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Sept 27 - CT - Operation Liberty Canyon: Encounter at Dog's Throat



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Old July 20th, 2008, 02:43   #1
Join Date: Jul 2008
Sept 27 - CT - Operation Liberty Canyon: Encounter at Dog's Throat

Operation Liberty Canyon: Encounter at Dog's Throat
Date: September 27-28
Loc: Ground Zero Airsoft: Wolcott, CT

Presented by Battlesim and MACV:

The Dogs Throat was a spur in the Cambodian Frontier that MACV determined was a natural infiltration route from the NVAs staging areas inside Cambodia. With indications of strong buildup further West toward the Capital in the huge Michelin Plantation area, MACV decided to try a risky manuever and positioned small enticing units right on the border in hopes they could impede the resupply of any planned PAVN offensive. The positions were hasty and not very large. If the intent was to provoke aggressive action by the NVA it appeared to be working.
The NVA pushed hard and aggressively on the assorted firebases and it resulted in one of the hairiest and most dramtic series of encounters of the war.

Fresh meat was laid on the doorstep of the enemies dog house. Gonna be quite a fight! Are you up for it?
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Old July 20th, 2008, 02:43   #2
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Any Canadians we would need guns for the game we have rentals onsite. This will be a stellar event men. Hope you can make it out.
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Old August 6th, 2008, 01:18   #3
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Old August 6th, 2008, 14:21   #4
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Damn only 5-1/2 hours away.
Too bad I have family stuff to attend to.

Cry "Haddock" and let slip the hounds of Beer
[-brought to you courtesy of Salamander Army -]
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Old August 10th, 2008, 20:42   #5
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Would be great to have you!

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Old August 12th, 2008, 02:24   #6
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Another outstanding day for web site hits - 392

147 slots left for the game.

Only 4 MIKE FORCE slots left.

Here is a sample of the book GIs will get in thier player package

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Old August 21st, 2008, 00:59   #7
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We just got back from RECONDO school run by the same guys whpo are doing the Dogs game.

It was the best event I have ever been to. See the pics and reports here:

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Old August 22nd, 2008, 22:03   #8
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I thought you would all like to have a look at the radios we have for OP: Liberty Canyon. We have 17 PRC 25/77 type radios – 5 are VHF and the others have been converted to GMRS. For any folks that bring their own we have a nationwide license form the FCC so we can use the VHF radios at the event legally. We have 3 PRC 10 radios and 4 SEM 35 radios (3 in the pic and 1 backup) for the VC / NVA troops. As you know they used captured US radios as well so they will have them for communications.

Please email me if you’re interested in an RTO role for the simulation.

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Old August 24th, 2008, 21:51   #9
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From HELLMUTT at Battlesim - they are running the event:

Cool to see all the excitement building. I am extremely excited to have the opportunity to reach so many new faces! I know my staff and I are looking forward to an amazing weekend.

This OP will be unlike anything you have done in airsoft because our goal is not to create an airsoft game but rather a military simulation. What does that mean? A lot of people throw around the word milsim. To some it means having all the right gear and weapons and then shooting people dressed up. To others it means a command structure and military mindset during the operation. To us it means a film like experience where you become the characters, you choose your role and you play it to the best of your ability while living like the people you are trying to portray. It is about creating a tactically realistic scenario based on the terrain and the amount of people there. We are not going to try to create the Tet offensive in the woods with 40 people. In other words, what happens and *how* it happens will be as close to the military as we can get while getting rid of all the stuff that sucks in the military.

When you arrive, you are in Vietnam. We will not be discussing the latest video game or the presidential race of 2008. You will be trying to figure out where you are and what you should be doing. You're a FNG (f'ing new guy), there will be people there who will try and help you out and keep your cherry a$$ in line but you are becoming a part of a military unit and you will be there for 24 hours.

There are no "potty breaks", "car runs", "lunch times". You will learn to depend on your squad and you will become brothers. You will live, eat and fight as one. You will become part of something larger then yourself and you will prove that a team is more then a sum of its' parts.

It will be hard but it will be infinitely rewarding. Your goal is not to win this game but to survive the event. You will walk away with a greater understanding of the war in Vietnam, the men and women who fought there (on both sides) and you will get a small glimpse of a remote corner of the world circa 1969.

Forget what you know. This is not airsoft. This is more.

But for it to be more, we need you to be more. Creating this experience is on everyone. We provide the canvas, you paint the picture with your actions, your abilities, your sacrifices and your honor. When it gets tough (and it will get tough), when your legs are burning from humping through a infested country side - will you be the one to whine or will you be the one who is going to push on and encourage everyone to fight on to the objective and complete the mission.

The events organizers are real world veterans of many conflicts from Vietnam to Iraq. They have served with distinction and honor with units such as the 82nd Airborne and 2/75 Rangers. They have looked down the barrel of the replicas you have been using for real at the enemy. They are here to bring you as close to that experience as you can get and still be 100% assured you're going home!

Forget what you know. This is not airsoft. You will be challenged and rewarded beyond anything you have done before. If you come as an NVA or VC - be prepared to do things in way that you have never done them before. You will become the VC, you will learn how they fight, how they lived and how ultimately their commitment "won". You will be dedicated to the cause of protecting your homeland against a foreign invader. The Vietnamese people are some of the hardest fighters the world has ever seen. They have been fighting for hundreds of years against invaders of every race, religion and creed. We will not treat them as empty caricatures of stereotype and media imagery. You will be asked to do things that may seem odd or different to you but remember the NVA solider was loyal to fault and followed orders to the letter. Professional and dedicated - the NVA and VC will be the backbone of the simulation. Your actions will echo through the history that will be created.

What about the fun? It will be there but it may come in ways you have never known. This event is not about trigger time or mowing down hordes of loosely organized players in a civil war style slug fest. If you are looking to notch your belt or count your kills - you might think you are in the wrong place. Body counts don't count. Your buddy counts, your team counts, your mission counts.

To the solider, war is not about politics, it is not about kills, it is not about your country or your duty. . . it is about those around you. It is about the brotherhood that comes only from being under fire together. It is about the bonds that develop and the friendships that should last a lifetime but many times don't. We want to create that reality and one where everyone on every side comes home.

The veterans who are coming to run this event have lost their fair share of friends. They have lived the horror of what we do for entertainment and yet they are still here. Why?

We are here to give you a look into the world that you may have studied. Perhaps you have read books or seen movies. But until you are "there" you cannot "know". And this only gives you one more level of understanding.

This event is about experience. It is about the ups and downs of a military operation. It is about the things I searched for when I started airsoft but couldn't find and I am glad to find others who want the same thing.

This will be unlike anything you have ever done. It is difficult to adequately describe with words because it is beyond them. It is an experience.
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Old August 25th, 2008, 18:38   #10
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Anyone that wants to pay at the Ground Zero Shop or mail thier funds in can use this form:
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Old August 28th, 2008, 01:47   #11
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As an immersive event Operation Liberty Canyon will use character actors to help bring a movie like experience to the game. Both US and VC / NVA teams will interact with the character actors. What roles are available? We are accepting applications for both US troops and VC / NVA solders. We are also requesting applications for local civilians and other advisor type positions that will help the game.

If you’re interested in being a character actor here are some points you may find helpful. As a character actor your main job will be to act out a part given to you by the game organizers. You may have to shoot and fight but the focus of your work will be to influence the players by your actions. For example, you may be a US soldier who just wants to go home and is against the war. You job will be to continually try and get the US troops to listen to you and try and get them to want to go home as well. Can you get them to stand up against the squad leader and stop fighting? Will you be court-martialed for your action or worse? There are a limited number of character acting slots available so please contact us as soon as possible at
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Old August 31st, 2008, 17:58   #12
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I just registered for OP Liberty Canyon on the Battlesim site.

Everyone has to register so we have the player roster set up - even if you pay at the hobby shop in Wolcott.

You need to create a Battlesim account to register. You can click on this link to make the account:

I grabbed some screen shots. Here is the link to register:

Choose your unit from the drop down and then click to the next screen.

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Old August 31st, 2008, 18:03   #13
Join Date: Jul 2008
Review that you have the right selection for your unit then click to the next screen.

Choose the STORE PICKUP option on this screen.

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Old August 31st, 2008, 18:07   #14
Join Date: Jul 2008
When you choose you payment type – choose Check / Money order if you’re going to pay at the Hobby Shop on CT.

Remember you have to have registered AND paid before the game if you want a free uniform and equipment to use for the event.

All done.

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Old September 1st, 2008, 20:00   #15
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