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Eye protection for those of us with glasses


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Old February 27th, 2011, 14:02   #16
Eien's Avatar
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I been using my ESS Strikers. They fit fine but sometimes it can be a bit uncomfortable.. Recommend to go with RX Inserts... some people find contacts a bit odd to wear..
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Old February 27th, 2011, 14:19   #17
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ESS turbo fans... I use the clone ones (the lenses are rated, and they will except real ess lenses later) .

the group I play with we must use goggles, either paintball or ballistic rated. never ever had the goggles fog.... my glasses however, I've had fog creep up on me... but the coatings on my glasses are starting to fade and bubble and scratch etc...
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Old February 27th, 2011, 14:45   #18
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ESS strike XT are the most bang per buck (about 50$ + shipping on they are the same as the fan goggles that sell for about a 180$ (minus the fan) you can install a micro computer 12v fan yourself, a switch and use a 9v battery for less than 20$!!!

But... if you intend to wear a helmet... go with the aircraft carrier deck operation goggles, they have extension wings that position the elastic band for wear with helmet


(Ps: I only use my fan to defog in extrem condition... like 4 5 minutes per game... but if you cant remove the fog that forms on your prescription goggle... your screwed)

(Ps2: Get fogtech for your prescription glasses if you don't intend to install a fan... but you will eventually... )

(Ps3: To install the fan simply sew it to the holes in the frame after removing the foam (a MUST) anyway and cutting of the circle (you'll understand when you see it ((easier to remove for major cleanning + plus roll a piece of carboard over the battery BEFORE taping... think battery replacement)) you get about 8 hours per battery)

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Last edited by Sportco; February 27th, 2011 at 14:53..
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Old February 27th, 2011, 16:00   #19
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Glass vs plastic glasses also makes a significant difference, my glasses are glass and rarely fog. Google fit is by person though, you need to try a few over your glasses.

The Bolles work well as do most paintball goggles.
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Old February 27th, 2011, 16:55   #20
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I use marui pro goggles with the built in fan. I don't wear glasses, but if I did, they would be perfect.
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Old February 27th, 2011, 20:49   #21
Canadian Zombie
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Thank you all very much for your advice!

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Old February 27th, 2011, 23:05   #22
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The ones that I wear. Made in Italy. I hate wearing glasses underneath goggles so I got these instead. Good for any sports, not just airsoft. Since its small, you can carry them in your pocket. Depending on what type of lens you buy, it may be expensive or prone to scratches. Impact as well as scratch resistant lens alone may cost around $200. Or like me, you can get cheaper ones that can scratch more easily while being impact resistant. Never go for the scratch resistant but non-impact resistant ones, cause u can buy a new pair of lens, but not a new pair of eyes(yet). Also, they are not bullet resistant, as bullet-proof glass cannot be made into prescription lens.

EDIT:Manufactured in accordance with EU directive 89/686/eec and en166:2001

The reason I was talking about lens is because they are prescription lens, and needs to be manufactured by another company. It's not fault of mine if you get lens that aren't in accordance with EU directive 89/686/eec, en166:2001 OR ANSI Z87.1 depending on where you buy it from. However, the Frame IS manufactured in accordance with EU directive 89/686/eec and en166:2001

TL;DR These are Safety goggles.

Last edited by Cifyra; March 4th, 2011 at 16:16..
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Old February 27th, 2011, 23:19   #23
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The minimum standards for eye protection in airsoft are ANSI rated goggles. For people like Iskaryot that don't know what eye protection should be used for airsoft it is ANSI Z87.1 .ANSI stands for American National standards Institute Z87.1 is the impact rating. The goggles should be rated at ANSI Z87.1 or above. You cannot play with shop glasses or normal sunglasses and no offense your goggles look like swimming goggles. You better smarten up your act and read more post less, alot of your post as very childish and make no sense.

Last edited by Kingsix; February 27th, 2011 at 23:23..
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Old February 27th, 2011, 23:48   #24
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These are great: YouTube - Arena Industries Ver.2 Goggle real gun bullet impact test. Can stop real rounds, comfortable, large enough to cover glasses, and fogproof (initially).
Or you can also get the TM goggles with the fans or their clones.

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Old February 28th, 2011, 00:45   #25
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Originally Posted by Kingsix View Post
The minimum standards for eye protection in airsoft are ANSI rated goggles. For people like Iskaryot that don't know what eye protection should be used for airsoft it is ANSI Z87.1 .ANSI stands for American National standards Institute Z87.1 is the impact rating. The goggles should be rated at ANSI Z87.1 or above. You cannot play with shop glasses or normal sunglasses and no offense your goggles look like swimming goggles. You better smarten up your act and read more post less, alot of your post as very childish and make no sense.
ANSI is the acronym for the American National Standards Institute, a nonprofit organization that serves as administrator of the United States private sector voluntary standardization system. The primary objective of ANSI is to promote and facilitate voluntary consensus standards and conformity assessment systems. ANSI does not have authority to enforce such standards, but their standards are used by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to be sure that certain safety devices, such as eyewear, provide adequate protection for workers.

The ANSI Z87.1 standard sets forth requirements for the design, construction, testing, and use of eye protection devices, including standards for impact and penetration resistance. All safety glasses, goggles, and face shields used by employees under OSHA jurisdiction must meet the ANSI Z87.1 standard. The eyewear standard includes the following minimum requirements:

* Provide adequate protection against the hazards for which they are designed
* Be reasonably comfortable
* Fit securely, without interfering with movement or vision
* Be capable of being disinfected if necessary, and be easy to clean
* Be durable
* Fit over, or incorporate, prescription eyewear

Many manufacturers of sports eyewear and other protective eyewear not used in a work environment also comply with the ANSI Z87.1 standard. If you need protective eyewear of any kind, look for products that comply with the ANSI standard or consult with an optometrist, ophthalmologist, or optician before purchasing.
Manufactured in accordance with EU directive 89/686/eec and en166:2001

I know that you weren't trying to offend me, but I'd still like an apology. They are rated as safety glasses, in compliance with European standards because it is made in Italy. It is not fault of mine for not providing you with its safety rating, but since you called me out by name, I did.

You said my posts are childish and makes no sense. Please PM me the ones where I have confused or irritated you so I don't repeat my mistakes in the future.

Again, I'm new to airsoft, so I have lots to learn. I'm trying the best I can, but if I'm not learning fast enough, there's no reason for you to get mad at me. Even if I was stupid enough to recommend goggles that weren't rated for safety, you should not have used emotionally charged words such as "smarten up", "post less", "childish". On the other hand, if you patiently point out my mistakes, it would not only clear things up right from the get go so I won't repeat them, it would also help me learn.

After all, if I don't post my mistaken views that other people can rectify, I would never learn.

Lets both approach this from a mature manner =P

Edit: I hope I don't come of as angry or anything, just not in a good mood today with deadlines tomrrow

Last edited by Cifyra; February 28th, 2011 at 00:57..
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Old February 28th, 2011, 01:44   #26
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Originally Posted by Iskaryot View Post

I know that you weren't trying to offend me, but I'd still like an apology. They are rated as safety glasses, in compliance with European standards because it is made in Italy. It is not fault of mine for not providing you with its safety rating, but since you called me out by name, I did.

We are in North Americia not Europe we have to comply by North Americian Standards ANSI / CSA etc

You said my posts are childish and makes no sense. Please PM me the ones where I have confused or irritated you so I don't repeat my mistakes in the future.
You offered airsoft eye protection advice without ever being to an airsoft game in Canada. Although there is nothing wrong with providing information to others your post is full of misinformation. First of all even if the goggle lenses are ballistic rated the frame is certainty not. If the frame fails due to impact from a high speed projectile the lenses will not be in place to protect the eyes. If someone actually followed your advice and bought the goggles just to be ejected from a field are you willing to be known as the guy that gives wrong information or doesn't know what he/she is doing. Just a word of advice if you want to play at paintball fields you will require Paintball goggles due to insurance purposes.

Again, I'm new to airsoft, so I have lots to learn. I'm trying the best I can, but if I'm not learning fast enough, there's no reason for you to get mad at me. Even if I was stupid enough to recommend goggles that weren't rated for safety, you should not have used emotionally charged words such as "smarten up", "post less", "childish". On the other hand, if you patiently point out my mistakes, it would not only clear things up right from the get go so I won't repeat them, it would also help me learn.

I was told when I started airsoft to post less read/ play more. Everytime you make threads without proper research people associate me with you for some reason and bring it into my attention. I don't know if it's because we are both doing PLA loadouts. I will not bring up the post which I think are childish and need more thought because I do not want to turn this into a personal attack.

After all, if I don't post my mistaken views that other people can rectify, I would never learn.

Lets both approach this from a mature manner =P

Edit: I hope I don't come of as angry or anything, just not in a good mood today with deadlines tomrrow
I have tried to rectify your mistakes before only to be totally ignored. If you want to speak but do not want to listen there is no way you can learn. Good luck with the deadlines tomorrow I know all nighters suck

If you are coming by the Toronto airsoft convention I will be happy to answer any questions you may have about airsoft.
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Old February 28th, 2011, 02:06   #27
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Originally Posted by Kingsix View Post
I have tried to rectify your mistakes before only to be totally ignored. If you want to speak but do not want to listen there is no way you can learn. Good luck with the deadlines tomorrow I know all nighters suck

If you are coming by the Toronto airsoft convention I will be happy to answer any questions you may have about airsoft.
The frame is rated for EN:166-2001. I wasn't talking about the lens, because the lens are sold separately.

The frame can withstand the impact of an 6mm Steel ball of a minimum of 0,86g at a minimum of 120m/s

That's more than 4 times the force exerted by a 0.2g BB traveling at 300fps.

Ok, I admit I don't know anything about the legality of airsoft or the insurance policies of airsoft fields. But in Europe, you'd be able to wear those in an airsoft match, unless the field requires a full paintball mask.

I'm not sure if its certified in USA or Canada or not, but from a physics stand-point, it passes.

My question is, does the CE apply to airsoft in North America?

By the way, Kingsix, I'd be more than happy to meet you and have my questions answered or "my behavior corrected". Obviously if I'm associated with you, that de facto puts us in the same boat, which is lucky for me, maybe not so much for you haha. I mean, I'm eager to learn, but I also like to give my own opinions. I'm not the kind to just sit, listen, and nod my head. Even if my question or opinion is stupid, I'll not be afraid to say it. If what I said really is stupid and I offend somebody, least I will know in the future. If I don't think its completely stupid and has some merit, I'll continue on the discussion like right now. Continuing the discussion is by no means not listening, or arguing. As a matter of fact, it is my DUTY to keep asking questions and having them answered in case I actually hurt somebody.

So I hope you can teach me the ins and outs of airsoft, to the point that it'd be a GOOD thing for me to be associated with you.

Edit: March 5th is a bit tight... any carpools near Mississauga?

Last edited by Cifyra; February 28th, 2011 at 02:12..
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Old February 28th, 2011, 02:53   #28
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The CE thing.... I'm not actually sure since it's an EEA thing but if you do look on the stuff you buy there is the CE mark on there a lot of the time. I assume it's just a standard legal boiler plate thing.

As for the EU directive, I've played with goggles that that comply with that directive so they're totally good but granted I'm in the UK ATM. I would really look for Z87.1-2003 if I was playing in North America (for the purposes of airsoft I'm pretty sure they offer the same protection anyways). BTW there's a new Z87.1-2010 standard out now, they should have some already on the market but I assume eyepro complying with the 2010 standard are still being tested in the labs for certification since it's only 10 months old.

Note there's also the mil specification for eyepro MIL-DTL-43511D (it also meets Z87.1-2003 since it's a "superset" of the ANSI standard covering all the Z87.1 stuff and then some). It's the one that's supposed to stop a 17 grain .22 at 550-560FPS.

Finally, there's the good old ASTM standard that paintball places usually have to comply to. This is capable of stopping at minimum an 11 Joule strike. BUT note that it's not designed to stop silica BB's. NEVER USE SILICA IN GAMES Look at some pics of the damage people in the UK/EU see as a result of Silica BB use. In fact some sites have a pair of goggles they've shot with silica BB's and the lenses are damaged just to warn players about silica use. Not sure if it's to the point where it's structurally unsafe though, but it looks like it's a significant amount of damage.

For more info look here:
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Old February 28th, 2011, 03:07   #29
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
The CE thing.... I'm not actually sure since it's an EEA thing but if you do look on the stuff you buy there is the CE mark on there a lot of the time. I assume it's just a standard legal boiler plate thing.

As for the EU directive, I've played with goggles that that comply with that directive so they're totally good but granted I'm in the UK ATM. I would really look for Z87.1-2003 if I was playing in North America (for the purposes of airsoft I'm pretty sure they offer the same protection anyways). BTW there's a new Z87.1-2010 standard out now, they should have some already on the market but I assume eyepro complying with the 2010 standard are still being tested in the labs for certification since it's only 10 months old.

Note there's also the mil specification for eyepro MIL-DTL-43511D (it also meets Z87.1-2003 since it's a "superset" of the ANSI standard covering all the Z87.1 stuff and then some). It's the one that's supposed to stop a 17 grain .22 at 550-560FPS.

Finally, there's the good old ASTM standard that paintball places usually have to comply to. This is capable of stopping at minimum an 11 Joule strike. BUT note that it's not designed to stop silica BB's. NEVER USE SILICA IN GAMES Look at some pics of the damage people in the UK/EU see as a result of Silica BB use. In fact some sites have a pair of goggles they've shot with silica BB's and the lenses are damaged just to warn players about silica use. Not sure if it's to the point where it's structurally unsafe though, but it looks like it's a significant amount of damage.

For more info look here:
To be honest, I am actually really concerned for my own safety, and when I bought my goggles(which cost me almost $200 CAD), I bought it from a optical store run by 5 Ph. D. doctors and optometrists, one of which tested my eyesight everything from color blindness, ability to view in 3D(lazyeye), blood pressure, to taking pictures of my retina, all free of charge. They frequently sell their safety goggles to airsofters in Hong Kong, which is why I was a bit disturbed when Kingsix suggested they aren't certified.

I did a bit of research and read related articles and even boring long-arse PDF files and some legal documents, before independently verifying my optometrist's claim that it is indeed good for airsoft.

So right now I'm just concerned whether or not my $200 ran down the drain because of some silly "EU certified but not in North America" legal issue.

I mean, even if I'm an experienced airsofter who's been playing for 5 years, I'd still get a bit gung-ho with $200 at stake XD

I'd be more than happy if someone who's experienced at this kind of stuff can clear this up before I actually field it.

And yes, I'd rather wear this under my paintball mask than my glasses. I'll also watch out for the Bioval BBBMAX BBs thanks for giving me a heads-up.
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Old February 28th, 2011, 03:15   #30
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Awww...Looks like K6 has a new protégé! KAWAII!!!

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