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Airsoft pistol sighting habit survey


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Old March 4th, 2015, 18:47   #16
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Originally Posted by beta678 View Post
lol Danke, I think you got trolled... sorta haha
No, another misleading.
I ignored the first paragraph because that's a rude questioning to me.
I don't want to waste time on these off-topic discussing..
Stop that here, please.
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Old March 4th, 2015, 20:25   #17
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Airsoft pistol sighting habit survey

I didn't see that as rude at all. To me it seemed like a legitimate question. And it was on-topic.
Telling us why you want these opinions will help us to give you better information. That's how communication works. Anything less isn't good for anyone.
Don't be unhappy because someone asked you something you didn't like.

Last edited by siggypoo; March 4th, 2015 at 20:27..
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Old March 4th, 2015, 21:28   #18
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
To be honest I kind of just point my pistol in the general direction of the target and hope something hits them. But that said I'm also the "idiot" who shoots with my buttstock above my shoulder (not even joking I actually do shoot like this guy with my head upright and try not to "turtle" my head).
Back then in WW2. US soldiers would point their pistol towards the enemy without utilizing the sights. Its like pointing your finger at someone. I find that I works well if the enemy is moderately close.
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Old March 5th, 2015, 01:02   #19
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Originally Posted by siggypoo View Post
I didn't see that as rude at all. To me it seemed like a legitimate question. And it was on-topic.
Telling us why you want these opinions will help us to give you better information. That's how communication works. Anything less isn't good for anyone.
Don't be unhappy because someone asked you something you didn't like.
I'm afraid that if the question is explained too much,
the result's credibility might be spoiled.
And I'm not expecting a "personality questioning" by Danke (and only)
from making a survey (or questions) that does nothing on retrieving personal identities.

Questioning each other should be on an equal basis, don't you agree?

Sigh..alright, talk a little about why I took out this survey shouldn't hurt.

This survey originated from a talk with my friend: he truly believe that
airsofters are not serious enough to make a correct sight picture at each trigger pull.
He says he has many, many friends shoot like that.
I don't know if that's true or false..since I was accustomed for having correct sight picture and many of my friend too.

And then you have my posts here.
I need enough data from different region to tell myself
"how people shoot their airsoft pistol?"
I'm really curious about it.

Is that enough?
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Old March 5th, 2015, 07:44   #20
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Airsoft pistol sighting habit survey

Yes, that helps a lot! Your friend may assume that airsofters are kids or hobbiests with no real world experience.
While many of us can be described like that, I think a large majority of players (here in North America anyway) are active police, active military. Many of us plan to be police or military. Many of us used to be police and military.
Personally, I used to do gunsmithing and firearms instruction, a great many moons ago.
So, take that information. Does your friends assume that when we hold an airsoft gun, we simply forget all our training and standards and safety? Or maybe our careful use of real guns takes over and we treat airsoft the same way?
It's unfortunate your friend knows people who use airsoft wrong. Here, in North America, very few people get away with that. The majority treat airsoft like it was real.

That's why you shouldn't be upset that we ask you questions. You get detailed answers.

Last edited by siggypoo; March 5th, 2015 at 07:47..
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Old March 5th, 2015, 10:44   #21
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I can tell you is that if you'd done any reading on here you would have seen that this group of players invests a lot of effort in setting up and using pistols accurately.

Any possible advantage is not overlooked.
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Old March 5th, 2015, 11:17   #22
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The CAPS guys will without a doubt be taking up a proper sight picture.

If you have your sidearm out long enough during a game to take up a proper sight picture before shooing, most people will.

When it comes down to pulling a sidearm for use under stress and effective fire because your rifle has run dry or malfunctioned, most people are likely to draw, point and shoot while they run for cover, if draw at all...

Like others have said, I don't think I have actually used my sidearm in a game more than once or twice. It sees more use in pistol games to empty mags and practice.

Originally Posted by siggypoo View Post
I think a large majority of players (here in North America anyway) are active police, active military.
I would say the opposite - active mil/leo are definitely a minority in this hobby.
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Old March 5th, 2015, 11:58   #23
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There isn't a "one use fits all" for pistol fighting in airsoft. It's entirely situationally dependent. For example, I don't have any real use for adjustable sights on an airsoft pistol, unless the pistol comes off-target out of the box. Most come reasonably, if not very accurate within effective range.

Using a pistol in CQB environments, the most common reaction is to simply point the pistol in the right direction. The better you become with pistols, the more accurate pointing the pistol becomes. Realistically, it's not about aiming the 3 dots onto the correct target, it's about aligning your entire body to make the shot. The 3 dots will only further correct small deviances from your stance.

This isn't to say that the sights are not to be used, as sometimes, you will require that extra precision to make a difficult shot. I find that I'll take a moment and line the dots up, release my breath and pull a good shot if the target is only visible through obscure cover (such as through a hole, or an elbow just visible around the corner). Lining up the dots is also viable when you've taken up a line and are securing it for longer than a few seconds. The dots are also useful, when in a well lit environment, and proceeding to clear an unknown area slowly and methodically.

However, when moving quickly, this may not be feasible. Or when taken off guard and need to react quickly. Or when there isn't enough space to have a nice extended stance. Or when you're behind someone on your team and are not interested in pointing your pistol at the back of their head. Or when changing positions. Or when drawing. Or when reloading. Or when you're trying to see what's in front of the sights. Or in dark conditions.

I hope that I've made it abundantly clear that there is no "one method fits all situations" to fighting with a pistol. While this may be an interesting survey, use of a "correct sight pictures" does not dictate how seriously one takes use of pistols, nor does it dictate how well a particular community is in the skills at arms of a pistol.
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Last edited by talon; March 5th, 2015 at 12:00..
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Old March 5th, 2015, 16:48   #24
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Originally Posted by talon View Post
There isn't a "one use fits all" for pistol fighting in airsoft. It's entirely situationally dependent. For example, I don't have any real use for adjustable sights on an airsoft pistol, unless the pistol comes off-target out of the box. Most come reasonably, if not very accurate within effective range.

Using a pistol in CQB environments, the most common reaction is to simply point the pistol in the right direction. The better you become with pistols, the more accurate pointing the pistol becomes. Realistically, it's not about aiming the 3 dots onto the correct target, it's about aligning your entire body to make the shot. The 3 dots will only further correct small deviances from your stance.

This isn't to say that the sights are not to be used, as sometimes, you will require that extra precision to make a difficult shot. I find that I'll take a moment and line the dots up, release my breath and pull a good shot if the target is only visible through obscure cover (such as through a hole, or an elbow just visible around the corner). Lining up the dots is also viable when you've taken up a line and are securing it for longer than a few seconds. The dots are also useful, when in a well lit environment, and proceeding to clear an unknown area slowly and methodically.

However, when moving quickly, this may not be feasible. Or when taken off guard and need to react quickly. Or when there isn't enough space to have a nice extended stance. Or when you're behind someone on your team and are not interested in pointing your pistol at the back of their head. Or when changing positions. Or when drawing. Or when reloading. Or when you're trying to see what's in front of the sights. Or in dark conditions.

I hope that I've made it abundantly clear that there is no "one method fits all situations" to fighting with a pistol. While this may be an interesting survey, use of a "correct sight pictures" does not dictate how seriously one takes use of pistols, nor does it dictate how well a particular community is in the skills at arms of a pistol.
Talon Applied Concepts.

But for real, this.

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Old March 5th, 2015, 17:39   #25
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Muscle memory is the key in my mind. I've had to draw and fire quickly on several occasions and I will only realize that I hadn't used my sights to engage the target 20 feet away until after I've already shot them.
Instincts in a short range gun fight will take over. If your a pistol only player then obviously you are far more likely to be taking a stance and establishing a proper sighting picture.
When firing real steel I always find that If I have a proper grip on the pistol and therefore the gun is level, I only focus on the front post and this achieves a very tight group and its typically exactly where I'm aiming for.
If your Airsoft pistol is accurate this will hold true as well. Then again it is a small sphere shot with air into a world where a little breeze will move it way to hell off of your target lol.
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Old March 6th, 2015, 00:44   #26
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I'm glad to tell you guys that the total number of voters where I launch survey reached 35!
So here is the current statistic chart:

(I know typos therein..)

Though the discussion here is quite hot I think, there is not much vote countable.
I mean, your votes are counted in the America forum in the chart. There's only 2..
Please type your option in the way described in 1st post, so that it counts.
And I planned to release statistic chart every time an individual region reaches 35 in voters.

Too much to say. I will join the discussion later when I'm off job..I hope.
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Old March 6th, 2015, 08:37   #27
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Airsoft pistol sighting habit survey

Translated: "I don't want you to talk, just vote."
This topic isn't warm, let alone heated.
Option (A)...
And the poll won't come remotely close to giving you the info you seek.

Last edited by siggypoo; March 6th, 2015 at 08:41..
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Old March 6th, 2015, 11:21   #28
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Old March 6th, 2015, 11:53   #29
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Originally Posted by talon View Post
There isn't a "one use fits all" for pistol fighting in airsoft. It's entirely situationally dependent. For example, I don't have any real use for adjustable sights on an airsoft pistol, unless the pistol comes off-target out of the box. Most come reasonably, if not very accurate within effective range.

Using a pistol in CQB environments, the most common reaction is to simply point the pistol in the right direction. The better you become with pistols, the more accurate pointing the pistol becomes. Realistically, it's not about aiming the 3 dots onto the correct target, it's about aligning your entire body to make the shot. The 3 dots will only further correct small deviances from your stance.

This isn't to say that the sights are not to be used, as sometimes, you will require that extra precision to make a difficult shot. I find that I'll take a moment and line the dots up, release my breath and pull a good shot if the target is only visible through obscure cover (such as through a hole, or an elbow just visible around the corner). Lining up the dots is also viable when you've taken up a line and are securing it for longer than a few seconds. The dots are also useful, when in a well lit environment, and proceeding to clear an unknown area slowly and methodically.

However, when moving quickly, this may not be feasible. Or when taken off guard and need to react quickly. Or when there isn't enough space to have a nice extended stance. Or when you're behind someone on your team and are not interested in pointing your pistol at the back of their head. Or when changing positions. Or when drawing. Or when reloading. Or when you're trying to see what's in front of the sights. Or in dark conditions.

I hope that I've made it abundantly clear that there is no "one method fits all situations" to fighting with a pistol. While this may be an interesting survey, use of a "correct sight pictures" does not dictate how seriously one takes use of pistols, nor does it dictate how well a particular community is in the skills at arms of a pistol.
That. All that.

However, when getting a new model of pistol, it is a very good idea to "play with it" and adapt your stance to your new tool.

I am lucky enough to have cross-eye dominance. That means that I will see two set of sights, and the one I see from my left eye will almost always take over, and I am right-handed.
I say lucky because I did some research online and found a shooting stance that is literally perfect for my situation, I just don't remember the name.

Basically I hold my pistol with right hand, then tuck m whole right arm in front of my chest and rest my face on my right shoulder. Then stabilise the pistol with my left hand. Both feet stay 90deg from the target. I expose myself a LOT less, and since my right arm is locked in place, I basically have a stock on my pistol. That and my noze bridge blocks the sights from my right eye, so I only ever see 1 set of sights, and I have perfect surrounding awareness (really, I see almost all the way behind me!).

The thing is, I struggled a while with pistols when I started airsoft. Once I decided to work on my abilities, I did find that my game improved. That has little to do with adjustment to the tool (read pistol/sights), rather adjustments for the tool.

Said tool is also important. Because of the stance I use and habits I have, I don't like SIG series pistols. I find that it is an effort to keep the barrel straight because of the angle of the grip.

On the opposite, I like 1911s, Glocks and recently found my favorite one: M&P9. The shape and position of the controls are VERY important. I have a Hicapa Racegun. It's accurate as hell. But it's not as comfortable and intuitive as the M&P...

Point is, everyone if different. The most common mistake people do when using pistols is using what ever they where told is good. "Glocks are good", "1911s are good" "Sigs are good".

Well, I like the feel of 1911s, but not the controls.
I like the controls of Glocks, but not the ergonomics.
I also like the controls of Sigs, but again, not the ergonomics.
I could go with a Desert Eagle, but it's way too large to carry.
I hate M9s, both the long trigger pull and overall shape don't fit me.

And the list goes on.

I am fortunate enough to be able to try a LOT of pistols (working in a store). When shoping for pistols, PLEASE try them out a lot (even if blank/no gas).
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.
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Old March 6th, 2015, 14:14   #30
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Originally Posted by Kos-Mos View Post
I am lucky enough to have cross-eye dominance. That means that I will see two set of sights, and the one I see from my left eye will almost always take over, and I am right-handed.
I say lucky because I did some research online and found a shooting stance that is literally perfect for my situation, I just don't remember the name.

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