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Old May 29th, 2011, 18:38   #31
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Pretty sure that's a guy known as "Arclight" (it's even signed arclight on the side of the gun at 49 seconds).

Looks to be an M4 based rifle (likely a G&P judging from what I can tell from the receiver markings). Typical Generic red dot. you can get a similar looking rear stock if you get a "MOD stock", likely there's a "nunchuck battery" inside (it looks like this is the specific rear stock he used). Front handguard is a Magpul PTS MOE, I suspect the vert grip is also from the Magpul PTS line.

Hope this helps.

The M4 is very versatile and you've made a pretty good choice, I myself own an M4 but I am kind of getting into the idea of picking up an AK for a custom project.

Any questions you have feel free to ask (but search first). You've really made a good impression, keep it up and you'll have loads of fun and when 18 be welcomed with open arms to the community.
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Old May 29th, 2011, 21:55   #32
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Man, it doesn't matter who runs what camo, unless the field owner says you can't use a certain camo because one of the teams is running it, it shouldn't matter as long as you don't show up in jeans and an ECKO sweater.
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Old May 30th, 2011, 10:22   #33
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Thanks for all the help, I think I'm going to save up for this one-
Classic Army M15A4 P.M.C x Series
Classic Army seems to be a good 'brand' (or so I've heard), and I can get it nearby, so I would only have to worry about them (halifax airsoft wholesale) ordering it in.

Really appreciate all the advice (again).
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Old May 30th, 2011, 13:31   #34
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Originally Posted by TacWolf View Post
Thanks for all the help, I think I'm going to save up for this one-
Classic Army M15A4 P.M.C x Series
Classic Army seems to be a good 'brand' (or so I've heard), and I can get it nearby, so I would only have to worry about them (halifax airsoft wholesale) ordering it in.

Really appreciate all the advice (again).
Happy to be of assistance.

Classic Army is a good choice. Though I'd advise to keep in mind what I said earlier about full stock versus collapsible stock and batteries.

edit: Oh, and watch out for the sportline vs proline thing.

Last edited by Kuro_Neko; May 30th, 2011 at 13:43..
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Old May 30th, 2011, 15:50   #35
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Yeah, I had a 'full stock' on my clearsoft, it never really appealed to me as much though, I was actually looking into getting a new stock for it, when I realised it wouldn't work with my battery. My intention is, that when I run out of battery, I'll bring out my clearsoft pistol and sort of, hold them at bay while I put in a new one.
And yeah, I was going to go for a slightly different one, but some further research made me realise it was sportline. I think the one I intend on getting IS proline though.
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Old May 30th, 2011, 16:01   #36
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Originally Posted by TacWolf View Post
Well, I'm a girl so neither.
I was suspicious the moment you listened to the advice given instead of arguing. This quite literally explains everything. I don't recall ever reading such civilized and upfront post from a minor in a while.

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Old May 30th, 2011, 16:39   #37
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Originally Posted by TacWolf View Post
Yeah, I had a 'full stock' on my clearsoft, it never really appealed to me as much though, I was actually looking into getting a new stock for it, when I realised it wouldn't work with my battery. My intention is, that when I run out of battery, I'll bring out my clearsoft pistol and sort of, hold them at bay while I put in a new one.
It really depends on how you shoot though. If you like to lay down suppression fire and hose things down you might be changing a Large 3000 mAh battery twice in a day. On the other hand if you're a DMR or use directed point fire then a mini 800 mAh battery might last you the entire day. BUT it is always better to have a bigger capacity than you need....

Maybe look at getting your rifle front wired and putting the battery into a PEQ box in the front.

Classic army is a fine choice and their QC has greatly improved since their old days back in 2004. I wouldn't hesitate to pick one up if I were in the market for an M4 and it was the right price and whats available. That said, I'm in the market for an AK at the moment and I've narrowed it down to either building up a V3 gearbox from scratch and tossing it into a G&P body, getting my hands on an RS T56, or possibly go the Classic route and get a Daytonagun and running an HPA setup.

There's so many options but as a newbie it's probably best to get something "standard" that you can run straight out of the box, and figuring things out slowly.
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Old May 31st, 2011, 08:27   #38
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I typed my reply TWICE and the iPad deleted it both times, which was incredibly frustrating.
Seeing as I will more then likely buy one of these- MAGPUL PTS MOE Polymer M4M16 Carbine Handguard
Sooner or later, I realised there is no need for RIS, and I could probably get away with a Tactical like stock. With the battery in the hand guard (please confirm this would work.)

In the end, I have narrowed it down to the following-
-KWA KM4A1 Carbine Full Metal
Is that any different from this one?

-ICS20 M4 Carbine
Is that any different from this one?
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Old May 31st, 2011, 15:31   #39
Cobalt Caliber
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Ya a battery does fit into that hand guard you'd just have to wire your gun forward. But most M4A1 with a standard CAR-15 (NOT Crane) stock in my research are fore-wired if you have the standard (NO Rails hand guard) begin with. If not It's not a hard thing to do.

*Disclaimer*This is just my experience through about 3 months of research, I may be wrong wait for someone with more experience, This is just what I've read and want to pass on to fellow players.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old May 31st, 2011, 16:13   #40
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The MOE handguard will fit a mini battery. It will fit a mini nunchuck battery if you install a rail on the bottom of it, too.

Those guns are the same, HaW and the Army Navy store are connected.

Get the KWA over the ICS. ICS has lots of proprietary parts and changing/upgrading is a pain in the ass.
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Old May 31st, 2011, 16:22   #41
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@Cobalt Caliber- Great, thanks.

@Spike- Thats interesting because the one at army navy is $25 cheaper then the other one. Is there a particular reason?
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Old June 2nd, 2011, 00:23   #42
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No idea on that one.
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Old June 2nd, 2011, 07:05   #43
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The M4 is a fine choice for a first primary rifle. As others have said, there are lots of modification parts available for that particular style of rifle. As stated above, ICS has a lot of proprietary parts, mainly because it's based around an in-house developed split gearbox (splits into an upper and lower). The design is convenient for swapping out piston/spring components quickly (it can be done in about 5-10 minutes), but it also means that replacing the gearbox with something better is pretty much a no-go as all other gearboxes are single piece drop-ins.

Regarding your question about an M16 vs. M4, the M16 is a full-stock, full barrel length rifle originally introduced during the Vietnam war to replace the M14. The M4 is a variant of the M16 originally designed for commandos, and fitted with a crane stock and shorter barrel assembly. The main advantage of an M4 over an M16 is its variable length stock, which allows it to be used for CQC or long-range engagements. The adjustable stock also allows for a person of any size to use the rifle comfortably.

Hope that helps.
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Old June 2nd, 2011, 14:34   #44
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Originally Posted by Spike View Post
The MOE handguard will fit a mini battery. It will fit a mini nunchuck battery if you install a rail on the bottom of it, too.

Get the KWA over the ICS. ICS has lots of proprietary parts and changing/upgrading is a pain in the ass.

I'd personally advise CA (as I might have mentioned just alittle before ), but if it's a choice between KWA and ICS, then KWA wins hands down. ICS's have their uses, but really only for experienced players. For a newbie, definitely not.
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Old June 3rd, 2011, 11:46   #45
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I've been thinking about this for a while, and I'm sort of leaning towards getting a low-mid grade one, for several reasons-

1) Lower price, means I won't be completely broke, but from what I've heard the one I'm leaning towards is an ok gun.
2) Because I don't get to play too much (just whenever I can), I don't want to splash out a lot of money on a gun that I probably won't use as much as I should.
3) I really like upgrading things, and getting different parts, and getting a cheaper gun then say a KWA will mean I have the money to upgrade, but also keep in touch with my other interests.

I really appreciate all your help, and I have listened to all your advice, and if I felt like I could spend the money with no regrets, I would. I still see myself as being too young to get properly involved in the sport, therefore the gun I intend on getting, would still outproform my friends clearsoft, until I'm ready to get the high grade guns.

Thanks again.
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