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What do you guys think of mag fed?


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Old December 13th, 2014, 16:49   #31
zombiesniper's Avatar
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My opinion on this is if these are your "sniper" rounds then they should at least be more accurate than what is displayed on the video. For that price I should be able to headshot from 200' all day long. With the video posted they're less accurate than a stock G&G Combat machine.
Therefore coming here and wowing us with a mediocre at best grouping from an un-awe inspiring distance is just paintballers trying to catch up on range and accuracy.
And yes I've played both sports. No you won't see me on a paintball forum.
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Old December 13th, 2014, 17:00   #32
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yeah, I used a mag fed marker once and I sold it off..and here is why

1. 100 balls for 10bucks, and that last like 2 matches IF there is no respawn. with respawn, 100 balls are nothing..and these are drop in games.

2. small airtank in the stock. I got myself a cheaper M17CQB, and that thing shoots around 100 rounds and yay, needs refill of air since I can only use a 13cu tank. The adapter milsig sell for you to be able to use the gun WITH A STOCK is 80 dollars...Not to mention the Ninja tank I got prevents the stock anyways, because you know, you should of bought a milsig tank that can rotate..and that costs twice as much as a ninja tank. Or you can get shrims..

3. loading paintballs in to a mag is painful...there is no quick loader for a square head mag, only round collars can. Guess which one i i have to load it one by one by hand...want a quick loader? oh that will be 30 bucks because it's uncommon..

4. the misfeed/break really fks ur accuracy, which you have almost none to being with. Barrels really make a difference in paintball, I have a short stock barrel, and my friend has a upgraded carbon barrel with holes to keep the ball stable. Our accuracy is unmatched, I can see my balls curve to the sides, it's ridiculous..I tried his tippmann X7, and god damn it shoots straight with that barrel..(once we switch barrels, he lost the accuracy..)

so yeah, I switched to airsoft right a way..the money I got back selling off paintball stuff got myself a semi-decent AEG primary + a gas pistol and some protective gear and extra mags..Had so much fun without dealing with all that stuff..

it really all comes down to is money. By playing airsoft, I can afford much more things like more gear or even a basic NVG if I really want one..
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Old December 13th, 2014, 17:15   #33
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Accuracy would be the biggest issue for the price of the rounds. I agree with Slodin, for the cost of the rounds I'd like to see higher accuracy, but unfortunately the nature and physics of the sport kind of prevent that. You'd have better success getting range and accuracy from reballs.

Speaking of effective range, I'd describe it at the range where you can hit a torso with repeatability. I paid $2000 for my gun, but I've got an effective range of 260ft with .30g BBs that I get 4000 for $45.
It's the "paint" part of paintball that hinders performance.

Of course, BBs don't mark the target and it's a huge annoyance when someone doesn't call an awesome shot. But The ability of paintballs to break at their maximum range is going to be lowered as well, just how far CAN you shoot a paintball before it won't break?
On the other side of the fence, there's paintballers that won't call balls that don't break, and some that wipe as well. So we have cheaters on both sides.
There were, way back in the day, 6mm paintballs available for airsoft. But with 470 round highcap mags, speed loaders, and the speed at which they get loaded, it just compounded the issue of balls breaking in your equipment.

It really just comes down to whether you want to mark your target or not. Everything else is pretty much the same.
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Old December 13th, 2014, 19:33   #34
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What I think is that this is paintball trying to become something that it is not... Realistic looking. Paintball has its place, and that's in shooting your friends and having a way of marking hits. Its more of a "sport" than airsoft is. Airsoft is more of a fashion show and "experience".

I think mag fed paintball guns look even worse than your regular hopper setups, simply because regular paintball guns look like they do what they're meant to do. Mag fed paintball guns just look like they're trying to do something and doing a really shitty job at it.

The big reason why nobody here is impressed is because the "new developments" in paintball are developments made in airsoft several decades ago.

The player maturity argument airsofters like to make is outdated. It sort of applied back when airsoft in Canada was pretty much all 18+, but now that airsoft is becoming mainstream, you get just as many tards playing airsoft as you do in paintball.
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Old December 13th, 2014, 19:46   #35
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I think it's funny that this same conversation has been had within the Paintball community across decades.

There are those (almost a literally dying breed) who believe that Stock Class pump Paintball (sort of like speedball, kind-of) is the only Paintball, and anything else is a mutation and/ or dilution of the essential game. Maybe an entertaining and worthwhile mutation, but not "it" at all.

These same people typically have no aversion to Airsoft; they may not like it or play it for a whole host of reasons, but they're pretty lessaiz faire about the whole 'issue' so it were, so long as nobody else tries to 'WOODSBALL' or 'SPEEDBALL: RPS IS BETTER' or 'AIRSOFT' them out of their own space.

I'm still pretty young, but I've been active in Airsoft and Paintball long enough to remember when Woodsball and guys in camo were a notable point of contention within the 'splat' community.

We're all working on our own things here, I can argue for AND against both Airsoft and paintball. However, different groups have their own things going, and diversity makes everything more exciting overall, so long as we establish and maintain communities where people can freely cross the floor.

Kinda like how I personally view the lowly Hamburger to be one of working-class Humanity's finest creations. It is in all it's possible variations possibly my favorite food. I would eat one every day if I didn't know my heart would explode.
All that is true to me, but if I couldn't go get a Shwarma, or Dim Sum, or some other monumentally motherfucking excellent food, I would feel very sad and unfulfilled indeed.
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Old December 13th, 2014, 21:17   #36
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Lets see:
More expensive to buy
More expensive to feed
Less reliable
Less realistic

I think I'd look forward to a colonoscopy with greater relish.

Oh and if you happen to think the forward assist has ANYTHING to do with clearing a malfunction then I've got this ocean front property in Alberta I think you'd be interest in......
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Old December 13th, 2014, 21:26   #37
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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You get your colonoscopies with relish?

On another note! Hey guys, my buddies and I are bringing out some custom Betamax players that we've painted the Blueray logo on the side of.... Thoughts?
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old December 13th, 2014, 21:55   #38
Red Dot
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lol no lie Betamax was the bomb, stupid VHS...
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Old December 14th, 2014, 00:01   #39
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My Laser Disc owns you all.
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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Old December 14th, 2014, 00:42   #40
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Paintball is gay.
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Old December 14th, 2014, 01:12   #41
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Location: North Delta, BC (Greater Vancouver)
Originally Posted by Danke View Post
My Laser Disc owns you all.
Hifi bitch! Speakers the size of a Buick, sound quality of a Walkie-talkie.

......successful derail everyone! High fives for everybody.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...

Last edited by Ricochet; December 14th, 2014 at 01:17..
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Old December 14th, 2014, 02:41   #42
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I'll stick to my hopper and etek 3 I hate mag fed markers to much can go wrong and if I'm having trouble with feeding I can't just hand feed like I can with my marker plus too much fluff in the way when playing speedball all that extra look at my realistic gun gets in the way during movement and gun fights running to the 50 is a pain in the ass with a gun over 5 pounds minus hopper and tank my etek 3 weighs a pound maybe a pound and a half at most
Do not shop at New 2 you Buy & Sell in Hamilton, On. Unless you want to be ripped off.
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Old December 14th, 2014, 02:50   #43
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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It's hard having a G&P M249 and listen to people complain about how heavy their 5lb guns are.
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Old December 14th, 2014, 03:08   #44
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I'm not complaining in speedball there is so much paint flying off the break trying to get to the 50 is hard enough to begin with adding weight just slows you down something you don't need when you trying to get up front and lock down the god bunker or the 50 snake so you can keep your guys from dying any sort of extra weight is not needed that's why when I play front I only carry out 3 pods as apposed to the 7-9 I carry out as a back player if you are too heavy to make it to the important bunkers your useless to your team when I play airsoft I carry out quite a lot but during speedball I keep myself light and fast
Do not shop at New 2 you Buy & Sell in Hamilton, On. Unless you want to be ripped off.
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Old December 14th, 2014, 03:50   #45
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Originally Posted by Aj619 View Post
I'm not complaining in speedball there is so much paint flying off the break trying to get to the 50 is hard enough to begin with adding weight just slows you down something you don't need when you trying to get up front and lock down the god bunker or the 50 snake so you can keep your guys from dying any sort of extra weight is not needed that's why when I play front I only carry out 3 pods as apposed to the 7-9 I carry out as a back player if you are too heavy to make it to the important bunkers your useless to your team when I play airsoft I carry out quite a lot but during speedball I keep myself light and fast
what is a period
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