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Old December 13th, 2005, 15:40   #16
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Originally Posted by montalban
Originally Posted by kymoz
Stickies wouldn't do the job.

I think the best way would be to sent and auto-generated PM to all new users like:

"Welcome to the community!
Before posting, read this carefully:
1-Guns cannot be ordered from outside Canada, they'll get seized
2-Do a search before posting
3-use correct grammar
4-the list goes on and on.

Well, the list shouldn't be too long, it would discourage most of them.

I think thats the best idea yet.
It's still impossible to force someone to read, especially an auto-generated private message.
Remember kids, go down the road, not across the street!

Here's a sharp knife, have fun!

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Old December 13th, 2005, 16:36   #17
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Letting newbs order guns from the States en masse will result in gun seizures at customs, en masse. What do you think that does statistically? Especially if the Liberals retain power?

The automated PM might work, but it's not guaranteed. You can always delete a PM without reading it. Even if they do open it, they may or may not follow the instructions.

Stickies will help.

Bandwagon-gang-shitting newbs will also help.

Strict moderator enforcement of stupid posts will also help.

Here is what I suggest:

A dedicated Newbie "Holding Pen" forum area in which newbs can post to their heart's content and we are free to read or ignore what they post. This section would be cordoned off not unlike the Trash Disposal - a standalone forum area.

This area would be accessible to everyone registered on ASC. Newbies, however, will be allowed to access and read the other forums (except for age-verified areas) but NOT POST. This prevents stupid questions from escaping the "Holding Pen" and entering "the Real World".

Newbies will be assigned an avatar or signature or some other mark that denotes them as such. They will be given privileges to post in "the Real World" after a certain time of probation. This can be an automatic xx days or a manual release by moderators/admins.

Newbie posts in the "Holding Pen" will not count towards their "Real World" post counts. This prevents spamming or "wow-cool-awesome" posts to jack up post counts.

The "Holding Pen" will include stickied FAQs and other such newbie material. You, as established members of "the Real World" will be able to jump-shit-storm-gangbang any newbies in the "Pen" to your heart's content. Moderators will occasionally look in and ensure that the jumping-shitting-storming-gangbanging is all going along legally and in a cordial manner.

With this idea, I hope to prevent the proliferation of uneducated, stupid-question-packing newbies into the open forums. We hold them at the gates, and we fight them there. Should these newbies become educated and/or wise, we'll let them in.
Contras A-06: F**k it, we'll do it live.

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Old December 13th, 2005, 16:49   #18
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Originally Posted by Groombug
Letting newbs order guns from the States en masse will result in gun seizures at customs, en masse. What do you think that does statistically? Especially if the Liberals retain power?

The automated PM might work, but it's not guaranteed. You can always delete a PM without reading it. Even if they do open it, they may or may not follow the instructions.

Stickies will help.

Bandwagon-gang-shitting newbs will also help.

Strict moderator enforcement of stupid posts will also help.

Here is what I suggest:

A dedicated Newbie "Holding Pen" forum area in which newbs can post to their heart's content and we are free to read or ignore what they post. This section would be cordoned off not unlike the Trash Disposal - a standalone forum area.

This area would be accessible to everyone registered on ASC. Newbies, however, will be allowed to access and read the other forums (except for age-verified areas) but NOT POST. This prevents stupid questions from escaping the "Holding Pen" and entering "the Real World".

Newbies will be assigned an avatar or signature or some other mark that denotes them as such. They will be given privileges to post in "the Real World" after a certain time of probation. This can be an automatic xx days or a manual release by moderators/admins.

Newbie posts in the "Holding Pen" will not count towards their "Real World" post counts. This prevents spamming or "wow-cool-awesome" posts to jack up post counts.

The "Holding Pen" will include stickied FAQs and other such newbie material. You, as established members of "the Real World" will be able to jump-shit-storm-gangbang any newbies in the "Pen" to your heart's content. Moderators will occasionally look in and ensure that the jumping-shitting-storming-gangbanging is all going along legally and in a cordial manner.

With this idea, I hope to prevent the proliferation of uneducated, stupid-question-packing newbies into the open forums. We hold them at the gates, and we fight them there. Should these newbies become educated and/or wise, we'll let them in.
lmao.. I like it.
Ubique Quo Fas et Gloria Ducunt

Alternatively, I could just light you on fire. - Me
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Old December 13th, 2005, 16:53   #19
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Don't feed the n00bs!

That is all.
...and she's terribly partial to the periwinkle blue.
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Old December 13th, 2005, 19:10   #20
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Nobody's taking my "Holding Pen" solution seriously...
Contras A-06: F**k it, we'll do it live.

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Old December 13th, 2005, 19:21   #21
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Originally Posted by Greylocks
There once was a full Newbies section, with all the FAQ, stickies, and answers you could imagine.
Guess what? Newbies posted in it asking if they could buy guns from the US or Asia. Nobody bothered to read.
There is no cure for stupidity.
Having posted in the newbie section, when it existed then getting flamed for it, you can't really balme them. I mean really, who sets up a section called "Newb Questions" then dosen't allow people to actually post questions in it....
Maybe you'll find someone else to help you. Maybe black mesa... THAT WAS A JOKE, ha ha, fat chance.

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Old December 13th, 2005, 19:40   #22
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my new reply is going to be...MOVE TO USA
YANHCHAN'S AIRSMITHING: AEG repair/Tune up/Upgrades V2/V3 mechboxes, rewiring/reconnecting.

Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country ~John F. Kennedy
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Old December 13th, 2005, 20:56   #23
Rumpel Felt
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It's amazing how people react to this virtual meeting place the same way they would a real one.

Only difference is, if someone walks into your club and starts wacking off in reality, you actually have a reason to be, people have no reason what so ever to get all bent out of shape for every stupid post or what not. IT'S FUCKING LETTERS ON THE SCREEN AND YOU HAVE ALL OF THE CONTROL ON WHAT YOU SEE TO BOOT! Why pull some virtual hissy fit just because so new guy asks something stupid.........which is really only stupid to you because you know you're Mr. Super1337-no-all Airsofter.

If someone makes a stupid post...noone should reply. It should be deleted with nothing said. If they continue, give them temporary bans until they realize.

Stop with the drama people.

PS I realize the irony of this being a sort of freaking out post on other useless freak out HA can't say that!
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Old December 13th, 2005, 21:31   #24
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I think that Test thing is a great idea, im kinda new here and would love to take a test just too see how id score on it.

Another solution would be to, when a person goes to register, where it says to enter their user name and password, there should be a check box at the botom that says in big plain fat letters

"I understand that i cannot ship airsoft guns inside canada from anywhere else in the world"

"I will read the Faq and stickies before asking any questions" (even if they check and dont go read the faq and stickies, at least they know they cant import guns)

If they check the first question, and still ask a question like that, warn them or ban them, whatever you like

Ignoring them can work too, but if you just delete their post and ban them without reason they wont understand and be likely to do it again (enless i miss read your post ) we should delete the thread and pm them "Temp Ban because you DIDNT READ THE FAQ AND STICKIES "
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Old December 13th, 2005, 21:35   #25
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I really think all you can do is include some sort of warning in a auto message. It's the internet people. You can't police everyone and you can't stop people from making mistakes.

Just give it up already.
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Old December 13th, 2005, 21:36   #26
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They wont even read that, just check the box and ask anyway.

Want new folks to learn something fast? Just make a list of meets/games where they MUST go before being given access to the forums.
That way you can also solve the age-verification problem, and they dont have to read anything.
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Old December 13th, 2005, 21:37   #27
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Originally Posted by Groombug
Nobody's taking my "Holding Pen" solution seriously...

Actually, I am, and I do think it's a great solution to a growing problem.
Originally Posted by [DI]DeathSniper
Fucking bullshit. I just checked my flyers and I didn't get no 'Cluepons'. Assholes :rrr:
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Old December 13th, 2005, 21:53   #28
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Originally Posted by firemachine69
Originally Posted by Groombug
Nobody's taking my "Holding Pen" solution seriously...

Actually, I am, and I do think it's a great solution to a growing problem.
me to.
i think its a good idea.
Westicle says:
shit happens, don;t put your fingers or toes where you wouldn;t put your *****
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Old December 13th, 2005, 22:11   #29
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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I too think the holding pen is a viable solution.

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne
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Old December 14th, 2005, 03:22   #30
thePiRaTE!!'s Avatar
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Originally Posted by Greylocks
They wont even read that, just check the box and ask anyway.

Want new folks to learn something fast? Just make a list of meets/games where they MUST go before being given access to the forums.
That way you can also solve the age-verification problem, and they dont have to read anything.

Its logical, but I would disagree. I play a little paintball but decided to buy airsofts because they looked great. I enjoy to share information and interest with like-minded folks here so it would seem a shame to close off this knowledge base to those more interested in building a gun or something because some kids ask redundant questions. I don't think it should be necessary to _play_ airsofts to enjoy them, though I'll likely do this instead of paintball next summer.
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