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Olive Drab Gear W/ DPM


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Old February 18th, 2006, 21:40   #1
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Olive Drab Gear W/ DPM

I've been putting together a Brit kit for a little while now, and I'm wondering what others are using for rigs? Specifically, it's a Royal Marine impression, and I know Arktis has a monopoly of some sort over vests within the UK armed forces. When I was at CTCRM, Lympstone for my RM selection last year, I didn't see too many plate carriers being used, and I can't seem to find too many pictures of anything along those lines.

I'm really wanting to try out a CIRAS of some make, but I'm not sure how a OD vest is going to look over DPM. Anyone running a setup like this? Can you spare some pictures... Jason; I know you're out there mate!

Cheers, Brent
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Old February 18th, 2006, 21:53   #2
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I had an OD vest when I started my DPM set (awhile back). It didn`t look bad at all so long as the color was dark enough. If you feel the need for better camoflage is needed, you could always use spraypaint. :cheers:
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Old February 19th, 2006, 00:11   #3
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Well, you can never go wrong with PLCE if you are going for a "true" brit look. Just look at pics of squaddies in Basra. What do they have for laod carrying kit? PLCE.
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Old February 19th, 2006, 00:14   #4
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Originally Posted by Seaforth72nd
Well, you can never go wrong with PLCE if you are going for a "true" brit look. Just look at pics of squaddies in Basra. What do they have for laod carrying kit? PLCE.

That's what I'm trying to figure out; what to buy for vest/LC...
“You hear the far-off crack of a rifle, your fate finally registering in your subconscious far too late as the white hot bullet penetrates your skull. Another round slams into the chamber even as your lifeless body falls to the ground…”---Unknown sniper

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Old February 19th, 2006, 02:25   #5
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My Arktis vest served me well for the year or so I used it, others will swear by the Webtex, and I'm damn sure Wyvern won't dissapoint you.
It always comes down to your preference. Do you want to customize or have a platform?
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Old February 19th, 2006, 13:47   #6
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Like I said, Kane. PLCE. It is the official ISSUE British webbing/load carrying syste, Extremely comfortable, easily modded by swapping pouches for different confiogurations, and very, very durable. It is, quite possibly, the toughest stuff out there.

As to Arktis, well, I own one, but you are beholden to the way each model is made. PCE allows for the user to tailor it's configuration to suit their needs. As to "Marine" look, it is what every single RM trooper is issued.
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Old February 19th, 2006, 23:08   #7
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I would not wear much of any american aftermarket kit if going for any brit impression, far too gucci.
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Old February 20th, 2006, 10:38   #8
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Yeah, I think I'm going to be looking strongly at the Arktis Jungle vest. Read in a few places that it's actually quite widely used by the Royals, so I might grab it afterall. I have a Arktis Sigma vest and I'm quite pleased with the quality! Cheers for the input.

“You hear the far-off crack of a rifle, your fate finally registering in your subconscious far too late as the white hot bullet penetrates your skull. Another round slams into the chamber even as your lifeless body falls to the ground…”---Unknown sniper

“Invisible souls leave .308 holes.”----USMC Recon Sniper
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Old February 20th, 2006, 12:42   #9
You know, I've been on both ends of the spectrum when it comes to kit matching. I started off wearing OD with everything, then went to matching the gear with the BDU's, and finally went back to OD gear with everything again.

Why? When you finally find the perfect setup, you don't want to have to buy 4 of them to go with each operational camouflage you might be wearing that day. OD goes with pretty much everything, and is plentyful. The other stuff is just gucciflage and does nothing to affect the gear's functionality.

Lastly, look to the pro's. They know what works, and they don't seem to have any issues with OD kit on 3-color, marpat, cadpat, whatever.
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