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Modify modular gear sets and sector gear clips


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Old September 10th, 2008, 23:05   #1
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Modify modular gear sets and sector gear clips

Just wondering if anyone else tried this and ran into the same problem as me. I bought a set of Modify modular highspeed gears from and noticed that since its a solid unit, I cannot put a sector gear clip on it for better feeding.

All my other highspeed guns had feeding problems before I added sector gear clips, now do it standard with all my guns, and am worried that I will get the same problem with the Modify set but it seems unable to take a clip. Is there anyway to disassemble it easily to add the clip?

On another note, the spur gear seems to have much finer (and more) teeth than any other spur gear I've seen, including other highspeed gear sets. I don't know the ratios of other brands but was wondering if anyone knew about this? Should be faster but with a lower powered maximum spring strength. Currently have an M110 in the gun but can't test it as I am still waiting for some parts to come in (this gun is an entire parts build since building 4 custom M4's left me with almost enough for a 5th.)
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Old September 10th, 2008, 23:24   #2
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For that spring I'd have put in a high torgue set. Installed a couple of those, sub 400fps springs, no issues at all. I'd go no higher than a Modify 90 spring for a highspeed set. And had no issues with a high torque set with a 100 spring either.
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Old September 10th, 2008, 23:42   #3
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You can't fit the clip under the frame? or is the diameter of the tappet plate peg to big? If it's something like that you might try filing the clip to fit the gearset.

I can't speak for the high speed set, but the torque up set I'm looking at also looks finer. But so does the matching gear on the bevel so maybe the gear ratio is still the same...
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Old September 11th, 2008, 00:04   #4
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It wont fit because it has to be installed totally parallel to the sector gear. You can't snap it in at an angle which is what you would have to do with the bracket.

Stalker, forgot to mention, when I said M110 I meant Prometheus M110, so only 360-380fps. Modify springs seem to be way higher than any other brand. But you install torque up gears for Modify M110 springs? Just that even up to 450fps in an AEG I have never had any problems with standard ratio gears. Also what gears to use with what springs has nothing to do with my question, I run highspeed gears in my ICS guns with Ms120 springs for 390-400fps with zero problems (except pistons stripping, but thats an ICS problem, not related to the spring.)

Last edited by LUTNIT; September 11th, 2008 at 00:06..
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Old September 11th, 2008, 00:13   #5
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If it were my sector clip, I might try beveling the edge facing the gear just enough to get it started and then maybe press fit it with say some channel-locks or a vice. I would try anything other then prying open the frame :P But hey, that's just me...

What brand of clip? I think I used a king arms once and it was made of a fairly soft metal which would be ideal in this situation.

Edit: btw, I'm really surprised you can run high speed gears while getting that fps.. I've never had any luck there... ah well, no matter...

Last edited by Murdoch; September 11th, 2008 at 00:16..
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Old September 11th, 2008, 09:45   #6
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I've put 2 Modify s110 from modify in 2 differents m4 and they actually put the Fps in the 350 - 380

Last edited by Phil_Black; September 11th, 2008 at 09:54..
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Old September 11th, 2008, 11:53   #7
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@ Murdoch

I thought about that but when I went at the clip with a file it didn't do much. Guess I shouldn't have gone whole hog and bought the king arms titanium clip, a cheaper one would be modifyable.

As for high fps and highspeed. I found that I can't run lower power springs with highspeed setups. Even an M100 will result in a stripped piston on me because it can't return the piston to the forward position fast enough. I had an AK up at 398fps and around 35rps, my current main M4A1 (ICS) is 390fps and above 25rps, my secondary M4 is running on a 10.8V battery with highspeed gears and a highspeed motor but I haven't had a chance to check it out in detail but its nuts.

If your gears strip, get all helical as they have 1.5x the tooth area in contact at any given time. If your motor pinion gear strips get a SystemA motor with chromoly pinion gear. If your piston strips get a Prometheus hard type or Deep Fire full metal tooth piston. Bearings are a must not bushings, good shimming is manditory, as is a sector gear clip. Also a huge honking battery to provide the maximum amperage draw of the motor for maximum speed and torque.

-SystemA Magnum motors have higher speed than even an EG1000 but insane torque (can run up to an Ms190 I think)
-SystemA Turbo motors can run up to an Ms135 so no problems using it in any gun allowable at standard fields in Canada
-SystemA all helical highspeed gears are awesome and you can get matching bearings
-Prometheus highspeed gears are great and have 5 lug anti-reversal on the bevel gear so no wind back
-HurricanE highspeed gears get the job done but I wouldn't use em with 400fps setups
-G&P Torque type motor is quite fast, way faster than an EG1000 though no where near the torque of a Magnum
-G&P Speed I have one but haven't installed it yet
-G&P Ultra are supposed to be great but I have as of yet to test one
-TM, STAR, ICS, and several other brands of pistons strip really fast
-Prometheus hard type pistons are great
-Deep Fire all metal toothed pistons are amazing
-Guarder standard polycarb pistons (gray ones) are nothing special in appearance but I have actually had a lot of luck with them
-TM EG1000 motor could barely turn over my 380fps spring in my secondary M4, no idea why as it works fine in a standard gun, tossed in a SystemA Magnum and now shes shooting plastic laser beams

Last edited by LUTNIT; September 11th, 2008 at 12:00..
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Old September 11th, 2008, 12:25   #8
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I haven't looked at one recently...but I thought that the cage could be unscrewed in the drop in sets. I was told that you could even pilfer the gears out of a drop in kit and use them as loose/regular gears in a mechbox.

If the cage comes apart, you should be able to apply the sector chip (assuming it fits the post/axle).

I've got one of the Madbull (Black) full tooth pistons in for testing now. Half (the ones closest to the piston head) of the teeth are metal. Seems to be working well and is nicely made. Eyeballed...they are very similar to the Promy pistons. Priced nicely...if it works, I'm buying more.

The Guarder Infinite Torque Up motors seem really nice. The build and magnets seem top notch (I accidentally put one down too close to my multi-bit tool set, bunch of mini/micro sized interchangeable bits, and ZIP! 15 bits were sucked over to it in a blink). I'm testing one out and have another fresh one for another install. If they work'll be a nice alternative to the $$$ Systema Magnums.

Q. about helicals (tangent topic, sorry)
- The sector teeth (the ones that interface with the piston rack) are "flat" (i.e. in line with the axle, perpendicular to the direction of movement).
- As long as the sector gear "bottom" teeth (the ones that interface with the flat spur gear) don't hit the you need to use a half tooth piston, even though the gears are Super High Speed, etc...? I.e. do you only go with a half tooth piston when those teeth of the sector gears will crash with them, and otherwise no harm done?
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Old September 11th, 2008, 19:29   #9
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Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Q. about helicals (tangent topic, sorry)
- The sector teeth (the ones that interface with the piston rack) are "flat" (i.e. in line with the axle, perpendicular to the direction of movement).
- As long as the sector gear "bottom" teeth (the ones that interface with the flat spur gear) don't hit the you need to use a half tooth piston, even though the gears are Super High Speed, etc...? I.e. do you only go with a half tooth piston when those teeth of the sector gears will crash with them, and otherwise no harm done?
Half toothed pistons are for "helical" gears. The SystemA highspeeds are "all helical" which for reasons to which I have no idea are different, they are the standard size, just helical, so they can be used with standard full toothed pistons.

I looked at the modular gearset but it seems to be press fit together, don't want to go prying at it and possible break something.

On another note, DO NOT use SystemA bearing axle holes with HurricanE highspeed gears. I just stripped both the gear set and the pinion gear on my Magnum doing so. Swapped in the ICS stock bushings, a spare set of TM gears, and an ICS Turbo 2000 and the gun is running fine again.

Last edited by LUTNIT; September 11th, 2008 at 19:37..
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Old September 11th, 2008, 19:36   #10
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Cool info. Thanks.

This has probably turned into one of the more helpful threads in the last little while...

minus the Stalker hippie-love-in thing...that was getting a little weird but turned out alright...
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Old September 11th, 2008, 21:24   #11
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Originally Posted by LUTNIT View Post
Modify springs seem to be way higher than any other brand.
They are spongier than any other springs. Sure the 90 sits around 320-330fps, and the 100 sits around 370fps, but I've seen Prometheus 110 (in other guns than my MP5) go as high as 400fps in some guns, and are stiffer springs.

No way I'd installed high speed gears in anything higher than a 330fps gun, but since the only other optin for the Modify sets if high torque, I see them as close to stock gears (just better) and they work fucking great with the Modify 100 spring and higher.

Last edited by CDN_Stalker; September 11th, 2008 at 21:26..
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Old September 11th, 2008, 21:32   #12
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Originally Posted by LUTNIT View Post
@-Deep Fire all metal toothed pistons are amazing
No, they suck. Installed a new one into Apoc's M249 SAW, and after test firing trying to get the gun to work right, I found a large crack along the rear where the tooth rail is. No idea how long this piston will last, but the plastic used is crap.
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Old September 11th, 2008, 21:40   #13
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
No, they suck. Installed a new one into Apoc's M249 SAW, and after test firing trying to get the gun to work right, I found a large crack along the rear where the tooth rail is. No idea how long this piston will last, but the plastic used is crap.
You must have had a lemon. I use in both my aeg's. They are the only pistons that don't strip on me. I love em.
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Old September 11th, 2008, 21:41   #14
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
No way I'd installed high speed gears in anything higher than a 330fps gun, but since the only other optin for the Modify sets if high torque, I see them as close to stock gears (just better) and they work fucking great with the Modify 100 spring and higher.
Actually Stalker, LUTNIT's right, the springs are too soft and don't return the piston fast enough for the gears. I've seen the wear on the pistons, and couldn't figure out why it was so backward till LUTNIT outlined the high speed gears/motor. The wear is completely reversed of what you see normally on a piston; rather than wearing at the rear where the sector gear picks up the piston, its at the front where the sector gear is now slamming the piston gears just because the piston has not yet returned forward. It is almost as if the piston is never fully forward on most rotations!

The helical designs, have also greatly reinforced the gears, making it easier for the high ROF of greater FPS.

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Old September 11th, 2008, 21:45   #15
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I've heard that too.. that you need a heavier spring to get the piston forward quicker or risk stripping, but I'm amazed your bearings stand up to that abuse. I left bearings in for about a season with a 400fps spring and they ended up blowing out...

As for the gear set, I don't have many more ideas. My cage is press-fit too but I swear I remember seeing a picture of one that was screwed together like Tys said.

Why not try making your own as a test piece. A bit of lexan the proper thickness, a scroll saw, files, teeth, what have you and have your own custom sector clip Good luck bud...
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