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Need pro advice on the DPMS A-15 M4A1


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Old May 26th, 2009, 01:29   #16
Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw
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Originally Posted by goutchigoutchi View Post
Woh woh... airsoft can't be ALL ABOUT this site...
I just want to play with some friends, I don't think I' m going to do a organized War soon. Maybe later if I really like it... but for now I just wan't to get started.
Don't take it too serious :O
Im not jumping down your throat dude, Im just blunt. Well we as a community don't really offer much advice to people who are not AV'ed for the fact they could be a minor (saying your not a minor doesn't necessarily make it so) and we do not in any way condone minors to own airsoft.

If you are 18 then just meet up with an Age Verifier (again mind letting us know where you live so we can help point you in the right directions?) maybe for a coffee or a beer or at a game, and take it from there.
My trust is in whiskey, in weed and in Slayer, its GODDAMN ELECTRIC - Pantera

Originally Posted by Pliskin View Post
This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.
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Old May 26th, 2009, 01:30   #17
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
No, the $104 one wouldn't be a JG. The $250 he lists most likely is.
thanks from the clear up you just saved me a few logs short of a log house.
as i was saying jg is a great brand good internals with a low fps spring to give it a long lasting life. upgrade ready.
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Old May 26th, 2009, 01:34   #18
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Originally Posted by goutchigoutchi View Post
Woh woh... airsoft can't be ALL ABOUT this site...
I just want to play with some friends, I don't think I' m going to do a organized War soon. Maybe later if I really like it... but for now I just wan't to get started.
Don't take it too serious :O
Well, to be honest, this site seems to be the only place to get full black guns. You can get clearsoft guns from online retailers, but if you want quality goods, you really need to get into the classifieds here. Even seperate forums (BCAC, for example) recognize the necessity for age verification and will only allow those who are verified as being 18+ to access their private sales forums.

I had the same apprehension you did when I was trying to get age verified. Best way to see whether or not you're really into airsoft is to go to a real airsoft game. Get age verified there for good measure. It's painless, I swear. Just let us know whereabouts you live.

Originally Posted by Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw View Post
This dude/dudette is a perfect example of how every newbie should be. Very knowledgeable as he/she actually puts forth the effort to read what has already been said a million times over, has demonstrated nothing but tact from what Ive seen in this persons posts. Hell if there was a "Newbie Of The Year" award Id dish it out to Ashton.

Well, I'd like to thank my mum and dad for bringing me up so proper, and my friends for sticking by me even when times were bad. You guys are the best! *Sniffle.* I'd also like ASC for existing, and SIR for not shooting me in the crotch too many times during initiation. I still need those for now, after all.

Though, seriously, all it takes is an afternoon of browsing the stickies.
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Old May 26th, 2009, 01:35   #19
Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw
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Originally Posted by NoGear View Post
thanks from the clear up you just saved me a few logs short of a log house.
as i was saying jg is a great brand good internals with a low fps spring to give it a long lasting life. upgrade ready.
Are we talking about the same JGs? The quality of their internals is just slightly better than what it used to be (which was very hit or miss). I'd say their closer to 6 or 7 outta 10. But for the "low FPS spring" I doubt that since most chinese clones come with about 360-450fps springs, which is anything but "low fps". They shoot too hot and hard for what the mechboxes are made for and the chances of them cracking are ALOT higher. Thats one thing that made the chinese clones so popular with noobs who didnt know better. The fact they can have a gun that shoots 400fps -/+ outta the box, without knowing what that can actually do to the internals.

Originally Posted by Ashton View Post

Though, seriously, all it takes is an afternoon of browsing the stickies.
Well thats the reason for them being stickied. And isn't it a shame when even THAT isn't enough for some people? (not directed to the OP here, just a general comment). Well its like the old saying "What a world we live in when common sense is no longer common." - George Carlin.
My trust is in whiskey, in weed and in Slayer, its GODDAMN ELECTRIC - Pantera

Originally Posted by Pliskin View Post
This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.

Last edited by Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw; May 26th, 2009 at 01:38..
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Old May 26th, 2009, 02:05   #20
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Originally Posted by Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw View Post
Are we talking about the same JGs? The quality of their internals is just slightly better than what it used to be (which was very hit or miss). I'd say their closer to 6 or 7 outta 10. But for the "low FPS spring" I doubt that since most chinese clones come with about 360-450fps springs, which is anything but "low fps". They shoot too hot and hard for what the mechboxes are made for and the chances of them cracking are ALOT higher. Thats one thing that made the chinese clones so popular with noobs who didnt know better. The fact they can have a gun that shoots 400fps -/+ outta the box, without knowing what that can actually do to the internals.

Well thats the reason for them being stickied. And isn't it a shame when even THAT isn't enough for some people? (not directed to the OP here, just a general comment). Well its like the old saying "What a world we live in when common sense is no longer common." - George Carlin.

uhh im not the type of person who wants fps..... my gun is running 360 and i find that around average so nothing to strong nor to weak. and iam aware of what type of damage is being done to my gun but its got the ability to last longer than some clones. because of the SO hot 400 fps springs people use.
you also don't see many JG doc helps rather than G&G so i can justify a valid reason why i preffer JG.

agree to disagree is the only solution
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Old May 26th, 2009, 02:11   #21
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Originally Posted by NoGear View Post
uhh im not the type of person who wants fps..... my gun is running 360 and i find that around average so nothing to strong nor to weak. and iam aware of what type of damage is being done to my gun but its got the ability to last longer than some clones. because of the SO hot 400 fps springs people use.
you also don't see many JG doc helps rather than G&G so i can justify a valid reason why i preffer JG.

agree to disagree is the only solution
My post wasn't directed at you, again it was more of a generalization to the noobs that would think just because a gun shoots 430fps out of the box that its a better gun to buy. If it shoots 360 Id say thats fairly good for stock, and should hold out for a while before needing any serious overhaul.
My trust is in whiskey, in weed and in Slayer, its GODDAMN ELECTRIC - Pantera

Originally Posted by Pliskin View Post
This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.
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Old May 26th, 2009, 11:31   #22
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Originally Posted by Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw View Post
My post wasn't directed at you, again it was more of a generalization to the noobs that would think just because a gun shoots 430fps out of the box that its a better gun to buy. If it shoots 360 Id say thats fairly good for stock, and should hold out for a while before needing any serious overhaul.

hah ok then well iam classified as a noob but i would rather not upgrade cause the gun works very well as it is none the less srry

i did do some research and Dpms is... a rebrand of a jg but a clone of a clone of a clone might mean there's a higher chance of getting a lemon.
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Old May 26th, 2009, 12:45   #23
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It is not a clone of a clone yadda yadda they buy them right from JG and stick their name on it, it has the same lemon rate as any other JG. this happens all the time and not just in airsoft.

And DPMS is a real firearms company not an airsoft one. this gun is made by JG bought at wholesale by Cybergun trademarked with licensed DPMS logos and imported/sold as their own.

Is this AEG going to be great? most likely not but it will be just like any other JG M4A1 so read some JG reviews and go from there.
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Old May 26th, 2009, 13:47   #24
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Originally Posted by Tex View Post
It is not a clone of a clone yadda yadda they buy them right from JG and stick their name on it, it has the same lemon rate as any other JG. this happens all the time and not just in airsoft.

And DPMS is a real firearms company not an airsoft one. this gun is made by JG bought at wholesale by Cybergun trademarked with licensed DPMS logos and imported/sold as their own.

Is this AEG going to be great? most likely not but it will be just like any other JG M4A1 so read some JG reviews and go from there.
I totaly agree with above statement i was trying to give a simple version but that didn't seem to work. having first hand experiance with a jg thundermaul
wich is there m4a1 in a shell its a very great gun.

v2 renforced gearbox with black gears
brass tight bore
li-poly ready
wobble is very minimal

internals are built to last.

im not sure if the re brands changed anything but if they stick to quality parts it should be a good gun.

though not owning a G&G i would say its better performance wise the only thing that i wish that JG had was a ball bearing spring guide but im not even sure what type of spring guide is in JG guns
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Old May 26th, 2009, 16:00   #25
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Originally Posted by NoGear View Post
I totaly agree with above statement i was trying to
v2 renforced gearbox with black gears
brass tight bore
li-poly ready
wobble is very minimal

internals are built to last.

did you just say that your stock JG M4 was lipo ready?

sure, but it will only last you 3 and a half minutes...

And sure, JG internals are fine, but defanitly not built to last...
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Last edited by theguy; May 26th, 2009 at 18:48..
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Old May 26th, 2009, 18:28   #26
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Originally Posted by theguy View Post

did you just say that your stock JG M4 was lipo ready?

sure, but it will only last you 3 and a half minutes...

And sure, KG internals are fine, but defanitly not built to last...
it has the ability to use li-po's search it up XD

though i woudn't put a li-po in my gun ever beacause i don't want the battery to explode randomly. Its more along the lines of "hay you can put a li-po and it will work fine but something might go wrong."

it would also last more than 3 and a half minutes...........

and its a thundermaul made by STAR and JG not the cheap crapy version.
(yes there is kinda 2 types of thundermauls.)

so basically my gun is an M4 Made by jg and star.

Last edited by NoGear; May 26th, 2009 at 18:29.. Reason: spelling error XD
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Old May 26th, 2009, 18:47   #27
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Originally Posted by NoGear View Post
it has the ability to use li-po's search it up XD

though i woudn't put a li-po in my gun ever beacause i don't want the battery to explode randomly. Its more along the lines of "hay you can put a li-po and it will work fine but something might go wrong."

it would also last more than 3 and a half minutes...........

and its a thundermaul made by STAR and JG not the cheap crapy version.
(yes there is kinda 2 types of thundermauls.)

so basically my gun is an M4 Made by jg and star.
Any gun has the ability to use lipos, the doesn't mean you should. Any stock gun (especially a chineese clone) probably shouldn't use a lipo without at least a carefull shimming/re-greasing.

And you have a star thundermaul? a few posts ago you said you had a JG

Originally Posted by NoGear View Post
I totaly agree with above statement i was trying to give a simple version but that didn't seem to work. having first hand experiance with a jg thundermaul
wich is there m4a1 in a shell its a very great gun.

Look, im not trying to bash you or anything, they'res nothing wrong with (most) JGs. But your making them sound like amazing guns. IMO its worth it to pay the extra 50 bucks and get a G&G
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Old May 26th, 2009, 19:33   #28
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im not saying there the best its worth the money i spent on it. Im rather stating i woundn't buy a G&G because theres many problems associated with them. Haven't heard anything bad about a JG in a wile is what iam also saying.
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Old May 27th, 2009, 00:01   #29
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I have a dpms m4, and after taking the whole thing apart, i have to say the quality is actually alot better then some of the other guns ive seen. They come with steel bushings, shim was decent from factory, and so far has been holding up just fine.

The gun is completly TM compatible, and will take to upgrades just as well as any other guns. I put an upgraded spring, piston, bearing spring guide and a tight bore on the gun and i absolutly love it. Only thing that was lacking right out of the box, was the battery. I have a lipo here waiting to go in as soon as my charger gets here. We'll see how the gun likes my M120 spring thats in it and an 11.1V lipo .


Last edited by Janz99; May 27th, 2009 at 00:03..
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Old May 27th, 2009, 01:11   #30
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Real airsoft (as apposed to backyard battling) is a serious sport that takes dedication and a substantial amount of money. If you're serious about getting into this sport then getting Age Verified is a must. No, the Airsoft Canada forum isn't the be all and end all of airsoft, but in Canada it's close. The contents of the Classifieds and Retailer sections are well worth getting AV'ed if you truly intend to get into the sport. For just alittle bit more then that $250 you'd be able to get a much better quality full black gun. Not to mention piles of other accessories from camo and web gear to mags and optics to grenades and clamores.

Fair warning though, when I said the sport requires a substantial amount of money I wasn't kidding. The bare minimum for a full kit would be about $600, with more like $1000 to $1500 being more reasonable.

Honestly, if you can't be bothered to get Age Verified then it doesn't seem that this sport is for you. That's not intended as an insult, not all sports are for everyone. If you just want something to casually play around with, then get a cheap clearsoft from Walmart or Canadian Tire and save your money for something you're really interested in.

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