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JG v2 mechbox


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Old June 5th, 2009, 09:48   #1
Join Date: May 2009
JG v2 mechbox

For some odd reason (high voltage battery or playing during winter, not sure yet) a JG v2 mechbox cracked. Now I am going to replace the spring guide, plastic bushings with metal, etc.
My concerns are:
1) The cylinder has a big hole, how does it help? should I leave it like this or replace with a full cylinder?

2) Cylinder head is plastic, does it make a big difference to replace it with metal?

3) Should I use plastic piston head or aluminium?

Any other tips for this kind of mechbox?
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Old June 5th, 2009, 10:00   #2
m102404's Avatar
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There's a ton of threads about upgrading mechboxes...picking parts, etc....lots of stickied posts that are really well written and contain tons of info (all in one post!).

The "Complicated thinking of matching cylinders to barrel length" (or something like that) stickied post talks to what that big hole is for.

As long as the cylinder head isn't broken and it seals well with the cylinder...I haven't really seen any "performance" difference between a plastic and metal one.

Check the other posts about aluminum piston heads....but in short, I'd always go with a vented polycarbonate piston head.

Once you figure out what you're going to do...check Jugglez has pretty much everything you need (and butt loads of trick stuff to spend the rest of your money on as well!).

Best of luck,

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Old June 5th, 2009, 12:43   #3
Gravewolf's Avatar
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Please do not use an aluminum piston head on a v2 gearbox because this gearbox's inherent weakness is at the front, use a polycarb with sorbo pad and if you are going to use a strong spring be sure to replace the the piston body with metal teeth, replace the bushing with steel bushings and re-shim and re-lube the gears. These are inexpensive upgrades that will add a longer lifespan for your gearbox. Ive been using my JG mp5 navy for months and ive gone through 25,000 rounds with only replacing the bushings, shims and re-lubing. The cylinder head isnt really an issue if is metal or plastic, you just seal it with the cylinder using liquid gasket which you can buy at auto shops and replace the nozzle with an air seal nozzle to clog up air leaks and add about 30fps or more. Any gearbox shell with a strong spring will have a huge probability of breaking because the alloys used in the shell becomes weak in cold temperature.
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