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through the snipers scope.



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Old October 19th, 2010, 09:15   #16
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More like throwing a hotdog at Uranus...
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Old October 19th, 2010, 09:34   #17
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Originally Posted by Gerkraz View Post
I doubt you'd hit mine, since it's such a small target!

...wait a sec...
Lol in that case maybe the swelling from the whelt can work in your favor.
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Old October 19th, 2010, 09:55   #18
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This page has inspired me to buy a bolt action rifle.
It's not about the guy who doesn't call his hit. It's about the pants you're wearing and the pants you're team mate is wearing, Is it real multi cam or is it Chinese repro multi cam? I don't know but in the end it's still multicam.
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Old October 19th, 2010, 11:45   #19
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Originally Posted by Gerkraz View Post
More like throwing a hotdog at Uranus...
Hahaha, brilliant!
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Old October 19th, 2010, 13:01   #20
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I have always thought it would be fucked up if you where looking through the scope and say someone looking at you through a scope.

But yea ever since I got the chance to use a BA on the field ( no matter how shitty it is) I like it. I will start aiming at the neck and fleshy spots more so people call the hits but yea its fun
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Old October 19th, 2010, 13:02   #21
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Ah....sniper memories....
It was a new year's game in Wolcott, CT, USA; there was a milsim going on the first of January this year. Im doing the usual thing, i was covert ops, and i was tasked with taking out the leader and his four subordinates; I had a KJW M9, my heavily upgraded VSR10, and 5 clips of ammo for each gun. So I get to the target location, find my MED and set up a FFP. As i was scoping the target camp out, I finally saw the target, surrounded by his 4 bodyguards. One by one, within a matter or 5 minutes, all targets were down. As I was beginning to go back to the "extraction zone," I saw movement to the left, so I slung my rifle on my back and drew my pistol. Then, I remembered that there was a path where the noise was coming from, and there was a point where there were bushes and a side wind. So I, crawled all the way there, since the path was long and it'd take a while to get there. I finally got to the bushes, and waited for my prey; 4 minutes later, they came, they passed within 16 inches of me, and that's when i came out; gun drawn, pointed at them. There were 6 of them, so, I said safety kill 6 times. Of course there's that one cocky guy who will point his gun at you, whom i dispatched quickly, and walked with them back to camp. That, I feel was my crowning achievement of my airsoft career. Lord knows I'm not promoting the sniper role; I've just received sniper training from an ex-marine sniper (my uncle), and adapted the tactics for airsoft
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Old October 19th, 2010, 20:04   #22
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3yrs ago CIA Milsim game in Victoria B.C. Tagged a 300+ft kill with my PDI Type96. Top of the hill by a rock surface waiting patiently under a ghillie, below me are two of my team mates who went ahead to establish observation post. We watched the enemies from below trying to gain cover. Through my scope the enemies were like ants. Pulled the bolt loaded .43 into the chamber. Estimated the range on a high value target. Pulled the trigger then watched the gray coated bb float up to 270ft till I cant see a visual. Then the target stood up and called the hit, straight to his temple. My team mates my witness were truly impressed by the range of the kill.
Team P.I.M.P. Vancouver BC
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Old October 20th, 2010, 00:21   #23
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Originally Posted by Dart View Post
Ah. I tried posting that on yourtube comments didn't look like it was working lol. Can you take a pick on how you mounted it or give a link to the camera?
In the video, in the scene where you see me sitting and aiming, you can see two white Tiraps in the midle of the scope. There are holding the camera mount.

This is the camera.
The 2 slots rail at the bottom is on both side, allowing me to turn the camera around. The lense is rotatable, allowing me to ajust to any angle. (no upside down image).
Lasers are for image alignement. They turn off once it's done, you are not supposed to see them in the video, unless you turn them on while filming, like I did in the video.

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Old October 20th, 2010, 01:33   #24
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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First one;
Seddon corner, sandy hill terrain. I'm on the top of a hill with a large burm just before the decline, well theres a guy down there in fairly dense bush maybe 25 feet away. Take aim....wait for it... good view! PLACK! (CRAP I'm out of ammo!!!), so obviously he hears this and opens up, I yell to my spotter he's down there so he's waiting on the side of the hill where theres a road layed out infront of us.
So I quickly reload the rifle, and my spotter hit someone, so I dash down to the other side of the road hoping to setup there, well it turns out there was two of them and the other guy was 30 feet away on the side of the road I'm running to....
So I take a quick shot as I'm dashing across the road, and hop into what I thought was a foot deep ditch, ended up being 3 feet deep, hurting my knees and probably saving me lol
Cock the rifle and take another quick snap shot as BB's are flying around me, this time I got him

Second; This one I got on youtube!
Sneaking up behind an enemy position, I'm in the forest and see a guy patrolling from the crossroad coming towards me on the path, take him down no problem. Slowly make my way up to the crossroads and I here two guys talking. I'm about 35 feet away, and I wait.... and turn on my camera....and wait....
Then they get spooked! (Turns out another sniper was in the bush across from me and to the right and he took a shot and missed them)
So they decide to make a dash for their home base! They make it to the center of the crossroads and stop just as they notice me, I take the shot and hit him. I quickly recock and aim at the next guy, but the first guy hasn't called his hit (DAMNIT) and the second guy doesn't have his rifle up.... Shoot the first guy again. This time he's called hit.
Second guy actually starts RUNNING from me (lmao he's got an AEG and I has a bolt action sniper). Unfortunately I was too pumped and couldn't get a good lead on him....
But I'm amazed someone actually ran from a sniper 35 feet away lol

Third; Back at ducky's farm. We had a junkyard there with this old broken down disease and squirrel crap ridden truck back camper. The perfect sniper hole.
We were playing real-hit (where if your limb gets shot, you can't use it). First 5 minutes of the game I get shot in the right arm (DAMNIT). Rest of the game I was using the rifle with only my left hand.....
Anyway, Riley's making a charge and I get him in the leg. Then an arm, then someone shoots him in the other leg...... then I got him in the other arm.... So he's a stub with a knife in his mouth slowly shoulder crawling towards us. So I yell out to him "Just turn your back to me so I can shoot you in the back! I don't want to hit your face!". So he turns his back to me, but I'm laughing so damn hard that I just can't hit him from 50 feet away with only my left hand on the rifle LOL
I think I ended up getting someone with an AEG to shoot him

Fourth; Okay every well seasoned sniper has had this happen. Where for 100 feet in dense bush there is this incredibly convenient perfectly shaped round hole a few inches in diameter all the way to your target.

Fifth; CFB Rivers; We're trying to get new guys to learn how to clear buildings. So we're in this old abandoned steam plant, and they're coming in through the back door. So across the back of the building there's windows at head height, and one door off on the right with narrow windows on each side. We're up on the concrete catwalk probably 60 feet up, with a raised mesh catwalk directly between us and the window, they're about 80 feet away.
So one gets wise and starts shooting through the window and through the catwalk to get at us on the concrete catwalk. I take ONE shot and zip it cleanly through the catwalk and hit him in the top of the head. Total fluke lol
Then they start coming through the door... First guy leans up where the window is, doesn't realize the windows broken.... So one more down lol
The door is almost shut, and they're ready to swing it open, but the guy has his foot sticking out about 3 inches from the frame. Another one gone lol
His buddy right across from him, where I shot the guy who didn't realize the window was broken, has his foot sticking out 3 inches, where the window is broken. Second guy I shot in the foot.

Overall that day at rivers was a pretty good day for shooting lol
Just wish I'd get used to using my gun cam more often
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Old October 20th, 2010, 09:10   #25
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A funny one I just thought of, more a good example of the timing I've learned...... was a skirmish at the Foxden, I was in the center tower of the haybale area and guys all over. Hazard was about 130ft away, picks up a thick aluminum foil baking pan Testtube and I were shooting at earlier in the day and uses it as a shield and starts shooting at guys on my team. BBs were hitting it and denting it, he was having fun until I let loose a 0.30g and punched a hole through the pan, he said he looked through the hole, saw me in the tower, said fuck that and dropped the pan. Later in that game, Helios uses a folding table as a shield, he's about 100ft away and moving it sideways bit by bit, I notice his hand reaches out, picks up his G36, moves it a foot, then picks up the table and takes a step sideways, puts it down, moves his gun, picks the table up again, another step.......... anyways, watched him do it twice, aimed for where I knew his hand would be, saw it start to come out again and let my round fly. Smacked him right in the side of the hand, seeing him jump and start swearing was great, Testtube was only 30ft away from him watching, he almost fell over laughing. Nutshell, if a guy does something the say way twice with about the same timing, chances are high he'll do it a third time. Learn to watch and time, and you'll get some fun kills on guys.
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Old October 20th, 2010, 20:51   #26
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yup stlker I had that happen the other day. Watched a guy go up the hill and start to ground hog looking for me. Head pops up head goes down head pops up head goes down... so I timed it up down up down up down up smack lol. Same guy from my first story too :P

Yesterday I did learn the value of a good side arm though. My mac11 was down and 2 times I was too close to engage.... one actually lost the game, pilot down met them at the extraction point.
Got a video of it actually . Just uploading to youtube.
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Old October 20th, 2010, 21:01   #27
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i remember one time I was playing in the woods with my friends I'm running around with a shotgun and trying to hit guys 200 feet away like a moron when I see a sniper point his rifle at me, shoot, and then watch the BB go flying 15 feet to the left and then I sat there and laughed my ass off. 30 mins of waiting for the perfect shot, N/A. Gear and ghillie suit, 200 dollars. Upgrades, 500$. Look on his face as he realized he missed by fifteen feet? Priceless. Then one of my guys stands up and PHHT gets the guy in his shoulder. i was still rolling around on the ground laughing my ass off but I did see the sniper flinch and say "I'm done. Goodbye." and then walk away
Originally Posted by rc_p120 View Post
Reality has a well known liberal bias.

Bloody BB
BB Magnet
Steady Aim
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Old October 20th, 2010, 22:30   #28
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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And then there's the noobs who think sniping is cool, so they buy a 900$ rifle, and later find out their marksmanship SUCKS lol
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Old October 21st, 2010, 00:57   #29
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here we go.

YouTube - Airsoft 101019

and um how the hell do I embed this? All I keep getting is lovely code.

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US&amp;rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US&amp;rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>


Last edited by Dart; October 21st, 2010 at 01:22..
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Old October 21st, 2010, 01:06   #30
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
And then there's the noobs who think sniping is cool, so they buy a 900$ rifle, and later find out their marksmanship SUCKS lol
Sounds like someone I know... lol

This one time, I shot a BB and it hit someone!
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