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Canadian customs issue.



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Old April 3rd, 2009, 10:45   #16
13Fido13's Avatar
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i don't have the letter in front of me right now. but i do believe that it says something along the lines of you must prove that's it's not restricted. but it does not give me a way to do this. which is why i'm asking if i go see them. if they have a number to call etc.

I understand that some people get lucky, and so far i've had nothing but luck with customs. Minimum searches and fees. I don't have as much of an objection with the fact that they're looking through it, it's just when they stop letting items such as these through. If i've got to pay a few bucks to keep the government quiet i suppose i'll have to live with it.

Thanks for the input, keep it coming. Like i said, i've never gone through this before. The more information i have the better.

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Old April 3rd, 2009, 11:01   #17
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To prove that it's not restricted, get someone who knows shit about firearms.

No other way around it. Ask to get a supervisor to inspect it or if you're friends with the local CFO, LE, or CF get them to check it out and tell them if it's a receiver or not.

It might help to bring a picture of an actual receiver and a picture of a mechbox to compare and contrast.

AFAIK, optics aren't restricted/prohibited (well maybe the eotech ones and ones that fall under the US exportation ban list).
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Old April 3rd, 2009, 11:20   #18
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Here's a link to the CBSA dispute resolution page

It looks like they have flagged your gearbox as a receiver, so you might have to take the angle that you own a clearsoft rifle and the gearbox is simply the internals to your clear rifle.

When I went through this before I made it clear that I use clearsoft in order to comply with canadian law. The downfall of clearsoft is it's plastic and the peices break easier compared to their more realistic metal counterparts, so replacement parts are often necessary to keep my airsoft rifles running. Buying replacement/repair parts is cheaper than buying a whole new airsoft rifle.

Also point out that your gearbox is for a G&G airsoft rifle. G&G is one of the main manufacturers of Canadian approved clear airsoft rifles.

Never lie about what you paid for the parts.

Write a letter, be polite as possible and explain it in detail to them. Most of their concerns with items like these is the demeanor of the importer. If you're the type of person to start yelling and screaming this will lessen your chances compared to somebody who shows reason and responsibility.

Good luck.

Last edited by ox; April 3rd, 2009 at 11:22..
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Old April 3rd, 2009, 11:41   #19
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On the letter it states:

Location of goods - IMPC
The goods described above are being detained for the following reasons - To determine admissibility.
Does this mean that they are still being looked at and may be released in the future. or does this mean that i need to contact them in order to get it released.

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Old April 3rd, 2009, 11:45   #20
The Saint
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Originally Posted by 13Fido13 View Post
Does this mean that they are still being looked at and may be released in the future. or does this mean that i need to contact them in order to get it released.
If you've gotten the letter, it means you have to contact them to contest the detention.

There's no luck in this. You're legally entitled to that mechbox, question is whether you can successfully communicate that fact to the CBSA. Remember to remain civil, going into this in an antagonistic mindset is likely to backfire.
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Old April 3rd, 2009, 11:51   #21
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Get the name and badge number of everyone you talk to.

If there is a certain person not following the law at CBSA we can have their nuts in a juice maker pretty quick.
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Old April 3rd, 2009, 11:56   #22
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I've got stuff that's been in there for months waiting "to determine admissability". I'd say about 2/3 of my orders are heldfor at least 2-3 weeks. I've even got an order that's been there for about 2 years. I call them from time to time to check on the status. It's always "Pending review"..... I always deal with one of 3 different people, and they've always been very cordial and as helpful as I think they can be. Treat them well and they'll do the same, in my experience anyway.

I even got one of them to help me get another order released, after being told it was being seized. Like the previous posters have said, be polite and respectful and be educated in the legality fo what you're bringing in and you'll get way farther way faster than calling them up and bitching and complaining.
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Old April 3rd, 2009, 12:26   #23
kash Ryan
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My Step father is a Border agent and I had the same thing happen to me. He told me that I would need to appeal the seizure regardless if I would get my stuff back. You need to take action because you do not want a weapons related seizure on your record. This is very important if you decide to travel. Appeal the seizure and get it off your record.

As far as lack of training for CBSA, that is a bunch of BS. I grew up with a customs officer in house and spent enuff time with many of them and I can tell you they have annual mandatory training which determines their employment for the next year. Now I would imagine that there are some side steps here, but lets not forget bottom line is that they can seize anything they want and there is nothing you can do about it. i know it sucks but that is how it is.

Last edited by kash Ryan; April 3rd, 2009 at 12:29..
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Old April 3rd, 2009, 12:53   #24
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Originally Posted by Drache View Post
If you applied, you literally have to pay for EVERYTHING including the flight to the training facility in Quebec.
not surprised

if you want on the halifax police your application and time at the recruit school will total i believe 10 grand

i think the same goes for the cities fire dept
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Old April 3rd, 2009, 12:58   #25
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Originally Posted by TCSF-Bowers View Post
not surprised

if you want on the halifax police your application and time at the recruit school will total i believe 10 grand

i think the same goes for the cities fire dept
I guess I got spoiled by the Canadian Forces when they paid my travel time for their test

At least with the CBSA they give me room and board and pay me a whopping $125 a week if I get accepted for the training!
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Old April 3rd, 2009, 23:11   #26
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Last time our local store owner was bringing stuff across the border they were going to not allow him to bring across an inner barrel labelled 'PSG1'. He asked why and the agent told him that there are no PSG1 airsoft guns that are clear. Likewise they grilled him on other parts for which there were no known cansoft/clear counterparts. :banghead:
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Old April 3rd, 2009, 23:16   #27
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Well I just got back from school to find a letter from the CBSA.

My CA complete mechbox has been seized as well... it was the only item I ordered.

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Old April 3rd, 2009, 23:32   #28
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Originally Posted by Qlong View Post
Well I just got back from school to find a letter from the CBSA.

My CA complete mechbox has been seized as well... it was the only item I ordered.
LOL wtf mad retarded. Everyone, time to make money, double up the prices on gearboxes now! hilarious..

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Old April 3rd, 2009, 23:37   #29
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That confirms it. Customs officials have nothing better in their lives then making being an airsoter a pain in the ass.
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Old April 4th, 2009, 00:04   #30
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don't bash on the CBSA officers, they are only following guidelines set out. Sounds like mechboxes are now on the list of axeable items along with silencers and mags with fake rounds....
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