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Old May 17th, 2009, 00:46   #1
The CDN Hoople
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Airsoft Article/ Interveiw


I'm writing a feature article for my English class about promoting Airsoft, I've yet to play because i'm under age, but I'm planing on starting for the 2010 season. Anyways we had to choose a topic I chose this becuase I've already done extensive reaserch on the sport so I have the nessacary Information to make an informed choice and figured that this I could probably write a good article with the information and soruces i've already acquired. Also this project also requires an interveiw. I was hoping one or a few non-noob airsofters could give me a few minutes of there time and answer a few questons. If you would like to Volenteer please feel free to PM me and i'll send you the eight questons I have to ask you, also this interveiw requires me to use a real name if you wish to remain anoymous this is fine, if you wish to give me your name to use in my article this is also fine I would also like to use your ASC username in brackets beside ether your name or the anymous to designate whom i've interveiwed from the forums.

Thanks in advance
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Old May 17th, 2009, 00:48   #2
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Old May 17th, 2009, 02:05   #3
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Sorry kid, if you cannot properly spell 'volunteer', then you are writing about the wrong hobby.
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Old May 17th, 2009, 08:50   #4
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If you've never played the game -especially not a large organized one like a Wolfpack or Border Wars-like event, you really don't have anywhere close to the information you need to write it.

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Old May 17th, 2009, 10:44   #5
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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And promoting airsoft in a school to minors is not a good idea.

Paintball would be more apropriate.

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Old May 17th, 2009, 23:58   #6
The CDN Hoople
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Alright thats cool guys. Thanks for the info on not using the topic
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Old May 18th, 2009, 00:31   #7
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I think its a good idea to educate people of all ages. Our sport is a safe, fun and legit sport that deserves good press. I guess he can't write a story on drinking and drugs because he is underage and is not a drinker/user. Come on guys. I do not promote underage players but if he can educate other kids on the reasons why we play 18plus and teach them about the sport what would that hurt.
Look at sex. We teach our kids at 12 yrs old about being safe and the reasons to wait dont we? If we dont teach them young, they will make uneducated decisions and it can turn out bad. I would be more than happy to help in anyway I can as long as it is in a positive direction for our sport.
I think its silly how we treat young people as they are the future. We should all remember how we felt when we were in our teens and try to be a little more understanding. If everyone mentored one young player by the time they turned 18 they would be a asset to the community.

sorry i must edit
Surebet is right about not promoting airsoft in classrooms. I just wish there was a way to teach young people about why we play 18 plus and the trouble they can get in for miss use. Teens will do what they want and we cant stop them. I just wish there was a way to get the message to them about being safe and not causing trouble, this way there is no bad press on us because a 16 year old went airsofting in the bush behind his school.
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Last edited by georgehutchison; May 18th, 2009 at 00:37..
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Old May 18th, 2009, 00:33   #8
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Part of the solution of reducing teen airsoft proliferation involves not advertising our sport in classrooms.
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Old May 18th, 2009, 00:38   #9
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Originally Posted by surebet View Post
Part of the solution of reducing teen airsoft proliferation involves not advertising our sport in classrooms.
I disagree. My friends in Catholic school were never taught about drugs or sex and they did both recklessly. In public school I was taught both, and I've done safely as possible.

People will do what they want. They can find out what airsoft is from Canadian Tire and the internet, or they could get more reliable sources with more knowledgeable information.
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Old May 18th, 2009, 00:41   #10
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Originally Posted by Courtesy View Post
I disagree. My friends in Catholic school were never taught about drugs or sex and they did both recklessly. In public school I was taught both, and I've done safely as possible.

People will do what they want. They can find out what airsoft is from Canadian Tire and the internet, or they could get more reliable sources with more knowledgeable information.
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Old May 18th, 2009, 00:41   #11
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When we teach teens about sex it's done by a professional with a background in education. We don't just tell one kid about how sex works and then send them off into the world to spread the word, do we? Nor do we have a kid do a presentation for the class on what they learned about having safe sex from the internet.

There would be some ugly results and a lot more pregnant teenage girls.
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Old May 18th, 2009, 00:42   #12
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Sex and to a certain extent drugs are a normal part of life, this hobby isn't. Making class appearances will only plant an interest in something they would have not known about.

I'm not making a point for censorship, just one against overt publicity.

Also, a random minor without field experience is no more qualified to educate people about the sport than a clerk from Canadian Tire.
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Old May 18th, 2009, 00:51   #13
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Originally Posted by surebet View Post
Sex and to a certain extent drugs are a normal part of life, this hobby isn't. Making class appearances will only plant an interest in something they would have not known about.

I'm not making a point for censorship, just one against overt publicity.

Also, a random minor without field experience is no more qualified to educate people about the sport than a clerk from Canadian Tire.
Never really thought of it that way. You make a good point. If I heard about this when I was 16 I would want to go to Canadian tire and buy a clearsoft to shoot at friends. Censorship is not needed but I agree about promoting to underage people.
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Old May 18th, 2009, 00:51   #14
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When we teach teens about sex it's done by a professional with a background in education. We don't just tell one kid about how sex works and then send them off into the world to spread the word, do we? Nor do we have a kid do a presentation for the class on what they learned about having safe sex from the internet.
Professional teacher yes, but their lessons, comfort and actual knowledge were debatable. But I understand your point. Yet I have probably done more single handedly to teach my friends about sex and drugs than our public system ever did. It's a matter of getting on their level and having the appropriate knowledge. He can do both, as long as experienced people take the time to help.

Also, a random minor without field experience is no more qualified to educate people about the sport than a clerk from Canadian Tire.
Agreed. But he's synthesizing or quite likely directly quoting people. If he is really determined to do the article would it better that he gets information from people who are actually involved and practice safe use in the airsoft community or Youtube videos and Google (increasing the likelihood of information coming from underage sources)?
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Old May 18th, 2009, 00:53   #15
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Another thought occurs: We all know that telling a teen they can't know/do something only increases their curiosity. I'd rather know that solid information was delivered (stressing safety and the necessity of being 18+) than to have them look elsewhere for the information.
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