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Best M14 and MP5 on the market? Things to look out for?


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Old April 19th, 2010, 21:19   #16
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Consider waiting for the new Slip mechbox ICS MP5s, they will probably be available through mach1 once they come out, and they promise to deliver.
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Old April 19th, 2010, 21:35   #17
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
Honestly, if you can afford a CA MP5, do it.. just for the metal body alone. The CA bodies are superior to anything G&G equipps.
The real mp5 doesn't even have a metal body?
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Old April 19th, 2010, 21:38   #18
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Originally Posted by krap101 View Post
The real mp5 doesn't even have a metal body?
Yes it does it has a Polymer lower and metal upper.
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Old April 19th, 2010, 21:38   #19
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Originally Posted by krap101 View Post
The real mp5 doesn't even have a metal body?
Uh.. yea.. it does.

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Old April 19th, 2010, 22:21   #20
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Sorry, but my opinion still stands. I own 2 CA MP5's. and while i love the heft and feel of the CA's, the lever style hop up is far superior in my opinion. I was outshooting PTW's, pegging off distances of 200-300ft with a STOCK TM mp5.

Either way, while I chose to own 2 CA MP5's over TM's, I still wish the TM Style hop up was compatable with CA Bodies.

And yes, the real steel IS Metal. Only the lower is a polymer.

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Old April 19th, 2010, 23:46   #21
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The talk about buying used being sketchy is upsetting seeing as a brand new TM M14 is way out of my price range ):

I will get age verified and check out the classifieds and revive this topic with my update. If you guys have anything else to say keep it coming, I am all ears!
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Old April 19th, 2010, 23:53   #22
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I'll echo what's already been said - for M14, TM or bust. No substitute IMO. CA for MP5.

ICS make nice MP5s too though. And they'll soon be releasing a new MP5 that has a split mechbox like their Armalite series. That may be worthwhile looking into.
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Old April 20th, 2010, 00:31   #23
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Originally Posted by wasteisland View Post
The talk about buying used being sketchy is upsetting seeing as a brand new TM M14 is way out of my price range ):

I will get age verified and check out the classifieds and revive this topic with my update. If you guys have anything else to say keep it coming, I am all ears!
What I meant was there's nothing to worry about but just be careful and cover all your bases, ask lots of questions and ensure you're getting what you're paying for. It's much better if you do it locally and better yet through reputable players and gundocs. Hell make sure you can test shoot it in front of the owner (at the field or a long basement inside a house) and that nothings broken. If they won't let you then just walk away (but be reasonable about testing it, a short 30-50 round test should be more than enough to gauge whether or not it's worth it).

Also definitely document everything just in case things go south.
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Old April 20th, 2010, 08:25   #24
a.k.a. LastSpartan
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Just a small question for the TM M14 users here, is it full sized? I remember reading somewhere it wasn't, but the G&G was.


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Old April 20th, 2010, 12:01   #25
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Actually, I have a question for you guys:

Would a M14 shoot further and more accurately than a MP5? If I were to purchase a M14 I would like to use it for sharpshooting and only use the fully automatic firing mode if needed.

If using full auto quite often is required in airsoft I may stick with the MP5 to start with since I could maneuver more with it, and take corners tightly.
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Last edited by wasteisland; April 20th, 2010 at 12:02.. Reason: typo
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Old April 20th, 2010, 12:29   #26
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Yes and no. The M14 Hop up has one of the best designs but then again with a tuned MP5 it's no slouch either (I think someone has a stock MP5 or something in the "300 club" (referring to it running at stock 300 FPS or less) that can compete with other upgraded AEG's only having a larger delay between the actual shot and the time it takes to reach the target).

I play with single shot and short bursts (I'll get a MOSFET later so I can do a true 3 round burst).

If you like directed fire then that's fine but some people have a kind of "speedball mentality" and just hose BB's everywhere (these players aren't usually too appreciated).

There's definitely a place for everyone from a "SAW Gunner" that gives supporting fire to a rifleman that gives accurate supporting directed fire, to a DMR who is like a squad "sniper", to the "real snipers" (who play more of a recon role since they don't have too much more range/accuracy/performance than a regular AEG player)

Really, airsoft is like 80% "dress up" and 20% other, so pick what you think looks more badass or cool.

Also keep in mind that some places (ie. casual weekend games) will allow you to be a "SAW gunner" with a boxmag strapped on your regular rifle but for the most part (like at milsims that are strict on loadouts) you actually need to have a conversion kit or the real thing or you must be a rifleman. ie. you can't just slap a C-mag on an AK and call it an RPK, and neither can you slap a Cmag on a G36 and call it an MG36. You need to actually have put the work into putting a conversion kit on it (otherwise it's a slap in the face to people who actually bought the parts to do the conversion and possibly spent hours dremelling and filing parts for better fitment).
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Old April 20th, 2010, 12:43   #27
The Saint
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The TM M14 hopup is superior to that of the MP5, if only because the adjustment dial is incremented and clicks. It makes adjusting the hopup a more consistent process.

Of course, there are people who sing praises of the G&G M14 series, too. Just not here on ASC.

I don't recommend getting a used gun if you're just starting out. Save a little more and get a M14 SOCOM new from the AV section (big fan of SOCOM, not a fan of the MP5). Unless you're short and skinny, then MP5 by necessity.
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Old April 20th, 2010, 13:10   #28
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Originally Posted by LastSpartan View Post
Just a small question for the TM M14 users here, is it full sized? I remember reading somewhere it wasn't, but the G&G was.

TM makes 4 versions.

TM M14 in black (fullsize)
TM M14 in OD (fullsize)
TM M14 in Fake Wood (fullsize)


TM M14 Socom in black (about 1 1/2 ft shorter)

TM M14 Hop up Is Phenominal

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Old April 20th, 2010, 13:14   #29
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ive never heard of a black TM Fullsize M14
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Old April 20th, 2010, 13:30   #30
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Yea I am interested in the Socom (shorter one that is black)

My build is tall-ish (almost 6 feet) and slim. If I can pick off people with an MP5 just as easily as I can with an M14 I will probably stick to the MP5 since it's more compact, so I can take corners in CQB better and fire from the hip. Also having a higher capacity mag (200 as opposed to 70 or so) I can use full auto when I am in a tight spot.

I do not have the speedball mentality.. I am very fond of one shot one kill, mind you if I can pick people off just as easily with the MP5 I will probably settle on it because it is more versatile than a long rifle with no pistol grip. I want to buy for performance, not for badassativity :P

I like the simple look, so if I bought either, I would just slap a sight and a sling on there, no lasers, vertical grips, torch, etc..
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