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Old December 25th, 2010, 16:24   #16
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Originally Posted by iamnotcody View Post
Can you go to the redwolf site and get me an email? I think they blocked me from there site
here you go. good luck man.
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Old December 25th, 2010, 16:30   #17
Raeg Quit!1~1
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Thanks. I sent mail to both of them, I'll be heading to walmart Monday to buy a new one.
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Old December 25th, 2010, 16:43   #18
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Well at least you were able to contact them and cancel your order. It states specifically in their shipping policy that there are no refunds when something is seized. I guess thats what you get when you jump into something without looking.

In the mean time you may want to take the time for familiarize yourself with how airsoft works in Canada. The information in the FAQS section should clarify any questions you may have as to how things work. I highly recommend you review at least some of the information today and finish another day as there is much to go through and it would be silly to expect any human brain to comprehended it all in one shot with a clear understanding.

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Old December 25th, 2010, 16:53   #19
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Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
Well at least you were able to contact them and cancel your order. It states specifically in their shipping policy that there are no refunds when something is seized. I guess thats what you get when you jump into something without looking.

In the mean time you may want to take the time for familiarize yourself with how airsoft works in Canada. The information in the FAQS section should clarify any questions you may have as to how things work. I highly recommend you review at least some of the information today and finish another day as there is much to go through and it would be silly to expect any human brain to comprehended it all in one shot with a clear understanding.
Thanks, You all have been so helpful.
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Old December 25th, 2010, 17:04   #20
a.k.a. Greedy
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I realize that the customer has to take some responsability but I don't know why they don't catch this stuff in their shipping dept. It's pretty shitty of them to post a small blurb somewhere and expect people to read all the fineprint then wash ther hands of it. There should be a flag that raises in their system when you try to order prohibited items to certain countries. Afterall there is still a lot of other suff we can order from them it would be wise to impliment something like this and not burn their customers like that.

Last edited by Kozzie; December 25th, 2010 at 17:11..
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Old December 25th, 2010, 17:14   #21
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Originally Posted by iamnotcody View Post
Thanks. I sent mail to both of them, I'll be heading to walmart Monday to buy a new one.
Going to walmart to buy a new pistol?

You already have 2 other rifles, and I am sure the guys you will be playing with would prefer that you save your money until you are 18 and buy a real rifle that will preform better.

I know you are excited, but you gotta slow down and spend some more time reading on the forums and listening to the local players.

Good luck
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Old December 25th, 2010, 18:45   #22
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Originally Posted by Cobrajr122 View Post
google is your friend.
You took that from my sig, didn't you? ;P (Bottom Left of Image).
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Old December 25th, 2010, 18:52   #23
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Originally Posted by Greedy View Post
I realize that the customer has to take some responsability but I don't know why they don't catch this stuff in their shipping dept. It's pretty shitty of them to post a small blurb somewhere and expect people to read all the fineprint then wash ther hands of it. There should be a flag that raises in their system when you try to order prohibited items to certain countries. Afterall there is still a lot of other suff we can order from them it would be wise to impliment something like this and not burn their customers like that.
like you said, it's the customer's responsibility to read and understand the policy. for them to have to make a program or system to keep track of every country's laws is stupid and takes more time and money. every legit website only has to make sure that the policy is clear and can be read by everyone and it's up to the customer to do the rest.
Please email me as I'm not on ASC too often.

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Old December 25th, 2010, 18:53   #24
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well that is tough luck man, really feel sad for your loss (or an almost loss if you got your money back)
but let it be a lesson to buy on ASC and AV'd as well
-k, my bad
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Last edited by redzaku; December 25th, 2010 at 19:01..
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Old December 25th, 2010, 18:59   #25
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Originally Posted by redzaku View Post
but there is one question i would like to ask, redwolf is in hong kong not in the US, and i can't find that product on that site
so are you mistaken it for airsoft GI?
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Old December 25th, 2010, 19:02   #26
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Originally Posted by Greedy View Post
I realize that the customer has to take some responsability but I don't know why they don't catch this stuff in their shipping dept. It's pretty shitty of them to post a small blurb somewhere and expect people to read all the fineprint then wash ther hands of it. There should be a flag that raises in their system when you try to order prohibited items to certain countries. Afterall there is still a lot of other suff we can order from them it would be wise to impliment something like this and not burn their customers like that.
Do you live in the 'real world'? Your attitude suggests that everyone else should look out for your welfare! If that is the case Greedy = Total Failure ... lol.
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Old December 25th, 2010, 19:09   #27
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Originally Posted by Greedy View Post
I realize that the customer has to take some responsability but I don't know why they don't catch this stuff in their shipping dept. It's pretty shitty of them to post a small blurb somewhere and expect people to read all the fineprint then wash ther hands of it. There should be a flag that raises in their system when you try to order prohibited items to certain countries. Afterall there is still a lot of other suff we can order from them it would be wise to impliment something like this and not burn their customers like that.
They aren't burning their customers at all. Buyer beware, you should always check whether you can import something before you buy from overseas. I realize that in Canada we can live our whole lives without really ever having to think for ourselves, but the internet is shark infested waters. Protect yourself, because no one else cares.

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Last edited by Disco_Dante; December 25th, 2010 at 19:15..
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