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Why does everyone want to be a sniper?



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Old May 26th, 2008, 19:07   #31
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I'm with Amos, if I wanted to sit around in the bush, I'd just go camping. At least then I can get hammered and make that boring act fun

I own a sniper rifle (in fact I'm making an M110 SASS), but I use it in a Designated Marksman role rather than a sniper role. I just prefer semi-auto to full auto as I tend to underestimate the amount of ammo my gun can put down range in automatic mode. When I was using Thundercactus' "Legend Gun" (A G3 with just the silliest range ever lol) I noticed that I got more kills with semi-automatic than full automatic as I tended to pick my shots more. I also noticed this with my M16 when I had it (which is why I made the jump to a Semi-Automatic Sniper System, or SASS).

For me, the sniper rifle is just a tool that suits my needs more than a regular assault rifle does. I do not play the sniper role, and don't find it interesting. Though I will be wearing a semi-ghille (just an ACU jacket with some jutte on the back of it and a boonie with jutte and natural camouflage) depending on situations, I make no allusions to being patient enough or focused enough to be a sniper. I'll be a DM and move in a squad, but there's no way I could be a sniper.
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Old May 26th, 2008, 19:13   #32
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Nice to see some more responses

Originally Posted by BC_K View Post
My old CA33E served very well for as you call "sniping", As did my G3.

I got bout 20-25 tree's on the airsoft field here I like to go up in and NOONEs gotten me up there. Noone looks up.

Trigger control and patience is key.

Nothing better then a patrol 50 feet from your location and just picking one off at a time, an giggling inside as they try and figure out where the shot came from.

The rules said you have to stay inbounds. Never said had to stay on the ground.

I do it cause it's effective, makes the enemy go............umm where are they???
Good point, sure to tell him that. He would rather be one of those snipers that run around and pretty much act like an assault soilder, taking shots whenever.

Originally Posted by FOX_111 View Post
I always recommand people to start with an AEG. Even a stock one. They get a better feel of the game dynamic, tactics and they will get a lot more adrenaline.

Once they understand how it's done, they will know if sniping is still for them. As to be a succesfull sniper, you have do dedicate yourself. 90% of the airsoft sniper job is infiltrating without being seen. Since the gap in range between 400fps and 450fps (just to mention the more popular rules of fps) is not very big. So the airsoft sniper advantages are stealth and precision, wich is not that much more compared to an equaly fine tuned AEG.

I'm sniping since about 2003-2004 and I have crawled my fair share of ground. At the end of the day, you end up with not many kills, a sore back and hacking neck. Your few kills are still "a work of art" IMO, but if they want to be a 7331 snipa, it ain't going to be it for them.

Plus, tell your wannabe sniper friend to start making their own ghillie suit and saving up about 2000$ for their first upgraded Bolt action rifle. Maybe they will change their mind and go the more conservative way.
Very nice response, thanks. He still doesn't get how the FPS is the similar however, sure to tell him that. He wouldn't mind being a stealth sniper, but he would rather much be a 7331 snipa. He is not immature where all he wants are head shots lol, but I think he would rather be in the action a little more. Gotta talk to him more...

Originally Posted by Amos View Post
I own an AEG set up for normal rifleman type play,

I own an AEG set up in a DMR semi-only type play,

I own a bolt action sniper rifle.

On average with my AEG's (Rough estimate) 9-10 kills per game, but with my bolt action I'm lucky to get more than 5... And I'm aggressive when I play.. the only reason why I like my sniper kit is because It's really light and allows me to run around and be much more mobile.

I started with the "sniper" role after about a year of play... and it really took a long time for it to be fun (I still don't go out lone-wolf as a sniper, I move in a team with at least one other sniper) I don't play airsoft to sit in a bush by myself and be bored, I play to have fun.
A very good opionated response, thanks Amos. You move with your team and it still took a long time for it to be fun? Curious to find out...
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Old May 26th, 2008, 19:15   #33
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Originally Posted by Firewalker View Post
I'm with Amos, if I wanted to sit around in the bush, I'd just go camping. At least then I can get hammered and make that boring act fun

I own a sniper rifle (in fact I'm making an M110 SASS), but I use it in a Designated Marksman role rather than a sniper role. I just prefer semi-auto to full auto as I tend to underestimate the amount of ammo my gun can put down range in automatic mode. When I was using Thundercactus' "Legend Gun" (A G3 with just the silliest range ever lol) I noticed that I got more kills with semi-automatic than full automatic as I tended to pick my shots more. I also noticed this with my M16 when I had it (which is why I made the jump to a Semi-Automatic Sniper System, or SASS).

For me, the sniper rifle is just a tool that suits my needs more than a regular assault rifle does. I do not play the sniper role, and don't find it interesting. Though I will be wearing a semi-ghille (just an ACU jacket with some jutte on the back of it and a boonie with jutte and natural camouflage) depending on situations, I make no allusions to being patient enough or focused enough to be a sniper. I'll be a DM and move in a squad, but there's no way I could be a sniper.
Maybe this style of play you have chosen will suit him a little more, thanks
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Old May 26th, 2008, 19:35   #34
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Designated Marksman is a valuable tool in the squad arsenal that has to alternate between ranged shots and regular infantry role. Your role as a DM is to take out those individuals that your regular infantry members cannot, as your tools are better suited for the task.

They sometimes use semi-automatic rifles, but prefer rifles that can fire in full automatic. Rifles of choice have been M16 variants primarily as SDM-R (Squad Designated Marksman Rifle) in the US Army or SAM-R (Squad Advanced Marksman Rifle) in the US Marines. They also use M14's (The Marines' DMR is a Semi-automatic only version of the M14) and several other guns depending on service branch, which nation they're from, etc.

I like the DM role. I get to make some nice long distance kills here and there, as well as work within a squad and kick the shit out of people as a team.
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Old May 26th, 2008, 19:35   #35
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Originally Posted by DC_ACU View Post
everyone thinks its cool to run around by themselves, hiding in a bush.
Doh, busted! Damn it.
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Old May 26th, 2008, 19:37   #36
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
Doh, busted! Damn it.
You've never hidden in a bush, you've always become a bush. One might say you've become part of the vegetation, a vegetable perhaps. Mind numbing boredom
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Old May 26th, 2008, 19:38   #37
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Stalker likes to slap ppl instead of shooting them
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Old May 26th, 2008, 19:40   #38
deep in the bush
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Originally Posted by Muffin View Post
People want to be snipers because their afraid of being shot.

But hey I don't like being shot
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Old May 26th, 2008, 19:43   #39
deep in the bush
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Originally Posted by Skladfin View Post
Stalker likes to slap ppl instead of shooting them
I have game like that called "Counting Coup"

Its a game wher everyone has a small 2.5 foot stick. You have to touch the person ...not hit them with it.

When you touch the player you collect the stick. Who gets the most sticks wins.

If you eliminate a player by firearm you do not get the stick.

Everyone has guns of course

You can get shot as usual.
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Old May 26th, 2008, 19:48   #40
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Originally Posted by Firewalker View Post
You've never hidden in a bush, you've always become a bush. One might say you've become part of the vegetation, a vegetable perhaps. Mind numbing boredom
I've gotten to quite a few bugs by name I should say. They were all named "Tasty". Worse thing is getting one stuck in the back of one's throat, try it sometime and NOT cough up a lung. I solved the problem by having my lungs taken out, hence my using cigarettes to get my fill of O2 and other crap, and it filters out the bugs.

I'll add, it looks like I've got the longest range airsoft kills with a sniper rifle. Don't know the distance, but I've been at home on game day, and someone blames me for shooting them with a BB that came out of nowhere. I think the maximum distance is about 50km so far.

Originally Posted by Skladfin View Post
Stalker likes to slap ppl instead of shooting them
And God sits there and asks "Where the hell did that come from!?!" *Thanks to whomever came up with that for me, it's hilarious. Someone has it in their sig, I should get it as well, it's too funny.

Last edited by CDN_Stalker; May 26th, 2008 at 19:50..
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Old May 26th, 2008, 19:52   #41
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Originally Posted by Muffin View Post
People want to be snipers because their afraid of being shot.

It seems that many are agreeing with you, but I think I am going to disagree with you. I mean, correct me when I am wrong, aren't snipers usually a main target in a game? Many of scoutthedoggies awsome airsoft vids usually show the sniper getting shot at the end of it. First thing I would do If I knew there was a sniper on the other team would be to look for anything like a wookie on the ground...

And don't worry, he's not afraid of being shot. He likes the range aspect of playing a sniper role, but it seems that a sniper is more of a Ghost/Stealth type of role than one who takes down targets from a distance.

Experiences would be great...

lmfao slapping people?
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Old May 26th, 2008, 19:58   #42
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Originally Posted by Armandhammer View Post
lmfao slapping people?
No comment here.
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Old May 26th, 2008, 20:12   #43
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Originally Posted by Armandhammer View Post
It seems that many are agreeing with you, but I think I am going to disagree with you. I mean, correct me when I am wrong, aren't snipers usually a main target in a game? Many of scoutthedoggies awsome airsoft vids usually show the sniper getting shot at the end of it. First thing I would do If I knew there was a sniper on the other team would be to look for anything like a wookie on the ground...

And don't worry, he's not afraid of being shot. He likes the range aspect of playing a sniper role, but it seems that a sniper is more of a Ghost/Stealth type of role than one who takes down targets from a distance.

Experiences would be great...

lmfao slapping people?

what i think he means, is that to the uninformed, uninitiated novice; the sniper role is the easiest and it's closest to their video-game experience in that they can sit back, undetected and just shoot at people without them knowing where they are and risking getting shot back, which in airsoft is not as simple as that
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Old May 26th, 2008, 20:30   #44
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Originally Posted by Armandhammer View Post
lmfao slapping people?
Nah he just like to throw tampons at people.

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Old May 26th, 2008, 20:40   #45
Sha Do
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Keep it on topic guys....sheeesh.

I would have to disagree that snipers are main targets during any particular game. They can be a major threat, but the opposing team can always opt to detour and leave the sniper to their own little patch of the field, or send out their sharp shooter/DMM/counter sniper to let them duke it out.

Anyways, who says that snipers sit in a bush all day?? Anyone can hide in a bush, but it takes skill to look like a "bush" that really isn't there, and getting there with out being detected is half the art of sniping.

I also started sniping with a 400fps upgraded TM Aug and eventually went BA when the APS2 came out. It's a shame that Maruzen only makes the type 96 now.


Last edited by Sha Do; May 26th, 2008 at 20:43..
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