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Western Arms makes the best beretta?


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Old July 17th, 2005, 18:41   #1
undorf's Avatar
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Western Arms makes the best beretta?

I was told this by 4 people at my field. 2 guys said stick to TM

I'm looking at the WA U.S. 9mm M9 Mil-Spec ( Heavy-Weight )

is it true WA makes the best berettas?
the only bad beretta review I could find was on the HFC

When looking for a sidearm to compliment your AEG, you should look at the 3 main Japanese brands: Western Arms (WA), Tokyo Marui (TM) and KSC. All have excellent reputations for putting out quality products that will serve you well. WA is tops in quality, but also comes at a hefty price- I also found this,....

so what im really need is for somebody to hold my hand and tell me that a WA Beretta would be a good thing. once I hear that I can make my order.
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Old July 17th, 2005, 19:33   #2
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WA are awesome guns but the price is a big factor. Many people use WA guns as showpieces and not for play.

They might be the nicest but maybe not want you want to be dropping in the mud and sand and trying to milsim with. Up to you.

A good workhorse Berretta that is reasonably cheap and takes the abuse well is the KJW. Another option to consider
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Old July 17th, 2005, 20:21   #3
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They don't really have the performance of a ksc glock or anything like that. I have a wa beretta m92 pv centurion and its the nicest thing to hold and look at. But because its supposed to be used with duster, its not as good to field. I'm considering selling mine but its so nice that i might just get a metal slide for it and use propane.
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Old July 17th, 2005, 22:32   #4
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WA U.S. 9mm M9 Mil-Spec ( Heavy-Weight )

Somebody correct me if im wrong, This gun is Already Full Metal and is ready for propane gas.

on it does not say if its full metal or not.
i was told all their guns are full metal.
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Old July 17th, 2005, 23:12   #5
Grim Fandango
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Originally Posted by undorf
WA U.S. 9mm M9 Mil-Spec ( Heavy-Weight )

Somebody correct me if im wrong, This gun is Already Full Metal and is ready for propane gas.

on it does not say if its full metal or not.
i was told all their guns are full metal.
WA does not make full metal guns. I don't know where you heard they make full metal ones, but it's not true. All Japanese manufacturers cannot make full metal guns by law. Some Taiwanese manufacturers make full metal guns, such as KJW. The term heavy weight usually means the slide, and possibly the frame too, are made with a mix of ABS plastic and metal.
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Old July 18th, 2005, 01:25   #6
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Originally Posted by Grim Fandango
Originally Posted by undorf
WA U.S. 9mm M9 Mil-Spec ( Heavy-Weight )

Somebody correct me if im wrong, This gun is Already Full Metal and is ready for propane gas.

on it does not say if its full metal or not.
i was told all their guns are full metal.
WA does not make full metal guns. I don't know where you heard they make full metal ones, but it's not true. All Japanese manufacturers cannot make full metal guns by law. Some Taiwanese manufacturers make full metal guns, such as KJW. The term heavy weight usually means the slide, and possibly the frame too, are made with a mix of ABS plastic and metal.

This was perfect thank you
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Old July 18th, 2005, 02:12   #7
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I wouldnt recomend getting a WA gun for your first GBB. Why not try comming out to one of our games? Everybody has all sorts of different GBB's that they all like to brag about, so your welcome to come out and have a look at some. You will definatly know what you want, or be a lot further in your quest.

Also, you will be able to get age verified if you come out to a game, and then you can shop in our ASC classifieds for a more reasonable price range.

Need Parts/Accessories?
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Old July 18th, 2005, 03:20   #8
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WA's are beautiful, i have 3.....BUT......what you're hearing about the gas to use is pretty accurate. they dont like green gas/ least not for very long. not so much the guns in their entirety but the mags. i've never had a problom with the strength of the slides or anything liek that however....the seals in the mags cant take higher pressure gas for prolonged usage.

currently i'm sitting on a bunch of mags that will completely leak inside of 2 hours.

so if you're willing to use duster than by all means get it. they're awsome. pricey but awsome.

only use propane if you're willing to rebuild the mags about....every season.
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Old July 18th, 2005, 06:09   #9
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For gaming, the KSC is the best choice. It is the only beretta on market with adjustable hop up. The down side it no real marking and logo. Only WA have licence for the Beretta logo and marking. If you op for look, WA. If you op for game, KSC.
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Old July 18th, 2005, 13:38   #10
Rumpel Felt
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KJW is the best choice for GBB's PERIOD!!

WA are expensive, plastic and weak.

TM are plastic and are said not to use with propane.

But seriously.......why buy a TM or WA gun and upgrade it to be a $700+ piece of harware when KJW gives it to you out of the box for less money than the stock form of any other brand??????

WHy I ask, WHY?
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Old July 18th, 2005, 14:44   #11
Scotty aka harleyb
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Why? Cause KJ feels like shit. My girlfriend's WA M8045 kicks harder on duster than my STTI Hicapa on propane, not to mention the noise.

If you want performance, get a TM Hicapa. If you want a gun that feels awesome, buy a WA. If you want it to feel more awesome, put a metal slide on and use propane. If you want something that's heavy to start out with, cheap, and can use propane, buy a KJ.
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Old July 18th, 2005, 15:20   #12
Rumpel Felt
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How does KJ feel like shit when it's full metal and not plastic.

Your girlfriends M8045 has a small plastic slide so of course it kicks harder.

Mehh, if you prefer to spend a tone of money upgrading to practicly the same thing, go ahead. I'll just sit here feeling good that when I buy a GBB, I save myself a shit load of money and get a great product.
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Old July 18th, 2005, 15:38   #13
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Yeah i must agree with harley on this one. KJW is pretty low quality. There are cheap for a reason. The metal is very low quality even when i compare it to KSC plastic, i would choose it over the pot metal. No to mention, i found KJW build quality to be quite poor in terms of solidness. It wiggles, mag feels like its loose and when you fire it, feels as if it about to fly out the bottom. I am NOT the only one who had this problem. like i stated above, they ARE cheap for a reason. Personally, i loved the KSC beretta. WAY more solid, more kick i found and over all build quality was top notch. Dont have any experience with WA or TM though.
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Old July 18th, 2005, 16:57   #14
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i found ksc and tm m9's to be a little light for my taste. i owned two kjw's, good workhorses, reasonably accurate but fixed hop, once you get used to the arc though, you can peg people pretty much on demand. thing is, the blowback is sluggish and disgusting (was based on the tm which was engineered around being plastic) and the mags are god awful, they leak like mad and for some reason contain cardboard and the rest of the parts arent made to very close tolerances. i had to file many of them to fit together properly. the slide wobbles on the frame far more than i like.
the funniest part is that the western arms beretta actually weighs more than the kjw even though it's plastic. they're absolutely beautiful and have very nice crisp magna ass blowback. the only problems i have with it is the fact that the mag doesnt hold all that much propane (you can fit more duster than propane into a space) and sometimes doesnt last a full charge of bbs. this is of course still better than the kj, which doesnt fill reliably :P sometimes you can fire two mags, sometimes half of one. the only other issue i have with the wa is that it's got the old style wa hopup which isnt all that great, nothing like the laser that is the hicapa.
overall, the wa is a lot less forgiving than the kjw so if you intend to remain ignorant about the gbb's inner workings and to beat the shit out of the gun at games, the kj will keep you happy longer.
oh, one other thing to consider would be the fact that ksc and wa have the decocking mechanism working like on the real one (activating safety releases the hammer without firing the gun, very cool) whereas the tm/kjw ignored it.
experienced toronto gun doctor, hundreds of guns serviced
manchovie gun doc thread!

my b/s rating
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Old July 18th, 2005, 18:54   #15
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Originally Posted by Dozer_01
[...]KJW is pretty low quality. There are cheap for a reason. The metal is very low quality even when i compare it to KSC plastic,[...]
..... :-|
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