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Old March 6th, 2015, 14:19   #31
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@Kos-Mos: Your stance is called center-axis I believe. It works not just for cross-dominance, but also for single-side dominance. I seem to remember seeing somewhere that it's used by tacteams to round and hold corners using a pistol, but I'm not sure. Something to do with reducing the amount that is visible as opposed to a Weaver stance, and providing more support than a traditional stance.
But I think you're supposed to switch stances depending on the situation (I do anyways...). Moving and shooting, I find a Weaver is the most comfortable and accurate with most pistols. Traditional... I don't really aim, just point and shoot while running out of and to cover. Corners = center-axis. But it may just be me.
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Old March 6th, 2015, 14:35   #32
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Originally Posted by Datawraith View Post
@Kos-Mos: Your stance is called center-axis I believe. It works not just for cross-dominance, but also for single-side dominance. I seem to remember seeing somewhere that it's used by tacteams to round and hold corners using a pistol, but I'm not sure. Something to do with reducing the amount that is visible as opposed to a Weaver stance, and providing more support than a traditional stance.
But I think you're supposed to switch stances depending on the situation (I do anyways...). Moving and shooting, I find a Weaver is the most comfortable and accurate with most pistols. Traditional... I don't really aim, just point and shoot while running out of and to cover. Corners = center-axis. But it may just be me.
Could be CAR (Center-Axis Relock), I haven't heard of it mentioned in a while. Its a cool looking system, which is why a lot of holly wood action shooters/video games seem to feature it (ie John Wick & Splinter Cell) but for real world application, the general consensus seems to be that its not very useful except in a few select situation/scenarios, most of which involve shooting from a vehicle or in very, very tight CQB situations.

Here's a clip from John Wick featuring it:
John Wick - Bar Fight

And here's a range demo from the guys that actually teach it (Sabretactical):

Honestly, I don't really see the benefits of CAR for "normal" engagements when compared to an isosceles or weaver stance. Short of the aforementioned super tight CQB or shooting from a vehicle, the standard systems work better imo.
Just your friendly neighborhood narcissist gearwhore.

Last edited by beta678; March 6th, 2015 at 14:43..
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Old March 6th, 2015, 14:55   #33
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Yeah, that's what it was; thanks beta.
But I find it really useful for rounding corners, both weak and strong side, and it works better than any other stance. It lets you peek really naturally without exposing too much of you when peeking (weak side, you'll have to tilt your pistol 45 degrees and you'll expose your shoulder, a bit of your head, and pistol while strong side you expose just the gun and a bit of your head). I guess Weaver accomplishes the same thing when peaking, but you need the space behind you for it to work effectively (extended arm length + pistol length). Weaver will also expose the shoulder of the side you are shooting at. Since corner rounding is mainly CQB, space is usually limited, so yeah, that's where CAR shines.

Last edited by Datawraith; March 6th, 2015 at 14:59..
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Old March 6th, 2015, 15:24   #34
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Yeah, I've tried CAR once before and its great for peeking and corners, though got a little overzealous with it at one point (I blame the adrenaline rush) and my slide smacked me right in the goggles haha.

Its fun to use but we've got little to no opportunity for CQB over here as all our fields are outdoor so other than that one time I played CQB indoors, I don't think I'll have a chance to feel like an action movie hero for quite a while...
Just your friendly neighborhood narcissist gearwhore.
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Old March 6th, 2015, 16:10   #35
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Aw that kind of sucks. Here in Ontario, we got lots of options to choose from, indoors and outdoors! Time to consider moving?
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Old March 6th, 2015, 16:39   #36
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Man, that looks like a Modified Weaver. Pulling the gun closer to increase sight picture, and crouching a bit to make yourself a smaller target and reduce the holster-to-eye travel.
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Old March 6th, 2015, 17:42   #37
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I think it's main purpose is being able to maneuver in tight spaces and reduce the target area when peeking. Not so sure on the holster to eye travel distance; rather, it would be longer because you are drawing the pistol across your body. It's not quite a modified Weaver either... A Weaver grip wraps your support hand around your dominant hand with the palm of the support hand on top of the dominant hand fingers with the support fingers gripping the knuckles of the dominant hand. CAR puts the support hand around the gun (I can't explain it really...). Also, a Weaver is supposed to put you directly facing your target, while CAR is highly bladed; your body is perpendicular to your target.
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Old March 6th, 2015, 22:24   #38
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Originally Posted by siggypoo View Post
Translated: "I don't want you to talk, just vote."
This topic isn't warm, let alone heated.
Option (A)...
And the poll won't come remotely close to giving you the info you seek.
Maybe my words are too simple to express what I want to say..
I mean, you can still make your answers to the survey questions in your post besides normal discussion. Like:
"I would answer the questions AYY."

In most time I draw out my pistol in a skirmish or a game, the engaging distance would be around 4~15m away or more.
I have to admit that I rarely use it when in skirmish since rifle or SMG would be the primary weapon. However my primary weapons are not so reliable, so..
In this distance, if I don't use the sight on pistol, I'd miss the target more easily.

Yes, there's chance that might encounter foes at corner or within 3 meters..but I'd rather slice the pie and at least 2 steps away to the corner if possible than using the CAR and stand right next to the corner. I don't want risk myself into the H2H combat, or get hit randomly when my foe is just 1 step away.

In other words, I'd consider CAR is more suitable in a very, very confined space that normal stance isn't practical or in a more emergency situation like a surprise ambush in a VIP protection mission.

Edit: typo.

Last edited by nekosp; March 6th, 2015 at 22:51..
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Old March 7th, 2015, 19:01   #39
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Unless there's a path perpendicular to the corridor you are holding directly in front of you, how would you risk hand to hand combat? You will be able to sight faster and shoot them before they get to you. You are also exposed less than Weaver when holding a corner using CAR. You can't hold the corner if you are staying away from it.
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