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Who here plays on a team?



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Old February 15th, 2013, 05:10   #1
Devious Sinner
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Who here plays on a team?

I'm just curious, like how many of you are in a serious team? casual team? or just with friends?

do you guys have a name? what is it? where did the name influence come from?
do you have a theme?

the reason i ask is after attending airsoft games, i've noticed that "teams" aren't very...popular. I see plenty of people running around on their own, and for those rare "teams" i see, teamwork is non-existent but when it does happen, the command structure and orders are very...questionable...and ultimately it always falls down to the same: every man for himself.

for me, i'm trying to start up my own team, i have 2 other followers with me and we ALWAYS work together no matter what, because lets face it, without teamwork, any airsoft match is always just a stupid deadlock game in which nobody gains any grounds and nobody can win any matches...
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Old February 15th, 2013, 06:10   #2
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I thought i was on a team, but then i was told we were just friends....

On a serious note, here in Ontario we have a ton of teams that function very well together (Ghost, MSF, Force Recon, C.O.C.K to name afew) and show a great deal of professionalism both on and off the field.

A well run team can really effect a game and sometimes be a deciding factor.

Teams may sometimes be disliked but in my experience most hate twords teams stems from one of two things, 1 guy from that team does something stupid and it blankets the whole group or the team works so well together that they always seem to win and thus frustrate the other side filled with un organized players.

Sound like you have the right idea though for starting a team, the players should be friends first, guys who already play together anyways. Who knows, maybe you can bring balance to the for....i mean BC...
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Originally Posted by GBBR View Post
If you ever go to a milsim and hear a vuvuzela, you are fucked.
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Old February 15th, 2013, 07:28   #3
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Well said viperfish.
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Old February 15th, 2013, 07:57   #4
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Pretty much what viper said.
Playing with a team is more fun too, everybody knows who is best at what and work to utilize those skill sets.
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Old February 15th, 2013, 08:54   #5
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Obviously you've never played in alberta lol
Look up videos of operation mason relic. The tan team is mostly comprised of serious teams

I myself am on team frank. Because no matter what team I'm on, attendance always seems to suck after the first year, and I'm the one doing all the heavy lifting on the field anyway, might as well be my own team lol
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Old February 15th, 2013, 09:22   #6
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Team 13 ECHO here, our team has been up and running since 2009. I recently joined the team (about a year ago) because I starting playing airsoft back again after several years of inactivity.

My team also consists of good friends so everybody in the team gets together pretty well. We are a serious MilSim oriented team based of the Force Recon / SOF theme.

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Old February 15th, 2013, 12:14   #7
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The group of guys I'm with started out as a bunch of guys doing what they want and so on. Now that we have gotten a few more new members who were ex infantry and recon i started planning a more serious team. Its going to take some time to weed out the nominated members that we decided to see who brought what to the table. Sofar we have quite a few members ready to go and hopefully get to do some games down south for once.
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Old February 15th, 2013, 13:25   #8
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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The airsoft scene from province to province varies in style and structure. In Alberta there are tons of teams. In fact organized teams, that share tactics, equipment minimums, and work together is almost the standard. Our team has now been around for ten years, and have gone through many members to get to where we are. Younger players tend to like the lone wolf, one man army approach in game wether they say they are on a team or not; but it isn't as effective.
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Old February 15th, 2013, 14:29   #9
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Teams, as a properly organized group have actually contributed more to the Airsoft community than individuals. Individuals inside a Team have a support structure that gets goal accomplished.
In a current example the upcoming TAC13 is spearheaded by Brian and labourisly supported by Team Ghost.
Wolf Pack has put a lot of early years work into developing Fields and through them grown a player base of what is now "Old Guys" that help the Airsoft community today. Teams will draw drama as part of the growth but that's because your affecting the community.
Thats not to say that individuals cannot contribute, there are Business fields and mentors run by independant players who make huge contibutions to the ASC community. But I think if you asked them they could readily point out Teams that have supported them, Like SnowDragons, Team Kill Force, TWATs, Ceasers Ghosts.
If you want to be more effective on field, train with your friends. When you want to affect the community, give it a name.

Last edited by Armyissue; February 15th, 2013 at 14:32..
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Old February 15th, 2013, 15:14   #10
Oh we do hate you, just never felt like wasting the time to give you a user title :P
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team ThunderCactus
lol poor you doin all the work, maybe it is time to branch off, run a bolt actiom and a small aeg l, move swiftly and with stealth and just pwn the whole field, both teams.
stroll into the safe zone all by yourself after eliminating EVERYONE all like ya that was me with a big ole grin lol.
yes there are many teams in the GTA as far as i can tell there are quite a few out west too.
eithet find a grouo you "fit in" with or create a group that fits you.
those that play more regularly together will learn to work as a single unit and can become quite the force on the field both at scrims and at milsims. Temlam Ghost comes to mind from my early years. One of the first games i went to was baisicly a big bunch of "single" players agains The Ghosts all multicam'd out moving as two units, two squads per unit, callin out enemiez and locations and movement and cover fire instructions just devestating the rest of us, quite a site to see and a great way to learn stuff by bein on the buisness end of there AEG's.
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
Originally Posted by JDoorn View Post
Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
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Old February 15th, 2013, 15:22   #11
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After playing for almost 5 years now, definitely can say Skirmishing is our main drug of choice, especially anything to do with PISTOL/SHOTGUN ONLY style games (that I now throw) while "team members" came and went frequently over the years, I have recently settled down and formalized my "Team" with an actual name. M.U.T.S

Last edited by Invasian; February 15th, 2013 at 15:28..
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Old February 15th, 2013, 15:45   #12
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Originally Posted by Hectic View Post
team ThunderCactus
lol poor you doin all the work, maybe it is time to branch off, run a bolt actiom and a small aeg l, move swiftly and with stealth and just pwn the whole field, both teams.
WELL... anyone who's been to claybank 2-4 has probably seen me in action
Local skill has a lot to do with it though. Games are much more competitive now, but a few years back there was one season where I went the first 3 games of the year without getting shot once. Just makes me feel horrible, not to insult anyone but it was like playing a minor league. I want to play with others at my skill level you know? Best game I ever played was in brooks, hosted by swatt. Was around 30 people, all hardcore vets. It was so damn hard to get kills and stay alive lol

Sold the bolt rifle though, its a fun toy to play with at scrims but its not a gun for big ops.
And for the record the team has 2 members!
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Old February 15th, 2013, 15:45   #13
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Over the years, I've just recruited all my buddies to play airsoft with me. We gel, understand each other, and really enjoy getting away from wives/girlfriends for the big weekend games.

Our philosophy is simple: Don't advertise, talk is cheap, lead by example, get shit done on the field.
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Old February 15th, 2013, 15:50   #14
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Pretty much what Viperfish said. Lone wolf can be really fun but having a team that works together is much more fun IMO. Check out the team sections portion of the forums for each province you will see all types of teams from those who are just casual and thrown together to the more serious teams. Then you'll have a better idea of what's out there. Good luck with your new group.

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Old February 15th, 2013, 16:06   #15
Oh we do hate you, just never felt like wasting the time to give you a user title :P
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
WELL... anyone who's been to claybank 2-4 has probably seen me in action
Local skill has a lot to do with it though. Games are much more competitive now, but a few years back there was one season where I went the first 3 games of the year without getting shot once. Just makes me feel horrible, not to insult anyone but it was like playing a minor league. I want to play with others at my skill level you know? Best game I ever played was in brooks, hosted by swatt. Was around 30 people, all hardcore vets. It was so damn hard to get kills and stay alive lol

Sold the bolt rifle though, its a fun toy to play with at scrims but its not a gun for big ops.
And for the record the team has 2 members!
Not fun for big OP's you mean you didnt enjoy layin motionless in the mud in 25 degree heat in yer ghillie suit radioing enemy movements and positions to your teammates for 20 hours of a 24hr game only to shoot 1 strageler mid way through the day?
LMAO, I enjoy it, some days thats why I carry an MP5K just incase I get sic of layin in the mud lol.
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
Originally Posted by JDoorn View Post
Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
Lvl. 3 certified sniper
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