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WE Tech SCAR, open bolt GG vs AWSS CO2


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Old December 13th, 2011, 11:03   #46
Suburban Gun Runner
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: St Lambert, Quebec
Originally Posted by bbstriker View Post
I'm a tad confused. Can the OpenBolt version of the scar take CO2 mags?

I have a closed bolt SCAR and only use CO2 mags with an NPAS. If I convert across to Open Bolt I still only want to use CO2.

Also, with the Open Bolt conversion, will I need to replace the NPAS?

First off, yes you can use c02 mags with the open chamber system, but you would need to either buy the open bolt feed lips for all your mags or get new open bolt mags.

The npas for the open chamber system is different from the closed bolt system. You would need a new npas as well.
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Old December 13th, 2011, 11:30   #47
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Originally Posted by intinerious View Post
Hey all,

I'm planning to get myself one of these babies next week. I think this is one of the best value for money GBBRs out today, including the WE G39? I was already saving up cash to get the G39 when the SCAR caught my eye on the RATECH vid....mag dumped 27 rounds (assuming there was 30 bbs, the guy fired 3 in semi) and there was no cool down whatsoever (and this was with the RATECH heavy bolt! - which is in development). Plus the SCAR has full trades (I think) whereas the G39...doesnt. :P

I've got a few questions to ask for those who have the "open bolt" SCAR:

1. How's the recoil? Comparable to the G39? So far I've gathered that the G39's recoil is similar to a 9mm cal gun. If the SCAR has stronger recoil then that'll be great (I want it to be as close to real steel as possible).

2. Besides the RATECH vid showing the mag dump, can you guys also mag dump your SCARs (just in case RATECH did something with their gun and the SCAR isn't really that good OOTB).

3. How many bbs can you get with a single fill of the mag with green gas and how many mag dumps can you do with a single mag before the ROF significantly drops? I'm hoping the mags are blessed by magic like the WE G39 ones that can work in snow (yes, HK doesn't snow but with the humidity and the low temperatures right now I want to know whether it can perform as well as the G39!)

4. Are the flashider threads 14+ or 14-? I've read on that for some reason there are different batches of SCARs (the old 'closed bolt' ones) that had 14- threading, whilst the SCARs generally have 14+. I want to add the VFC sniper outer barrel but unfortunately it's 14-mm....I don't want to use a thread adapter either because it won't be an 18 inch barrel anymore.

Thanks in advance!
1. (Generalizations) The open bolt recoil is crisper and snappier than the closed bolt system. (IMO) from strongest/sharpest/loudest to softest/etc...PDW/SCAR/M4/M14/G39 (sorry, can't say for sure for L85/AK). The SCAR does "recoil" harder than the G39...but even the PDW only "recoils" like a 22LR

2. ALL GBBRs are temp sensitive. About 15deg C and you'll dump a mag...more so with the open bolt. NONE of them work very well in FA in the cold on propane. Semi is so-so in cold weather. CO2...semi isn't an issue, can't comment on CO2 on full auto in the sub-10deg weather.

3. It's somewhat of a moot point in practice. Most times you are faced with the opportunity to "take a break" and reload...where you would be silly not to top off with gas as well. Either a between sets break...or a resupply opportunity in a milsim. However, on propane, you'll usually get a mag and a half of BBs dependably...more with the open bolt. More with semi...less so with full auto.

4. Best to ask whomever you're buying from to confirm that batch right then and there. Also, with some setups that allow for barrel extensions...the short barrel may finish with one thread, and the tip of the extension might finish with the reverse.
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Old December 13th, 2011, 11:52   #48
Suburban Gun Runner
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: St Lambert, Quebec
The WE AK by far has the sharpest and strongest recoil of all their products so far but is offset with the lowest rate of fire as well. The L85 also has very strong recoil due to the size of the bolt. I would place the L85 third in recoil felt.
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Old December 15th, 2011, 09:21   #49
Join Date: Oct 2009
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
1. (Generalizations) The open bolt recoil is crisper and snappier than the closed bolt system. (IMO) from strongest/sharpest/loudest to softest/etc...PDW/SCAR/M4/M14/G39 (sorry, can't say for sure for L85/AK). The SCAR does "recoil" harder than the G39...but even the PDW only "recoils" like a 22LR

2. ALL GBBRs are temp sensitive. About 15deg C and you'll dump a mag...more so with the open bolt. NONE of them work very well in FA in the cold on propane. Semi is so-so in cold weather. CO2...semi isn't an issue, can't comment on CO2 on full auto in the sub-10deg weather.

3. It's somewhat of a moot point in practice. Most times you are faced with the opportunity to "take a break" and reload...where you would be silly not to top off with gas as well. Either a between sets break...or a resupply opportunity in a milsim. However, on propane, you'll usually get a mag and a half of BBs dependably...more with the open bolt. More with semi...less so with full auto.

4. Best to ask whomever you're buying from to confirm that batch right then and there. Also, with some setups that allow for barrel extensions...the short barrel may finish with one thread, and the tip of the extension might finish with the reverse.
LOL this came a tad late :P I've been playing and dissembling my SCAR since I got it in March :P

For 2; the mags are still crap and I can't get blue gasket sealant in HK. Asked a friend to get me some from home depot or canadian tire here so I should get it once hes back for christmas :P

For 3, it's a moot point but I what I was trying to get at was if I were to modify the mags or gun such that the setup uses more gas than the stock gun the mags would still have sufficient gas to push out all 30 bbs. Actually speaking of the RATECH bolt I heard it's crap (through a friend who's been browsing ASC's other SCAR thread). The Gunsmodify one is lighter and should work better (also more aesthetically correct). I'm not sinking more money to the SCAR for now as I realised the ergonomics of the gun is not as suitable for me compared to an M4 (mostly the butt-stock being too concave, the tip of the stock digs into my chest too much). My money's being spent on AEG builds at the moment as I've been trying to do some crazy stuff with AEGs ever since I found out about their potential to shoot some 60 rps on a single sector build

For 4, I can confirm it's -14mm. I've attached the VFC long barrel extension and it fits, although the WE SCAR barrel is a lighter shade of grey (VFC's black) so you'll see some colouring issues where the 2 barrels meet (the gas block area).
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