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Why does everyone want to be a sniper?



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Old May 26th, 2008, 17:36   #16
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Originally Posted by Muffin View Post
People want to be snipers because their afraid of being shot.
good point, to try to minimize close contact with the enemy
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Old May 26th, 2008, 17:37   #17
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I wear ghillie with an MP5

am I a sniper?
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Old May 26th, 2008, 17:38   #18
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Originally Posted by Muffin View Post
People want to be snipers because their afraid of being shot.
good point, to try and minimize close contact with the enemy

*EDIT* i am an idiot

Last edited by pusangani; May 26th, 2008 at 17:39.. Reason: wtf lol though it didn't post the first time!
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Old May 26th, 2008, 17:43   #19
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Originally Posted by Muffin View Post
People want to be snipers because their afraid of being shot.
Wow, you can ask anyone in Ottawa where you find either Stalker or myself. We're usually up front of everyone else! First ones in the shit.

Originally Posted by Skladfin View Post
I wear ghillie with an MP5

am I a sniper?
Why not? The fire-arm does not dictate if the guy is a sniper or not. Its the ability to put that round where you need it, sneak in unseen, and relay vital info back to your team mates.

There ARE MP5 sniper set ups

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Old May 26th, 2008, 17:49   #20
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Originally Posted by Skruface View Post
I recommend you wait until you're 18+, have a decent education, a good job, a home that isn't your parent's basement, a car, and enough expendable cash that you don't have to ask my advice on buying junk - by then you'll be old enough, wise enough (hopefully) and have enough cash to buy whatever you want regardless of the multitude of conflicting opinions you're going to get.
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Old May 26th, 2008, 18:01   #21
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For those of you who have answered properly, thanks a bunch. For those of you who posted other random sniper stuff, It's the way you are, what am I going to do about it?...
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Old May 26th, 2008, 18:05   #22
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let them try it out by giving them an aeg with a scope. then tell them to hide under a tree and wait for a good shot while using semi only . ( im not saying this to be snarky, and to get the point across only give them one mag so they conserve ammo)
Originally Posted by matt491 View Post
...stalker's gonna kill you....and you wont even see it coming! Hell, he'll kill you and god himself will be going, "Where the hell did that come from!?" CDN_Stalker should just be the new god!
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Old May 26th, 2008, 18:11   #23
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Because every noob thinks it's as easy as putting your crosshairs on someone and pulling the trigger from 300 meters lol
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Old May 26th, 2008, 18:13   #24
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Originally Posted by Muffin View Post
People want to be snipers because their afraid of being shot.
LOL.....uhmmm, NO.
Sniping, if done correctly, will place you in a position where your arse is hanging in the breeze, and if for any reason you screw up (bad bound movement, bad ghillie, bad timing, bad luck) you are going to have your arse handed to you, usually with an over abundant amount of hosing from close, close range.

It is both physically demanding, and a tactical challenge. A couple of key kills will can ease pressure on completing objective missions during large mil sim events, but by no means are you going to end up with a ton of kills.....and yes, too many snipers on any team will place a strain on its' resources.

Most airsfot games tend to be scrims, at which point sniping becomes redundant. You are usually engaging opponents with in a minimum safe shooting distance, and their safety should always come first, even if it means passing up shots. This usually means getting a couple of quick kills at distance right off the hop, then dropping your BA and running around with your side arm, all the time sticking out like a moving bill board in your ghillie. If you happen to have a good ghillie and manage to pull a good disappearing act, you'll just delay the game to the point that the other (dead) players become annoyed with you. It's really not work it.

Tell your friends to try AEGs first, get into the sport more, and then decide if they want to spend the money on building a sniper kit. At which point they should keep the original kit, and this way they always have the original kit to fall back on when it's too windy or impractical to snipe. Besides, almost every field (host, or otherwise) limits "uncertified" BA snipers to 450 fps with 0.20s, and they really aren't going to be able to compete against 400 fps AEGs on full auto.

Get them out to a scrim, and hand them a 450 fps with 0.20s BA....see how fast they change their mind about sniping.
....and keep them away from all these over glorified sniper movies. Sometimes I really hate Hollywood......

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Old May 26th, 2008, 18:13   #25
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Because every noob thinks it's as easy as putting your crosshairs on someone and pulling the trigger from 300 meters lol
lol thanks for stating what the noob thinks. But what is it really then? That's my whole point kinda lol

Sha Do, impressive response...Thank you
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Old May 26th, 2008, 18:19   #26
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Originally Posted by Dracheous View Post
Why not? The fire-arm does not dictate if the guy is a sniper or not. Its the ability to put that round where you need it, sneak in unseen, and relay vital info back to your team mates.

There ARE MP5 sniper set ups
lol i use a normal MP5SD6 with 229mm barrel LOL
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Old May 26th, 2008, 18:32   #27
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There are alot of reasons why people want to play the sniper role. Im sure many of them are media influenced. Games, televsion, movies, literature go ahead and take your pick. That media influence can inspire ideas of being the lone wolf, the hero, the unstoppable invisable force. Sometimes once a persons mind gets wrapped around that it can be hard to sway them otherwise.

If someone is hard set on doing the long ranger shooter thing, then all you can do is tell them the pro's and the con's and educated them the best you can. An example being engagement ranges, distance for safe shots and distance where your sniper rifle is no longer affective.
Help them make good decisions and judgement calls when it comes to the role. After a while they will either stick with it because that is what they wanted from the beginning or they will realise that maybe its not their thing and move on.

Think of it this way, if a kid wants a grapefruit slice give it to them. They may like it they may not.

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Old May 26th, 2008, 18:39   #28
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My old CA33E served very well for as you call "sniping", As did my G3.

I got bout 20-25 tree's on the airsoft field here I like to go up in and NOONEs gotten me up there. Noone looks up.

Trigger control and patience is key.

Nothing better then a patrol 50 feet from your location and just picking one off at a time, an giggling inside as they try and figure out where the shot came from.

The rules said you have to stay inbounds. Never said had to stay on the ground.

I do it cause it's effective, makes the enemy go............umm where are they???

Last edited by BC_K; May 26th, 2008 at 18:42..
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Old May 26th, 2008, 18:45   #29
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I always recommand people to start with an AEG. Even a stock one. They get a better feel of the game dynamic, tactics and they will get a lot more adrenaline.

Once they understand how it's done, they will know if sniping is still for them. As to be a succesfull sniper, you have do dedicate yourself. 90% of the airsoft sniper job is infiltrating without being seen. Since the gap in range between 400fps and 450fps (just to mention the more popular rules of fps) is not very big. So the airsoft sniper advantages are stealth and precision, wich is not that much more compared to an equaly fine tuned AEG.

I'm sniping since about 2003-2004 and I have crawled my fair share of ground. At the end of the day, you end up with not many kills, a sore back and hacking neck. Your few kills are still "a work of art" IMO, but if they want to be a 7331 snipa, it ain't going to be it for them.

Plus, tell your wannabe sniper friend to start making their own ghillie suit and saving up about 2000$ for their first upgraded Bolt action rifle. Maybe they will change their mind and go the more conservative way.

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Old May 26th, 2008, 18:55   #30
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I own an AEG set up for normal rifleman type play,

I own an AEG set up in a DMR semi-only type play,

I own a bolt action sniper rifle.

On average with my AEG's (Rough estimate) 9-10 kills per game, but with my bolt action I'm lucky to get more than 5... And I'm aggressive when I play.. the only reason why I like my sniper kit is because It's really light and allows me to run around and be much more mobile.

I started with the "sniper" role after about a year of play... and it really took a long time for it to be fun (I still don't go out lone-wolf as a sniper, I move in a team with at least one other sniper) I don't play airsoft to sit in a bush by myself and be bored, I play to have fun.
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