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Suggestions/Feed back on kit.


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Old July 3rd, 2012, 23:33   #1
m1lk0r's Avatar
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Suggestions/Feed back on kit.

Hey guys,

I am currently putting together a kit list (possible kit ideas before purchase).
Seeing how I'm new to Airsoft, I'd love to see some feedback on the items I'll list here. As it stands now, I have not purchased anything. Nor am I in any rush to do so.

My overall theme for the Kit as it stands now, is merely flat black. Aside from the Vest which I don't believe comes in black.

Keep in mind, this nothing more then a rough idea as to what I prefer.

Here goes!

Fast Helmet (Carbon style, Black)

Fast Adaptor For Comtac (Black)

Helmet LED Light( Gen 2, Black)

Typical Level 5 Black BDU

Crye Body Armor Replica (Tan only?)

I really do love the look of this vest. As to how it'll function in the field remains to be seen.

That's about it for now, I've already got my Primary selected. Still debating as to which is a good 1911 GBB.
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Old July 3rd, 2012, 23:44   #2
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Black is the worst colour to get. It sticks out like a sore thumb unless you have ten identical guys all in black storming a room.

The helmet is probably something towards the end of the shopping list.

Start with sealed goggles, & good boots.

Look at what the other players in the area use for camo, see if they're all solid or woodland etc.

Then figure out your rig after your primary is set.

When you pick a pistol make sure you find one that will fit a good solid holster, do not get the one size fits noting style that ejects your magazine when you look at it.
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Old July 4th, 2012, 10:55   #3
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Excellent points, Danke.

Will surely take all this into consideration, in all honesty the black was simply something of a snap decision. For boots, I've already got a nice pair of 8" tactical's.

From what I've seen as fields go, I'll more then likely be doing CQB to start. Seeing how Sgt. Splatters has an event once a week, I could be wrong.

I was looking at something along the lines or perhaps ACU/Multicam or even Tan/khaki. As I said, I'm gearing towards specific playing fields. I do plan on buying other camo's for different scenarios.

I completely agree with you regarding a solid holster. I was looking at the drop down leg holster, for when I get the 1911. With regards to the holster, I'll have to test them out at the retailer.

I was thinking of actually having two holsters? (noob move, I know.) A Molle holster on the chest, for quicker draw. These are merely ideas, I'm sure once I begin to get plenty of play time, specific scenario's will eventually dictate what setup I'll be running.

Thanks for the feedback! MUCH appreciated! Keep 'em coming!
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Old July 4th, 2012, 11:10   #4
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You can stick with Multicam, its a good camouflage and pretty much EVERYONE on this board has fielded it at one time or another.

Stick with one holster, you really don't need two. Place it where its easier for you to draw from.

The best way to figure out what you need is to go to a game first, that way you can see what everyone else is using and what works for you.
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Old July 4th, 2012, 11:39   #5
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I tend to tailor stuff now to the field, season, what side we're on, etc...

- Head to toe black stands out unless the field/area you're playing in is blacked out and/or has lots of shadows/dark spots/walls/etc...
- It's good to have a predominately green setup (goes with most fields/outdoors area) and a predominately tan/brown setup (mostly to go on the other side...but it does suit some fields/seasons well)
- Don't discount the "tactical MEC" setups...muted greys, browns, greens. Works really well. Doubles as reg clothes and if you don't change you don't look like a weirdo when you stop for food after a game. Obviously uniform requirements for games (not all have them) dictates.
- In Splatters...which is stinky gross...I wouldn't wear anything I didn't mind if it smelled like barf afterwards. I'd wear reg clothes since camo isn't going to matter much in there. Dark browns/greys would work quite well in there. Everything's covered in paint goo you're not really going to blend in with the foilage anyways LOL.
- Indoor places...I'd say a helmet is near mandatory. Seen way too many bad accidents where a helmet would have helped a lot. Face mask too. Heavy/knuckle-protected gloves as well.
- Pistols are great...but in sand filled places like that they're best tucked well into a vest (i.e. internal pocket). The first "hit the dirt" and you'll see what goopy sand does to a pistol.
- Rigs with front and back "Armour" are great for CQB...but if you're running a hydration pack you can get by with just a chest rig. Bit lighter and cooler than a full armour rig.
- Knee pads are a must have for me now...elbow pads are optional, but there's at least twice that I really wished I had had them.
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Old July 4th, 2012, 12:37   #6
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For indoor I would definitely wear a lid.

I believe it was Safariland who had a current holster you could wear as a dropleg and then transfer to your chest. The idea was if you were in a vehicle the chest was easier to grab.

It like the chest mount, I find it's much faster to grab. You just have to make sure it doesn't conflict with holstering your weapon.

Like Ty said about the concrete coloured gear it's a good idea. Read this test.
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Old July 4th, 2012, 13:28   #7
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I understand the concept of tailoring your gear to the field but it's not very practical or economical You will end up buying a ton of gear instead of buying good gear that can be used with different set ups.

Black is never a good choice. Nothing in nature is pure black. It's made to intimidate not conceal and is only good if you don't care about stealth.

I prefer Coyote wich blends with lots of camos and environments, notice I didn't say Tan. We use camstick to camo our faces, why would I buy gear almost the same color as my skin?

For CQB, in my experience Flecktarn is one of the best choices, brown and dark grey dot patterns go well with concrete, wood, metal, dirt and shadows that you find in cities. Atac should do well because of it's a splotchy scheme. Real multicam and MTP are usually good choices but you will pay more for every item and they can be a little bit light colored for shadowy environments.

Unless your a gun slinger, leave your pistol on your belt. On your leg it moves all the time, which is really annoying and they get banged up and full of dirt, they make squeeky noises because of bad gear design and they make loud noise when they contact walls revealing your stealthy approach

Helmets are cool and protect you, I have a few of them and I love them. But they are hot and the silhouette his easy to spot. Add those Fast adaptor for Comtac and you wont need a sauna and will understand what fogging up is all about

I understand the look your going for, it's really intimidating and I like it to. But it's also heavy, easy to spot and very hot.

My suggestion, find a camo you like, one that is available in desert and forest versions or go for a camo like MC/MTP (what I use) or Atac which is good for almost every environment.

Buy a light vest that proctects you and carries all your gear without getting to hot in the summer. Buy Coyote accessories that can be used with all camo's or go for Multicam.

Finally, if your heart is set on black, then buy black and do what you really want to do, but give the other colors a chance, try them out at your local store.

Enjoy the hunt for the coolest gear, it's half the hobby

Hope this helps,

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Old July 4th, 2012, 14:40   #8
Short Round
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I use all black gear (helmet, vest, pouches, gloves, etc), and sometimes will run an all black loadout, however those are usually for cqb games.

A main reason I chose black is because its a neutral colour that allows me to run green and tan (I hate mixing tan and green gear together).

All loadouts have their pros and cons, there is not way to full conceal yourself with just what you wear.

If your going for a specific loadout representation, I suggest the all black loadout then. If not, look at a loadout similar to mine (black gear, green or tan bdu).
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Old July 4th, 2012, 17:38   #9
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Oh boy, okay. I had a huge reply, but I hit the back button. So, here goes again.

This is great stuff guys, I'm loving it. A little lost on some of the Acronyms. (MC/MTP Atac?)

I've been reading everyone's suggestions, and I really gotta say. You guys know your S*it. I love it. So with that said, I've decided to go with a chest harness/3L Hydro pack (hoping chest harness comes in molle?)

The Coyote is something I am willing to try. (As much as I want the black to begin with, it might have to be put on the back burner for now.)

Agreed with the drop down holster after you've explained it to me. Chest holster will work out MUCH better for CQB. Quicker draw and what not.

That graphite camo is looking pretty nice, not sure of how many Urban fields there are?
See, this is where I kind of have to weigh in a little bit of either side when were talking about heat. Being a Labourer in construction, it's hot as hell. I wear a 5 point harness, with a dual lanyard. On top of that. I've got my Y-harness, and belt pouch 28LB, 32LBs total.

Working outside in the constant sun lately (which really blows as of late!), you acclimatize yourself to the conditions. At least it's what I learned in Health and Safety.

I gotta say though, it's going to take lot's of play time until I'm finally comfortable with a specific kit setup that might work on all scenario's (doubt it at this point.). With my main goal getting into Mil/Sim I'll have no choice.

So here's the new list. (rough idea for now)

Chest harness with 3L hydro pack.
chest holster
sealed glasses
camo, for now. I'm going to try the Coyote. But, I will get black for CQB purposes.
Face mask - This is a 50/50 deal for me right now. I have not seen any that look half decent, did some research and forget about the mesh for the eyes. I don't want to have to stop mid game or leave the game completely due to my mask fogging up.

Screw it, I'll use my yellow Construction hat. :P

Keep the suggestions coming guys, I'll have to check out the new gear online and see what I can come up with regarding what you guys mentioned!

Thanks again!
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