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Kwa fps to high?


Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old June 26th, 2010, 13:23   #16
kalnaren's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Batistatheory View Post
Cool thanks for the info guys I would of never of thought about downgrading my gun, but now that I know it won't drop my range and I can also us it in cqb it seams like a smart choice. Are .25 still recommends in 350 fps aegs or will they drop the fps to much you think?

So why don't we allow heavier bbs too drop fps? Then there wouldn't be constant upgrading and down grading

In a 350 gun I'd use 0.28.

And we don't allow BB swapping for FPS checks because the limits imposed are energy limits. It doesn't matter if a gun shoots 0.20 or 0.28, the energy behind the shot is the same.

All guns are always chronied on 0.20 (well, at games... shitty manufacturers chronie with 0.12).

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Old June 26th, 2010, 13:26   #17
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Because it's about the energy shat out the front of the gun. A 400fps gun shooting 0.20g would have X joules, the same gun shooting 0.36g BBs at 300fps (the drop, 100fps) would have the same joules but would keep it's energy for a longer distance.

Between 0.20g and 0.25g, there is really only a 30fps drop roughly, but the effective distance will increase by a few dozen feet due to less effect by air currents. 0.28g will give you an additional boost to effective range over 0.25g, etc. Just can't go too heavy.
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Old June 26th, 2010, 14:05   #18
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Vancouver,B.C.
So now that I've decided to downgrade what company has the best springs. Also While I'm in the gearbox anything I should upgrade in the kwa 2gx like piston heads or stuff like that?

Last edited by Batistatheory; June 26th, 2010 at 14:11..
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Old June 26th, 2010, 14:10   #19
a.k.a. LastSpartan
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Get a Modify or Prometheus spring from

And you know, you can do a bit of research too.


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Old June 28th, 2010, 02:33   #20
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Originally Posted by Batistatheory View Post
Your a goof, that was completely off topic and I hope you can pick up the meaning of the word from the context of my sentance or is it alittle past you bed time bud, feeling arnery. Another thing for a guy that has a quote of kurt cobain in his sig you wouldn't think he'd be such a moron and "like to shoot his gun, but don't know what it means".

Lol and ouyin you got some titty girl as your avatar your such a burnt kid(that's the adjective form) go watch porn when it's late if you got nothing better to do.

Now back on topic I live in Vancouver and op-for(think that's the name) states 400fps max on full auto aeg's
As per OP-FOR (BC) rules

Muzzle-velocity limits in feet per second using 0.20g BBs
A1. Sidearms 330 (10 ft minimum engagement distance [min Dx])
A2. AEG - Full Auto 400 (20 ft min Dx)
B. FPS Range Course Certified Player (mandatory sidearm)
B1. AEG - Semi Auto (RCC) 450 (60 ft min Dx, No Full Auto)
B2. Bolt-action Sniper Rifle (RCC) 500 (100 ft min Dx)

More info regarding OP-For rules here:

You have stated your rifle is shooting at 405 to 410? If so, you will still be allowed to use the M4 but only in Semi-Auto only as this is in the 400 to 450 range.
Your rifle will be allowed to fire full auto however with BCAC club rules as there limit is 415 FPS for full auto. So downgrading is not necessary as the spring will settle at some point.
BCAC link:

I hope this information will help you out more in deciding on what to do with your rifle.

That's what you said last time, Then look what happened!

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