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Newbie Tank

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Old July 5th, 2011, 00:42   #736
Join Date: Jun 2009
hey all my name is Uzra i am in Canada Ont, im 22. I own a M-16 CQB S and have no idea what im doing with this thing lol cleaning? maintaining? ect ive played paintball for 7 years so im no noob to tactical sports XD and now for a noob q why are all the fields so far appart? i want to play alot but theres hardly any events i can go to
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Old July 5th, 2011, 18:59   #737
Oakwolf's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2010

I'm new around with airsoft as well, and starting to gather the gear required to play around Quebec region. Came here for information and gathering knowledge about this hobby. Always was at home in forests and a fan of militaria so...thought this could be a good mix for airsoft.


Last edited by Oakwolf; July 5th, 2011 at 19:06..
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Old July 8th, 2011, 11:59   #738
Join Date: Jul 2011
Hello folks!

Hey guys,

My name is Steve. I'm 36, and I'm just becoming interested in Airsoft. I started working at Supply SGT, and half the people that come in there are airsoft guys, and they've been bugging me to go play, so I went and checked out capitol airsoft this evening.

The guys there were really helpful, and allowed me to fire quite a few guns to see what I liked, I decided to buy one from one of the staff... I think he goes by Phoenix here?

Anyway, about me... I've done a myriad of jobs over the years, including the canadian military, americian police force, tons of security and close protection duty jobs, and bouncing, and yes, now, Supply SGT. I'm an avid gamer, I like long walks on the beach (so long as they involve women and frosty cold beverages)... Bah, anything else you wish to know, just ask.

Look forward to seeing you all on the field! Hopefully I can get out to some games soon, though my schedule is pretty hectic.

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Old July 10th, 2011, 00:43   #739
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Near Winnipeg, Manitoba
Hello, my name is Jeeho.. I'm Korean

I'm underage :-( but thankfully Ambush Anonymous offers an entrance to players over the age of ten.

I haven't been there yet, but plan to go there a few times this summer. I equipped myself with a G&G M4 Carbine, and probably will get more things as I need them after actually playing at a field.

Please don't flame, I am a responsible underage airsofter, (I don't run around in my backyard with my friends with firearm replicas) and wear all safety protections.

Nice to meet you.
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Old July 10th, 2011, 01:52   #740
Urrah!'s Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Oil Park, Canuckistan
I guess I've found the thread.

Hi, I'm Cam and I am a Germanic/Slavic Canadian. I am beyond proper age to play airsoft (19). I am an experienced firearms owner and hunter. So, my interest in shooting and killing goes a long way back. I first got into airsoft just this January. My first purchase was an AK 47.

That being said, I am here to learn and to share my knowledge. And, of course, to get to know y'all.


In loving memory of Omeljan Kuzik.
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Old July 11th, 2011, 16:50   #741
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Medicine Hat, Alberta
My name is Darren and I'm 17 years old. I'm hoping for a slim chance that there might be groups around the Medicine Hat area that would allow underage airsofters to play, but if not it's only 8 months until my 18th birthday and I've been waiting to play airsoft since I was 12 so these last few months will just fly by.

I'm also looking to do a modern Russian paratrooper impression for my loadout so if there are any East Bloc themed teams around here that would be a huge plus.
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Old July 17th, 2011, 18:27   #742
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Canada, Quebec Town: JOliette
HI everyone! Just registered, im 21 from Quebec and cant wait to play, even i know nothing about airsoft, been into paintball for a while! You people looks very nice, cant wait to make new friends out here! Have a nice day
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Old July 18th, 2011, 08:53   #743
iLLiPiNo's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Winnipeg, MB
What's up everybody! My name is Roland from Winnipeg and I am a new member! I am 29 years old and waiting for my verification so I can go through the classifieds. Until then, I hope to gain as much knowledge, not only about the members and from the members, but also about airsoft guns in general! I'm no newbie to the sport, but I am to "gun talk" as I have no knowledge of how to fix or build a gun. I am really interested in this sport and would like to learn as much as possible. In conclusion, I am a sponge! I will soak up any and every bit of information you all have to offer. Thanks!
And if you don't know, now you know! I'm iLLiPiNo!
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Old July 18th, 2011, 23:15   #744
bug519's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Denfield, ON
Hey all, my name is Stefan, i'm 28 from London. Been playing with a handful of friends for a couple months now, and we're loving it.
I've been AV'd on ASO, wondering if that transfers over here...?
If i kept looking around i'd probably find the answer to that question, but i'm exhausted! lol
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Old July 19th, 2011, 03:54   #745
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Longmont
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Hi everyone, my name is Kang, I am 25 from usa. I had my first airsoft around 8 or 9 years ago, never played cause i didn't know where to play and stuff around my area. Since then Ive gotten into real steel firearms, I have couple of AR15, AK45, Springfield XD9 that I enjoy to shoot on my days off, and currently building my own AR15. I just got back into airsoft around 6 month ago, what a change since i stopped looking at airsoft 8-9 years ago. I signed up for this site cause it's easy to use, i don't see many airsoft site like this in USA, i am used to this kinda forum cause all my Car forums are like this so it's easier to use and have tons of info. thanks!
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Old July 20th, 2011, 09:40   #746
anthon's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Toronto
Hey everyone, My name is Anthony. Im new around here, but I bought my first air soft gun about 6 months ago, since then i have been seriously hooked. Just yesterday i went and purchased my first fully automatic airsoft rifle, and now im looking to play in some matches to better hone my skills....
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Old July 20th, 2011, 14:51   #747
QL5's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Ottawa
Hello All,

My name is Gordon and I have just joined. I am 41 and have no Airsoft experience. For now I am educting myself by reading.


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Old July 21st, 2011, 04:41   #748
Join Date: Jul 2011
Whats shakin'? I'm Bill, live in Saanich BC (Vancouver Island,) owned a TM P90 for 6 years now, finally decided to try out the airsoft weight-loss program.. ie: fat guy in MARPAT running around the woods shooting toy guns and giggling like a child. Sounded like a hell of a lot more fun than the gym. Hope to see you in the field.
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Old July 22nd, 2011, 19:31   #749
AdrianaM's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Oshawa, Ontario
I'm Adriana, I'm 26 and A GIRL :O. I just joined with my fiance Razzmatazz (Terry). I have experience firing pellet guns but just new to airsoft. Terry won a pair of Glock 32c's from, and have plans to buy either a sniper or an AK47 for me, and another rifle for him. We live 30 min east of Toronto (Oshawa if you live in the GTA)
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Old July 22nd, 2011, 20:27   #750
George Burdell
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Toronto
Originally Posted by AdrianaM View Post
I'm Adriana, I'm 26 and A GIRL :O. I just joined with my fiance Razzmatazz (Terry). I have experience firing pellet guns but just new to airsoft. Terry won a pair of Glock 32c's from, and have plans to buy either a sniper or an AK47 for me, and another rifle for him. We live 30 min east of Toronto (Oshawa if you live in the GTA)
Don't buy a sniper rifle, even with the best ones you will have to replace almost every part of it; the average price ends up at over $1000.
Also don't buy a sniper, slavery is illegal.
Best quote ever:
That's like trying to make scrambled eggs and instead catching syphilis. How does that level of failure even exist?
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