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Japanese vs. Canadian Airsoft



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Old April 7th, 2006, 13:54   #31
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Maubee there is all the manga thing that change it all... Japanesse culture is a lot different than canadian one... Even in canada there is different culture so...
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Old April 10th, 2006, 19:05   #32
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Old April 10th, 2006, 19:55   #33
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Originally Posted by SmokinGLocks
I say less then a day before banning takes affect. Bets anyone?
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Old April 10th, 2006, 20:38   #34
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Originally Posted by 6ft4
Originally Posted by longshot
I have a number of friends who have experience with Airsoft games around the Asia Pacific region mainly Hong Kong. I heard story of a whole team of players travel by subway to go to a game with their army uniform, and lots of Airsoft gun bags lying around. Players’ going to a game not only to play a game but is an opportunity to show off their ‘piece’ proudly to their pears. Also many players taking the game a little too seriously and is not unusual to see players ended up in fist fights which spoil the fun of a game. They also have a higher FPS limited which contributed to higher incidents of player injuries…to sum it all up I personally would prefer the Canadian style of airsoft games. Airsoft players in Asia have a definite advantage of easy access on getting everything they need to enhance the level of their games…this is something we envy a great deal in Canada.

The fps is getting lower now. Hardly find a game for High fps now. :sad:
Not many ppls showing off their gears unless it is a really big games.

For me i want to try airsoft in canada, but too bad all my gears and guns are in Hong Kong and hard to import to canada. the main problem for me is hard to find a good gunsmith here, may be airsoft was not popular in here b4.

The culture is different too, here ppls like using low cap mag ( more ppls start using lowcap mag in H.K, but still not that popular)
I might go to HK in a year or two. Where do you guys play now are there more or less places to play? My uncle played in the mountains back in 97. Thank god for Low Caps...if it weren't for the low caps/milsim demand we'd start using hoppers...
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Old April 10th, 2006, 20:39   #35
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nah.. this kind of posts is rare..
or atleast i havent seen them before they are deleted.

usually the offences here are newbies like me yapping all over the forum

edit: oh yeah that picture of the video shows real jap army in training..
very efficient. effective? nah..
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Old April 10th, 2006, 20:44   #36
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It's not really an army, for those of you not in 'the know'. The country of Japan no longer has an 'Army' 'Navy' or 'Air Force' to speak of, however adverse to that, they have a collection of soldiers who make up the JSDF: Japanese Self Defence Force. It's their version of what Germany has (or did Germany finally get an actual army back?). All in all, there are about 300,000 US Soldiers on the main island of Honshu with another 70,000 on the Southern-most island of Okinawa, so in effect the American army is actually protecting Japan.

Kind of brings things into perspective as to how incredibly fucked Korea would be if they launched some low-yield nukes in Japan's direction... they would not only be killing countless numbers of Japanese, but also thousands and thousands of American's.

Needless to say, I see the USA throwing a first-full of fuck-you-up nukes in Korea's back door if that would ever happen.
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Old April 10th, 2006, 22:20   #37
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yeah i know japan has whats called the defense force.
but what i mean was real soldiers instead of airsofters in the video

edit: btw i laughed when i saw that video.
anyone know how they just break windows by walking into it?
i dont.. think.. you. can.. just.. do that..
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Old April 11th, 2006, 07:33   #38
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Depending on the glass itself, and the size of the panes, you can. Not all countries have the same construction laws.
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Old April 11th, 2006, 07:37   #39
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They learned from the best...GODZILLA
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Old April 11th, 2006, 12:33   #40
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Japan's construction laws are different from most places
I believe they are closer to the laws we have here in Richmond, since it has to be earthquake-safe

anyway, Ive heard stories from a friend who saw the JSDF training with flashbangs: toss one in a room, miss, have the thing bounce back into the stick that is lined up along the door
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Old April 13th, 2006, 07:27   #41
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Originally Posted by Shinjin_MC
Japan's construction laws are different from most places
I believe they are closer to the laws we have here in Richmond, since it has to be earthquake-safe

anyway, Ive heard stories from a friend who saw the JSDF training with flashbangs: toss one in a room, miss, have the thing bounce back into the stick that is lined up along the door
At least they weren't practicing with frags....
YANHCHAN'S AIRSMITHING: AEG repair/Tune up/Upgrades V2/V3 mechboxes, rewiring/reconnecting.

Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country ~John F. Kennedy
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Old April 13th, 2006, 12:58   #42
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Originally Posted by pizzainthemorning
Just a little rant and opinion nothing that important, so if you want, read on.

So I've been here in Japan for about 3 months now, been out to a few games, and have been thinking a lot about this weird airsoft-culture-shock.

Obviously everything is more plentiful and cheaper, but I'm talking more about the actual gaming. Before I really get started, let me say that I'm having a great time playing airsoft (fly half way around the world and shoot people right?) in Japan. A lot of fun, cool, nice people. Good times. That being said, lets go.

To start, my two cents may not be 100% informed, and probably biased. When I say "Canadian Airsoft" I speak mainly about myself and the people I play with, which is a small group mostly isolated from the greater community. However, just reading things in the forums I think the view is more or less the same. When I say "Japanese Airsoft" again, referring to the games I've been to here, and can only assume that most games are played in a similar fashion.

I play airsoft for two reasons:
1. It's fun.
2. Realistic simulation/training.

When we go out in Canada, it's a huge plot of bush and trails, a few people, and a big long creep through those woods. We shoot only at what we can hit, and try to make it as real as possible, even adding in things like wounding to our games.

However, when I look at Japanese airsoft, like a lot of things Japanese.... it's strange. I'd say the average regular airsofter has about $6-700 in gear (some much, much more). That's just gear. Ok, that's cool, taking it very seriously, making it more real and authentic maybe, but then this is where it gets weird. I don't see one normal stock gun. Everything is customized or upgraded in some way or another. Guns so crazy, that they are more or less unrealistic. Customized special motors and high speed gears pumping out thousands of rounds from an automically fed 2000 round box mag such that the sound is no longer a series of rapid individual shots but a constant high pitched whining hum. Today I saw a spring shotgun with a silencer on it (sorry for the language, but really, I mean, what the fuck). P90's that have special extensions so they can take M16 mags (maybe those really exist, but I don't know, it looked weird). Nobody uses lo-caps, where in Canada we go to the trouble of organizing group orders to cut down the cost just to get those precious, realistic locaps.

Now, this makes sense in the fact that guns and accessories are cheap so this can be afforded, but again, I have to relate back to the actual gaming. Like I said, the games are fun, but the game is no longer stealth, no longer reflexes, no longer endurance, no longer cunning, no longer any of those things that I would imagine make a good soldier, the game is "whoever can shoot the most rounds the longest wins". The field we play at is roughly about 100 m x 100 m, and, the average game yields a turnout of about 80 people. Small space, tons of people, and a zillion bb's.

Anyone on this board who's been to Japan and played a bit of airsoft there, I'm anxious to hear your thoughts to see if they're remotely similar to mine. Like I said, this isn't an "attack" on Japan, and I also realize that in Canada sure, sometimes we're not all about the realism, but in general.

Now of course there are arguments against this (there's not a lot of space in Japan, what do you expect? It's cheaper, why not upgrade?), all I'm saying is that in general, I think that "Canadian Airsoft" is in truth more realistic, and in the end, yields better soldiers. Canadians, I salute you.


look at japanese street racing Vs American, Same idea. Ridiculous external mods that make the car look like a spaceship, exhaust tips that are 20" long, and paintjobs that can distract a 747 boeing's pilot.Whereas in the american street racing culture, mods are kept in the engine bay.....well mostly...
it's just the culture...they like it hightech, year 6060 kinda thing. We like it realistic. After all...airsoft IS milsim. not battle of galactica 6060...(insert trekkie talk here)
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Old April 14th, 2006, 13:41   #43
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The craziest thing I saw while in Japan was (with not a word of a lie here folks, I bet my entire reputation - what little there is - on it) was a group of airsofters playing in downtown Shibuya on a Thursday night/Friday morning around 3:30am. I had just stepped out of GasPanic East only to see a group of guys dressed in SWAT gear running up Dogenzawa shooting airsoft guns at some other guys that were dressed in street gear, 'defending' from around the corner.

Fucking hell, to be able to play out in the street in downtown, no less. God I love Japan. Of course, that being said, I'd like to make reference back to Nikotama & where we played out there. Broad-daylight (late morning, 11am) and in a public park with people walking their dogs on path's only a couple hundred meters away from us, some stopping and taking pictures on their keitei. Tons of fun!
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Old April 15th, 2006, 06:33   #44
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Haven't seen anything like that yet, but I've seen bb's all over the streets (main streets, not little back alleys or anything) and major public parks. The bb's had to get there somehow and I'm betting they didn't just fall out of someone's pocket.

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