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CBC: The Trouble with Fake Guns



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Old February 21st, 2009, 19:33   #31
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The media will continue to walk all over replicas and airsoft because the community has no voice. Not because we aren't permitted to have one, but because people collectively seem to want to avoid standing up for their hobby.

"It'll draw too much attention to us," they say. Idiots. The only attention we get right now is negative attention, and when negative shit is all anyone who is pulling levers sees, then our sport is likely to get canned. Hell, one dude might be going to jail because nobody knows that there's a legitimate fucking sport of airsoft in Canada, because everyone here is too busy huffing and puffing instead of actually getting to action.

Makes me sick.
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Old February 21st, 2009, 20:07   #32
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You're all very vocal on ASC; watch the report and see how it pans out. If you collectively don't agree with what's shown then you can put your money where your mouths are and post feedback comments/send emails to CBC instead of just whining in the relative safety of ASC.

I know some of you that posted here would/will, this isn't directed at you. But there are a lot of "me too" whiners on ASC who always act indignated when something like this comes up but can't be bothered putting in a real world effort.

Unlike the government, CBC would react to a thousand angry emails/phone calls from across the country.
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Old February 21st, 2009, 20:16   #33
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I don't have much faith in the CBC doing anything but presenting the typical liberal media viewpoint, but, the story would get done regardless. At some point we have to put our stake in the ground and take a stand and defend our position.

I have not seen the story yet, but, if it does become a negative, I suggest we make a collective rebuttle on it. We are not powerless. We have a lot of talent on this board for writing, for graphics, and for video, and we now have YouTube, so we have our own way to broadcast our own message. I would start with the vested interests that CBC typically defends and I would go as far as to ask to interview the reporter. I would pay money to see Morbius and this reporter in the same room for 5 minutes. He'd rip her story to shreds.

I hope to be happily surprised but I doubt I will be.

EDIT: You know, in the future we should be videotaping the interviews these reporters make and make our own report on the report. It would be great to have your own footage of the interviews to rebutt with. And if they refuse to allow it, then they don't get their interview.
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Last edited by Scarecrow; February 21st, 2009 at 20:21..
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Old February 21st, 2009, 20:51   #34
Well, I'd have to see the video first to determine what kind of shredding is in order, but in all likelihood they'd edit the interview cutting out the solid points and focusing on parts that make me look like a redneck, right-wing gun nut. Which isn't particularly difficult I suppose

That's the real problem with television interviews; they can snip and chop and reorder things to support their position and whatever wins you thought you scored get lost in the final product.

The best you can do is level the facts at them.

Replica's aren't all that easy to get. In fact, it's easier to get a crime gun, and law-abiding citizens using replica firearms in the pursuit of adventure games are unlikely to do anything stupid with them, unlike criminals. Remarkably like law-abiding gun owners are the least likely to commit gun crimes, so are those who use replicas for sport.

And of course, banning them would be about as useful as a ban on real handguns. If criminals respected bans, they wouldn't be criminals.

Perhaps the CBC should tackle the tough issue of crime by looking at criminals instead of the myriad ways in which a criminal commits crimes.

If you deal with criminals, the rest kinda sorts itself out.

Last edited by MadMorbius; February 21st, 2009 at 21:06..
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Old February 21st, 2009, 21:05   #35
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Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
Well, I'd have to see the video first to determine what kind of shredding is in order, but in all likelihood they'd edit the interview cutting out the solid points and focusing on parts that make me look like a redneck, right-wing gun nut. Which isn't particularly difficult I suppose

That's the real problem with television interviews; they can snip and chop and reorder things to support their position and whatever wins you thought you scored get lost in the final product.

The best you can do is level the facts at them.

Replica's aren't all that easy to get. In fact, it's easier to get a crime gun, and law-abiding citizens using replica firearms in the pursuit of adventure games are unlikely to do anything stupid with them, unlike criminals. Remarkably like law-abiding gun owners are the least likely to commit gun crimes, so are those who use replicas for sport.

And of course, banning them would be about as useful as a ban on real handguns. If criminals respected bans, they wouldn't be criminals.

Perhaps the CBC should tackle the tough issue of crime and criminals. Only an idiot believes that 2 Billion dollars wouldn't go a long way towards better policing and safer communities. Wonder what the CBC's budget looks like?
And thats why its better to lock them out Sorry but 'hoping' the news cast will say/do something good is just to funny, those guys make a living out of turning a shit on the sidewalk into a shit storm.

Originally Posted by toadhound View Post
I am glad that here in Canada we have so few problems that we can focus on pathetic issues like the availability of toy guns.
So true. Sigged.
Originally Posted by Mr.Shiney View Post
Yes it is hard to find an Instructor that teaches how to Finger, Suck, Squeeze and Blow all at the same time.
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Old February 21st, 2009, 21:10   #36
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Morbius, as soon as you meld the logic of guns + bans = more crime and the nanny-state-Liberal mindset with airsoft, you know we're pretty much fucked.

Banning handguns has to reduce gun crime, it just has to. If you remove the guns, you remove the crime.

Substitute handguns with airsoft, and the same logic applies.

If someone cannot personally see the use for a thing, would not use it themsleves, and thinks it's dangerous, it's easy to want it banned so that it doesn't injure them. It matters not what the thing is.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old February 21st, 2009, 21:30   #37
You're preaching to the choir, bud
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Old February 21st, 2009, 21:37   #38
Double Tapper
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"If you deal with criminals, the rest kinda sorts itself out.",You would put to many
politicians out of work and close down so many cushy jobs.
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Old February 21st, 2009, 21:43   #39
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A little off topic, but along the same tracks:

I was in a Surplus store here in downtown Toronto a few weeks ago and something struck me as strange.

There was a glass counter filled with pellet guns/replicas, all locked and alarmed etc... And next to the counter on the customer's side was a 5 gallon bucket with twenty sharpened machetes with a sign saying "2 for $50".

The priorities of Canada are all backwards. :|

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Old February 21st, 2009, 21:47   #40
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Guys, I don’t know how this works in Canada but in my country we have an Organization like NRA that fights for us. Everybody is giving donations and paying an annual fee to keep it going. We pay about CAD25.00/year. The President of this organization is always in touch with the Gun Department and with politicians.

We had a problem like this one, two weeks ago. The biggest TV channel said BS about BB guns and a politician said another BS about banning BB gun because of its “criminal” use etc… the next day the President from this Org. went there to speak with the politician, the following day, the ban project was withdraw.

Yes, an Organization like this requires money, but everybody is supporting them. Guns stores donates, shooters donates, people from airsoft donates etc…

This Org started in 2004 when the Government tried to ban the right to own real guns. Fortunately after the referendum we had, 65% of almost 200 millions peoples saying NO to the ban. Fortunately we had this Organization to fight for us.

Like I said, I don’t know how this things works here in Canada, but if this is possible in Brazil, I’m sure that this is possible in Canada.

The sad thing about this issue here in Canada, is that I used Canada as an example of developed country where people could play airsoft. I used Canada example when I went to the Brazilian Gun department to present airsoft and to ask for a regulation. It took 5 years after this meeting to have the regulation, but now people can import, can buy airsoft in the new local stores and can play.

This is a real story and this is my opinion.

But like I said before, I don’t know how this things works here in Canada. Sorry if I said something stupid for you guys.
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Old February 21st, 2009, 21:51   #41
Brian McIlmoyle
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CBC Market place

CBC Producer for Market place contacted me and asked me if I'd do an interview about "imitation Firearms"

CBC is liberal media.. that much is a given.. By the time they had talked to me thay had already interviewed a few politicians .. and Police officers... every one to the last had the position that "imitation Firearms" should be outright banned.

They wanted to talk to someone who used them for something other than holding up gas stations.

and they wanted to get some footage of people "having fun" using Imitation firearms.. to illustrate the other side of the equation.

The piece is first... not about airsoft... it is about "imitation Firearms" and the fact that a pellet gun that looks exactly like a HK pistol and shoots .177 lead pellets can be "sold to anyone without restriction" While some guns that shoot safer plastic pellets seemingly are more closely regulated.

Its a risk to speak to media.. but the fact is .. they were going to speak to someone...

I tried my best to show how imitation firearms have a legitimate use for responsible users in the proper conditions.

Regardless Erica had some rather pointy questions.. That I answered to the best of my ability.

Its not a positive report.. it not a negative report ... its a report about the access to imitation firearms .. and poses questions about their use and regulation.

I thought it was important that the opposing side to the "ban it all" opinion was presented.. for good or Ill I presented MY opinions as a citizen that has a vested interest in continued access to imitation firearms.

They could cut this any way they wanted to.. but I felt the producer wanted to present a balanced peice.. ( both he , his camera man and the recordest indicated that they wanted to come back and participate in a game because it looked likes loads of fun)

The final outcome was a question "what do you think should be done about the "imitation Firearm problem" I said that in my opinion you can not legislate away crime.. if you could we would be living in a crime free society. Existing regulations were sufficient if applied universaly to all imitation firearms.. however if there were something done.. they should make it an offense for persons under 18 years old to posses them.. and if they wanted to go further .. they should place imitation firearms under the non restricted PAL.

I tempered this with a statement that we live in a free society .. Goverment in a free society when faced with a contentious issue must choose the option that affords greater freedom not greater regulation.. or we can not call our society free.

I don't know if any of that will make it in to the final cut...

By the way.. the producer is watching this board... That is how they found me..

So lets not make it another story.. about the story... it will air.. and be gone.. and nothing will change... or it will .. but it certainly won't be because of anything I .. or any one else here says.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old February 21st, 2009, 21:54   #42
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Using Canada as an example of freedom for airsoft is like using a donkey as an example of race horses.

Glad it worked in Brazil though.

I've often wondered about getting my ass waxed. Any thoughts?
Age verifier Northern Alberta

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep discussing what's for dinner.

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Old February 21st, 2009, 21:57   #43
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Using Canada as an example of freedom for airsoft is like using a donkey as an example of race horses.

I've often wondered about getting my ass waxed. Any thoughts?
I'm sure it would shave a few seconds off of the mule's time.

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Old February 21st, 2009, 21:58   #44
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Wow. Brian, I think that you did what's right! Let's just hope the producers made something balanced. I'm not asking anybody to praise airsoft, but just to state the right facts.

I understand people getting pissed at the risk for this to get more sh*** on us, but I also believe that if well done, it can't be that bad.

What you said about a potential legislation makes sense, and I can't wait to see if they kept it, because that's an important piece.
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Old February 21st, 2009, 22:14   #45
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Using Canada as an example of freedom for airsoft is like using a donkey as an example of race horses.

Glad it worked in Brazil though.

I've often wondered about getting my ass waxed. Any thoughts?
Hey, you guys can play airsoft. We couldn't. :wink:

Yes, things are doing ok there right now, but we are always following what TV and politicians are doing.

I hope things are different in Canada, because now this is my new home, and I'm happy here.
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