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Got ROF? (8mm prowin gearbox)


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Old January 27th, 2008, 21:38   #1
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Got ROF? (8mm prowin gearbox)

I hope this isn't a repost

YouTube - prowin 8mm gearbox test(vfc hk416)

i think its safe to say its over 40 rounds per second; unreal! i can't even hear each individual round coming off, its just a glorious "bluuuurrrrrr". it reminds me of a electric saw.

i think this gun ties the minigun's ROF, perhaps even beat it.

Last edited by BBS; January 28th, 2008 at 02:15..
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Old January 27th, 2008, 21:53   #2
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It's cool but it's soo unrealistic I don't like it at all.

I hope not all Pro-Win gearboxes are like that. I intended to get one eventually...
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Old January 27th, 2008, 22:04   #3
Official Crybaby Chairsofter
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Tbh those ruin the game... super high RoF is so unrealistic...
Originally Posted by Mr.Shiney View Post
Yes it is hard to find an Instructor that teaches how to Finger, Suck, Squeeze and Blow all at the same time.
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Old January 27th, 2008, 22:14   #4
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Yeah, its far more realistic when a guy nails a target at two hundred meters with a TM M4A1 during an airsoft game, oh wait, that can't actually happen except with real guns.

I've never had a problem for or against super high ROF guns, they don't "ruin" the game as they don't really effect it. I have been up against 30-40RPS guns several times and it turns out exactly like when up against normal ROF guns. When one BB has the range and accuracy of a real steel 5.56x45mm round, I will complain, but until then, could care less.

The audio is too bad to really tell his ROF but I can cut cardboard circles like that with my Kraken AK no problem. SystemA turbo motor, HurricanE highspeed gears, 9.6V 4200mAh battery, its my tinker gun.

As for prowins in terms of high ROF, the fact that its a prowin is meaningless. Any mechbox can get that ROF with the right parts and tweaked right so it doesn't break down right away. To say its reliable is BS as he fired one hicap, reliability is measured in tens of thousands of rounds, not three hundred. He probably has some super highspeed parts in there, a prowin mechbox is just a mechbox, if you think the mechbox shell effects ROF you are an idiot. Its like people saying a battery that is getting low reduces your fps, totally unrelated.
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Old January 28th, 2008, 02:15   #5
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yes i'm blank when it comes to gearboxes. hmm i see now, so its not the prowin conversion kit that provides the ROF? Obviously its not the mechbox shell that effects the ROF rather its the internals of the gearbox. Then what is with the 8mm and 7mm and 6mm bearings?
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Old January 28th, 2008, 02:32   #6
Official Crybaby Chairsofter
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I stand with what i said. Super RoF ruins the game. Have it be indoor or outdoor.

Scenario: Target is to far, shower him with an incredible amount of BB's, just one needs to touch him. Same deal inside, high RoF = more chance to hit the target. I don't mind 'high' RoF but 40 rounds per second wtf...
Originally Posted by Mr.Shiney View Post
Yes it is hard to find an Instructor that teaches how to Finger, Suck, Squeeze and Blow all at the same time.
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Old January 28th, 2008, 02:32   #7
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This one's faster! Or at least just as fast...

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Old January 28th, 2008, 10:32   #8
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The difference in size of bearings means they can fit in larger ball bearings for more reliable performance and less resistance. Also it spreads the force across a larger area (circumference of a 6mm hole compared to that of an 8mm hole) so there is less of a chance of the shell cracking in between the holes. The prowin mechbox provides quick spring change abilities, far stronger design so can take stronger springs without breaking, integrated hopup unit for much improved air seal, and a couple other perks. My guess is he has a turbo motor, highspeed gears, bearing bushings, and a huge battery to get that ROF.

As for the showering with BB's at range I have never run into that problem. If you can't hit a target you can't hit it. The longest range kills I have seen are with either semi or short 2-4rnd bursts (sniper rifles excluded.) I have seen people try to shower a target and the BB's still fall short or they have to arc it so much the BB's are almost falling from straight above the person so they don't call it (feels like someone shooting into a tree above you and the BB's fall down on you.) As for CQB I have made more kills and been killed more times by semi than by auto, even low ROF guns. I have had people fire bursts from insane high ROF guns in CQB and still miss. More volume of ammo only applies if you have a cone of fire spraying an area, pretty much everyone who upgrades their gun with super high ROF also installs a tightbore so their grouping is the same regardless of ROF, a miss is still a miss no matter how many BB's are in that small area. Now if someone put in a loose bore (find a 6.10mm barrel or something) and super high ROF just to get massive spread specifically for CQB, yeah, that would suck, but no one does that. Personally I'm more against hicaps than super high ROF but I'm not even that much against hicaps.
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Old January 28th, 2008, 10:49   #9
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I don't really mind high ROF if the guy is using normal mags. If they want to empty a mag in 3 seconds, good for them. If the bastard is using highcaps though and can hose 20+ RPS for 10 seconds, I get pissed. I don't like fighting dudes with beam weapons.

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Old January 28th, 2008, 11:08   #10
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If they go semi would there be extra stress on the mechbox
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Old January 28th, 2008, 11:38   #11
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I too don't like hicaps.

And the fact that I didn't like it and felt it was unrealistic was completely related to me. I wouldn't play with such a high ROF gun. If other peeps on the field have one I really don't care. I'll probably find it quite cool anyways, it's just that I wouldn't play with one.
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Old January 28th, 2008, 11:45   #12
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PRO-WINS don't equal huge ROF... the big deal about the prowins is that there is no airloss between hop-up and air nozzle so you can use a lower strength spring and get the same results as a regular mechbox with a heavy spring. You would be able to get a higher FPS with a High ROF gun but the prowin still needs highspeed gears and a high speed motor
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Originally Posted by kos View Post
I swear, I didn't find out about it till I got home from bangin' little miss rotten-crotch!
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Old January 28th, 2008, 11:46   #13
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
I don't really mind high ROF if the guy is using normal mags. If they want to empty a mag in 3 seconds, good for them. If the bastard is using highcaps though and can hose 20+ RPS for 10 seconds, I get pissed. I don't like fighting dudes with beam weapons.
But laser beams are so cool! My 40RPS AK isn't a gaming gun, just a shits and giggles gun. We sometimes run a few just for fun attack and defend scenarios at the Ottawa fields that only last 5-15 minutes, thats when I'd use the AK. Normal gaming is reserved for my PTW's. Emptying a lowcap in 3 seconds would mean a tad over 20RPS, emptying a 300rnd hicap in 10 seconds would mean 30RPS, I can empty a 600rnd hicap in 12 seconds ^_^

Originally Posted by yanhchan View Post
If they go semi would there be extra stress on the mechbox
No, but there would be more stress on the gears, motor, piston, and battery because of the incredibly rapid acceleration. My Kraken AK can't run semi currently as every semi trigger pull cycles the mechbox one and a half times and then seizes, need to switch to auto to free it.

The only Ottawa player who actually games a high ROF gun only ever fires in 2-5rnd bursts, a quick tap of the trigger. Other than Apoc and his 20-25rps 399fps M249 I have never run into people actually gaming with high ROF guns who hold the trigger for more than a burst. My PTW CQB-R has nuts ROF since I'm running a 12V pack with an M110 cylinder but its 3rnd burst, not auto, so no one cares.
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Old January 28th, 2008, 11:51   #14
Red Tiger
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Many are making these AEG just for the fun of it.

Our gun tech made an RPK that was firing 53 RPS at 400 fps. It did last 2000 rounds and then everything in the gearbox was destroyed or almost.

It was fun.
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Old January 28th, 2008, 11:53   #15
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I heard ProWin gearboxes were a bitch to install, is that true?
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