties is repairing crypto gear. I can tell anyone I do that, big deal. You want to see something that'll really burn your ass? Check out which contains way more info than I'm allowed to talk about. Also, note the TLD it's hosted on. As for the building Greylocks mentioned, it's been marked on Google Earth before. I don't have the URL handy though.

Debbie, the plain answer is yes, folks in certain departments keep an eye on these boards. Have they done much with anything they've found? Not really. At least we're not living in an Orwellian society like a certain country to the south, where the government carries out illegal wiretaps on a frequent basis. That we know of, anyway.
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Old January 28th, 2007, 13:29   #59
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I'm sorry.

Are we all still talking about this??

They can watch if they want. If they don't, who cares. If they do, who cares.

You're posting on a public forum. Novel concept here but... "Expect your posts to be public."


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Old January 28th, 2007, 14:09   #60
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Originally Posted by Ibby
Digital, you really need to relax. I'm not saying become slack in any security areas, but your exhuberance of youth in your job is a little overwhelming at times.
I am every bit as guilty of 'exuberance of youth' as GL is guilty of 'exuberance of age'.

There are somethings that there is little room for apathy on. Security can be considered on of them. Perhaps I am a little too 'gung-ho', however having seen some of the 'issues' that I have in the course of performing my job, one can not really blame me for having a lower amount of patience for some things.

Also, there are some things that you just don't do.

Yeah, pointing a unloaded gun at some one will not hurt them, but that really isn't the point is it.

Originally Posted by Ibby
LOTS of folks here have security clearances. One of my duties is repairing crypto gear. I can tell anyone I do that, big deal.
I wasn't having issue about either of those [number of people possessing a security clearance or telling people what you do for a living], I believe GL brought them up to defend his position.

Last edited by Digital_Assasin; January 28th, 2007 at 15:08..
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