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Iceback cancled need new milsims to go to :(



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Old June 20th, 2016, 08:46   #16
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Originally Posted by Off_kilter View Post
One of my guys asked some questions to the organizer about why MMGs had penalties (must be prone/supported to fire) but had no advantages.

The guy blocked him?

This guy is way too messed up if he blocks people for asking questions politely.

My dudes are out.
It just seems like a number of people who try and host big grandiose events tends out of absolutely nowhere also tend to have the personality that they are the greatest thing since sliced bread and anything other than accepting their brilliance is heresy.

Not saying this is entirely the case here, but I have a number of people out West echoing your exact sentiments.
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Old June 20th, 2016, 12:55   #17
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Looks like the group running the even is based out of the lower mainland. I'm not sure if I've ever met any of them.

Anyone know if they're on LMAG or on here?

Best guess is they're just porting their regular rules over to this game.
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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Old June 20th, 2016, 13:46   #18
Unsung Hero
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
Looks like the group running the even is based out of the lower mainland. I'm not sure if I've ever met any of them.

Anyone know if they're on LMAG or on here?

Best guess is they're just porting their regular rules over to this game.
I'm pretty sure they're porting over fragments of rules from Milsim West out of the states.

I guess I spoke to soon about easily approachable? I dunno, I never had a problem with getting information from him through a friend.
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Old June 20th, 2016, 15:06   #19
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Originally Posted by Unsung Hero View Post
I'm pretty sure they're porting over fragments of rules from Milsim West out of the states.

I guess I spoke to soon about easily approachable? I dunno, I never had a problem with getting information from him through a friend.
Not so much "porting over" as it is blatant plagiarism. Incredibly large chunks from Milsim West's TACSOP (Their official rule set) were copy and pasted into the rules. Not inspired by, but entire pages of content just lifted word for word. That to me is an automatic red flag.

And funny enough it wouldn't be the first event organizer to have taken directly from the MSW TACSOP either. People love to steal from that thing.
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Old June 20th, 2016, 17:45   #20
Unsung Hero
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Originally Posted by Deltastronk View Post
Not so much "porting over" as it is blatant plagiarism. Incredibly large chunks from Milsim West's TACSOP (Their official rule set) were copy and pasted into the rules. Not inspired by, but entire pages of content just lifted word for word. That to me is an automatic red flag.

And funny enough it wouldn't be the first event organizer to have taken directly from the MSW TACSOP either. People love to steal from that thing.
Is it so terrible if the rules seem to work? I'm pretty sure members of the milsim group that are putting this on have attended milsim west games (I to recall having that conversation with one of them at iceback last year). Maybe they enjoyed that ruleset a lot and wish to use them in Canada?

I met some of them at Iceback, they seemed like quite friendly guys.
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Last edited by Unsung Hero; June 20th, 2016 at 17:47..
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Old June 20th, 2016, 21:05   #21
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Originally Posted by Off_kilter View Post
One of my guys asked some questions to the organizer about why MMGs had penalties (must be prone/supported to fire) but had no advantages.

The guy blocked him?

This guy is way too messed up if he blocks people for asking questions politely.

My dudes are out.
Yeah, except according to him the questions weren't really being asked politely but more in the 'i'm going to nitpick absolutely everything' sort of way.

Either way, the MSW rules seem to work and anything that approaches standardization in this sport is good. Maybe ask him to put a credit to MSW if it really is that offensive to you.
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Old June 20th, 2016, 21:58   #22
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Brad, Mframes with helo kit are allowed as full seal.
I just did an order for a bunch of helo kits from the UK
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Old June 20th, 2016, 22:20   #23
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Brad, Mframes with helo kit are allowed as full seal.
I just did an order for a bunch of helo kits from the UK
Show me one on Saturday if you have them.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old June 20th, 2016, 22:24   #24
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Originally Posted by Janus View Post
Yeah, except according to him the questions weren't really being asked politely but more in the 'i'm going to nitpick absolutely everything' sort of way.

Either way, the MSW rules seem to work and anything that approaches standardization in this sport is good. Maybe ask him to put a credit to MSW if it really is that offensive to you.
In his ruleset he copied a now defunct rule that precluded MMGs from firing from an unsupported position. This was to balance the fact that they had a 50' med and a higher FPS(key part).

He still has the med but the fps is the same as other AEGs.

My friend was asking why that is and it basically made it pointless to bring a MMG.

I read the convo and it was quite civil.

I was considering organising 10 of my dudes to go as it looks like a sweet AO. After he just out of hand blocked one of my guys I know I wont ever support his events with words or dollars.
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Old June 20th, 2016, 23:42   #25
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Show me one on Saturday if you have them.
I wont have em then but 2 of my guys do i think
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Old June 21st, 2016, 02:46   #26
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Originally Posted by Off_kilter View Post
In his ruleset he copied a now defunct rule that precluded MMGs from firing from an unsupported position. This was to balance the fact that they had a 50' med and a higher FPS(key part).

He still has the med but the fps is the same as other AEGs.

My friend was asking why that is and it basically made it pointless to bring a MMG.

I read the convo and it was quite civil.

I was considering organising 10 of my dudes to go as it looks like a sweet AO. After he just out of hand blocked one of my guys I know I wont ever support his events with words or dollars.
I saw that rule but as I'm not bringing anything classed in that I just disregarded it. But yeah, it looks like an artifact that shouldn't be there.

If you would like I could give him a chat up. It's pretty possible he was just caught at the wrong time. Iceback waited until the last second to cancel and he's putting this together as fast as he can. It's pretty high stress and he's being bombarded by a million questions so I can understand him being short with people.

Reason is: I want to see this happen.
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Old June 21st, 2016, 19:11   #27
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Im not expecting the best game ever. But my team is willing to help him out.
We're trying to get him capturable light poles to add something to the game.
We're willing to help out next year for an op out there as well.
Claybank wasnt really great until the 3rd game. I dont expect this to be perfect from the start.
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Old June 21st, 2016, 21:20   #28
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As the organizer I can tell you that we are aloud to use 5 buildings, one being a 44,000 sq foot school as well as approx. 600-800 feet of tunnels from building to building.

All of these areas have been abated in the last year and are now asbestos free (NOP available and was provided to the insurance rider). Approx. space is 190 to 202 acres of buildings, tunnels, fields, woods and roads.

All of the non entry buildings are boarded up and are going thru abatement in their schedule. A corn field that is about 200' x 200' is also out of play as their building a maze for Oct.

Any questions convo me or PM me on Facebook. Group on FB is called Operation Red Dawn. We are also not promoting it as a milsim but as a scenario as I realize that "milsim" tends to butt hurt people. Game rums from Friday night at 6pm thru to Sunday noon. Trigger Airsoft has donated approx. $3000 in prizes and depending on ticket sales we will try to match that number. Grand prize being a Krytac LVOA.
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Old June 21st, 2016, 21:36   #29
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What's funny and actually pretty sad is that I don't want to actually do this. I had planned to setup something in January at the site for a July game as most of us smelt the failure at that time of Iceback 2016.

This -> "It just seems like a number of people who try and host big grandiose events tends out of absolutely nowhere also tend to have the personality that they are the greatest thing since sliced bread and anything other than accepting their brilliance is heresy."

is what airsoft is becoming.

I'm actually easy going and much rather put my feet up at my lake house for 7 days with my family that sweat my balls off building checkpoints, bunkers and setting up safety lines but I guess that's part of my greater than sliced bread personality.

Don't get me wrong I am a dick, I don't suffer divas or fools or combos of both. I tell people the truth and most people in this community seem to like a little sugar coating. I'm not asking for them or you or anybody else to like me as I have enough friends but as a community of players I would have thought that anybody putting on a scenario would get people's support rather than people complaining about rules being copied from MSW years ago and used throughout events like this one or Iceback or similar.

If all you have is to complain on the interweb well I'm sorry for you as I'm sure most are.
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Old June 21st, 2016, 23:18   #30
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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I figure we can tear him down or help him.
If we shit on a guy trying to host a big op on short notice, what kind of example does that set for the community?
Dont bother trying to host a big game cause youll just get torn apart.
So im hoping this turns out to be the new claybank series; start out simple and easy, and end up amazing.
If you have serious concerns, then theres a way and a TONE to do it in. Dont start out being an ass because you wont get anywhere.
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