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Illegal Drug use during Airsoft Games



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Old August 26th, 2009, 09:05   #1
Kurgan's Avatar
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Illegal Drug use during Airsoft Games

Knowing a team who has abused illegal drugs (not cough medicine or energy drinks) before and during games, I would like ASC to take a hard stand against members who do participate in this behavior immediately before or during airsoft games.

I'm not talking about banning people who smoke dope or how it doesn't affect you.. or it's just like beer.. That's not the issue...(not in agreement with drinking at games either). My primary concern is about these pot heads cruising around the field stoned and carrying weapons, and the safety issues related to poor or clouded judgment that is the effect when illegal drugs are used. Another concern is the large amount of Canadian Armed Forces personnel who participate in our games. These brave souls will lose their jobs should they fail a drug test (and they are administered) due to second hand smoke or the cross contamination from the hands of the dopers. Everyone shakes hands, and even if they don't... common points such as guns or game props are transfer points.

If you smoke dope or participate in illegal drug activity, ..... well that's up to the law and you. If you conduct this sort of behavior during an airsoft game, I would like to see ASC take a hard stand against it, and subsequently administer a removal or age verification. I know there are ways around getting guns, and retailers who sell to unverified players. My point to getting the community behind this action is when (not if) a group traveling to a game gets caught with dope and airsoft guns, or someone gets injured because of the combination, that it not be because the community did not stand against it, and make it difficult to mix the two.

It is a legal, safety and etiquette issue in my eyes.

What say you?
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Old August 26th, 2009, 09:08   #2
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I am also on a stance that drugs have no place in airsoft. The sport is fun enough without having to be high. I am also a forces member and don't like to hang at places were drugs are being consumed.
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Old August 26th, 2009, 09:40   #3
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I agree with bean and Kurgan. There is no place for drugs at airsoft events for the same reason as I don't get drunk before or during an event. I have no issues with drug users themselves just keep it off the field and do it on your own time.
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Old August 26th, 2009, 09:46   #4
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If it doesn't involve you, you needn't get involved. Meaning, so long as said 'dopers' keep it to themselves why does it even matter to you? AEGs are not weapons, this community is trying to prove that to the government.

Poor judgment may result when -some- people smoke pot but I've seen more poor judgment from sober people who've never smoked in their lives.

Unless I'm blowing tokes right in your face, it won't be showing up on your drug tests either. Point being that most stoners at your average ASC-related game or skirm won't be firing it in the ready area in front of the general populace. Rather, we understand that people don't like it so we go to our cars so as not to bother folks like you.
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Old August 26th, 2009, 10:17   #5
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Illegal drug use should not be tolerated at games, period. It opens up a whole can of worms on issues of liability and safety, not to mention public perception.

Those who think is acceptable to smoke a gagger at a game need their head examined.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old August 26th, 2009, 10:18   #6
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Simon, we have seen the damage and injury that can result from airsoft weapons when a "sober" person uses poor judgment. To imply that there is little to no additional risk from someone who is under the influence of substances which have been proven to impair said judgment is absurd.

What you or anyone else does with their free time is your own business. Alcohol, or other recreational drugs have absolutely no place during an airsoft game. If you want to light up after the game, with your guns safely stowed away in their cases, be my guest.
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Old August 26th, 2009, 10:32   #7
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I'm in agreement that drugs and alcohol have no place on the field just like when you go hunting you don't crack a beer before walking in to the bush.

Originally posted by Kurgan

...or the cross contamination from the hands of the dopers. Everyone shakes hands, and even if they don't... common points such as guns or game props are transfer points.
Were talking grass, not anthrax or some STD.
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Old August 26th, 2009, 10:41   #8
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I'm 19 and party like I should, I play in a band and when a show is successful we will go and have a good time. However I will NEVER bring the party to a game, it would be disrespectful to everyone involved and most of all I would feel like I let myself down.
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Old August 26th, 2009, 10:42   #9
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I'm a little concerned about another small situation that could potentially develop after games. I know that hosts of parties are responsible for their guests for leaving their event under the influence so should they get into a car accident, the host shares in the responsibility. Can the same apply with an airsoft game?

Regardless, I don't like idea that my team or the opposing team is doped up, high in the sky, and/or too wasted to aim properly. Its a safety hazard that can potentially injure them and others around them and, considering the injury, can bring more unwanted bad publicity to airsoft. I don't care if you can handle it, as a host, I wouldn't risk it.
"Hey I'm the first one to say its a great country but its a straaaaange culture. This is a place where gun store owners are given a list of stolen credit cards but not a list of CRIMINALS and MANIACS. And now they're thinking of banning toy guns...AND THEY'RE GONNA KEEP THE F**KING REAL ONES!"
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Old August 26th, 2009, 10:44   #10
Brian McIlmoyle
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Not ASC's place

As a field owner and game host I see it as my job to monitor and enforce on field behavior.

I don't condone the use of illegal drugs on the field and would not tolerate it during a game on my property.

It adds risks that I don't want to deal with , the least of which is stoned players.

The greater risk to me is to the other players who have an expectation of certain degrees of safety while playing, facing impaired players adds a level of risk that the other players did not sign up for. I as host could be liable for damages that impaired players cause because I did not take steps to mitigate this risk.

Ill tolerate a couple of beers post game, I don't mind even seeing a beer or two during breaks ( but my games don't have any breaks so I don't see this much) I have even run games where one of the objectives was a cooler full of beer.
But I won't tolerate "drinking" ( as in to acheive an intoxicated state) during games.

I personally typically carry a small flask of whiskey on the field..(this being a habit long established... I often never open it) that Ill enjoy at breaks or post game.. it's discrete and not enough to intoxicate me.. as it is often shared in sipps with other players ..

anyway that is my position..

on the issue of ASC's role in enforcement of on field behavior.. it has none, ASC is not responsible to enforce player behavior, it has not been empowered by concensus of its members to do so. It is not at risk of loss regarding the behavior of players and so it has no standing in enforcement.

Empowering a entitiy that is nothing more than an meeting and information sharing clearing house with such a mandate is bound to lead to abuses and will result in an overall loss of membership.

ASC has no place in this issue, it is a Host / field owner problem full stop.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old August 26th, 2009, 11:14   #11
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Originally Posted by HeadlessChicken View Post
I'm a little concerned about another small situation that could potentially develop after games. I know that hosts of parties are responsible for their guests for leaving their event under the influence so should they get into a car accident, the host shares in the responsibility. Can the same apply with an airsoft game?

Regardless, I don't like idea that my team or the opposing team is doped up, high in the sky, and/or too wasted to aim properly. Its a safety hazard that can potentially injure them and others around them and, considering the injury, can bring more unwanted bad publicity to airsoft. I don't care if you can handle it, as a host, I wouldn't risk it.

Same applies for Airsoft games, but more the field owners responsibility. I for one don't like playing with people under the influence of alcohol or any other narcotics. I remember playing one game with a player that was high on pot once, he discharged his weapon while in a bunker and shot me right in the lip. His response was... WOW man I am soooo f*king high.

So IMO Drugs and Alcohol have no use on a field and can easily cause accidents. What if it was in a safe zone? Anyway, save it for after. If you can't go a few hours without it... maybe you have a problem.
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Old August 26th, 2009, 11:19   #12
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If you are stupid enough to do Drugs in your Car, which is actually a criminal offence - the what are you doing at an Airsoft Game.


You should not be playing stoned, high, under the influence, baked, or in any altered mood or mind state including when your judgement is impaired by legal Over the Counter or Doctor Dispensed Medications.

If you are found to be playing while impaired, you should be ejected for the day. If you continue to be an idiot, then you might be banned by the host or the field.

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Old August 26th, 2009, 11:39   #13
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Mr.Shiney View Post
If you are stupid enough to do Drugs in your Car, which is actually a criminal offence - the what are you doing at an Airsoft Game.


You should not be playing stoned, high, under the influence, baked, or in any altered mood or mind state including when your judgement is impaired by legal Over the Counter or Doctor Dispensed Medications.

If you are found to be playing while impaired, you should be ejected for the day. If you continue to be an idiot, then you might be banned by the host or the field.
this is easy to say.. but the fact is that there are people who are habitual users, Smoking dope is to them Exactly the same as smoking a cigarette.

Just as a cigarette smoker goes about perpetualy under the influence of nicotine.. and this is considered 100% ok by pretty much everyone. The habitual Dope smoker also goes about their day perpetualy under the influence of THC .. many drive, work and operate heavy equipment quite well in this state as they are accustomed to do so,

These people make the arguments to support their habit, "its the same as beer, I'ts no different than tobacco"

Notwithstanding it is a controled substance and currently illegal to posses and consume.

The principle issue is the liability issue that ensues from a host or field owner allowing the behavior to happen without intervention.

If you Smoke dope on the field or before , during a game you are placing the field owner / host at risk . this represents a disregard for them that should result in your dissmissal from participation at the game in question and any future event.

Hosts talk to each other... "problem Children" become known and blacklisted, if you want access to places to play.. don't get known as a pot head..

Most communities seem to develop a known "stoner field" where these people congregate.. which solves the problem for others.

Like most issues in Airsoft .. these things sort themselves out pretty much
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old August 26th, 2009, 11:47   #14
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Simple as this. As far as drugs are concerned they are illegal. Does not matter where you are. If I happen to be hosting a game and I find some one impaired by them they are removed from the game no questions asked. There is no second chance. If your stupid enough to show up to a place where the objective is to run around and shoot people and you think it's a good idea to be stoned then your not welcome. Im sure we have all had bleeders from the guys that are sober and alert the last thing we all need is a bunch of drunk/stoned players firing hot guns at us, never mind the attitude problems that are usually common those those types of players as well.

We harp on minors to be safe and smart about getting into airsoft but some times its the people that have been playing a while that developed bad habits that can become unsafe. Now dont get me wrong I enjoy a drink as much as the next guy and I did my fair share of drugs years ago but really, if you choose to do it now all the power to you, just please be responsible and do not do it at games or on the way to the games that every one else is trying to enjoy.
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Old August 26th, 2009, 12:25   #15
Assault Pioneer
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I saw a documentary following british soldiers who were with the ana (afghan national army) and those ana dudes were such stoners! it was in the middle of a gun battle, the taliban had them kinda stuck in this little farming compound and the ANA are getting high on Opium!!! the poor brits had to deal with their high bullshit all day long, I remember one high ana guy stepped out from the building and just kinda wildly started shooting, the Taliban opened fire (their both pretty far away) and the ana dude got the mag shot off his gun, he just picked it up and walked back in the compound chuckling....Drugs and combat do not mix at all, no sober person wants to deal with someone who's fucking high. I will personally confront and influenced Airsofters myself if I ever see that
Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
Wow, best derailed thread, ever.
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Don't take weapons training from a book. It ranks right up there with people who think they know guns from watching a Chris Costa video.
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