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Airsoft takes out an eye



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Old April 30th, 2007, 19:59   #61
Join Date: Apr 2007
Originally Posted by Skruface View Post
I put the blame solely and completely on the friend's parents.

It is their responsibility to monitor the children, as they have accepted the position of caregiver. In the legal world, it's known as "in loco parentis", or "in the place of the (absent) parent.

It is their responsibility to check to make sure the toys they buy their children to play with (and to play with other children) are safe.

It is their responsibility to monitor the children to ensure they play safely.

You can't give a 9 year old kid something like a bb gun/sharp stick/cattle prod/lighter and say "Now make sure you play safe" and walk away, absolving yourself of responsibility.

It's the fault of the parents. End of statement.
Ok I get the point, but even when I was 7 I had the common sence of knowing what I should do and what I shoulden't didn't the 9 year old kid have that gut feeling saying "This can get me hurt, I should try to avoid it." kinda thing? My little brother and I avoid the bad stuf and we are fine, but many other kids hang with the bad stuff and I know of a few that have lost everything - house, life, friend, sight, an arm, a leg, teeth ect.
I have two brothers one is fine and dandy but the other has broken a leg twice, chipped the side of his foot, cracked his head open 3-5 times, brain dammage I'm sure. The only diff I see is the people we hang with, the TV shows we watch, the games we play... none of them deal with the parents - much - but more the kid's choises in life and the things around the kid.
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Old April 30th, 2007, 20:58   #62
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Originally Posted by Skruface View Post
I put the blame solely and completely on the friend's parents.

It is their responsibility to monitor the children, as they have accepted the position of caregiver. In the legal world, it's known as "in loco parentis", or "in the place of the (absent) parent.

It is their responsibility to check to make sure the toys they buy their children to play with (and to play with other children) are safe.

It is their responsibility to monitor the children to ensure they play safely.

You can't give a 9 year old kid something like a bb gun/sharp stick/cattle prod/lighter and say "Now make sure you play safe" and walk away, absolving yourself of responsibility.

It's the fault of the parents. End of statement.

Originally Posted by Afya
Ok I get the point, but even when I was 7 I had the common sence of knowing what I should do and what I shoulden't didn't the 9 year old kid have that gut feeling saying "This can get me hurt, I should try to avoid it." kinda thing?
Common sense isn't shared. I wouldn't play frogger on the highway either, but I know people who do that...

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Old May 2nd, 2007, 16:33   #63
Join Date: Apr 2007
That is and will be my oppinion and my point of view no changes (I know it's in difrent words each time but I hate repeating) The parents WERE stupid to not be with the kids while they were playing airsoft in the house and even LETTING the kids play with the -how the kids see them- toys. But, that's over and done with, it's happend, we can't change it, the past not the present or teh future.
The things kids watch, play, and do people can change and make better. By not letting kids play sertain games, watch sertain shows ect... you can erase most if not at loeast some of the thoughts of going around with some sort of firearm shooting people.
It's not just airsoft eather that can cause eye injuries, just last night my cousin got shot in the eye with a nerf. (he had gogles but took them off for a few secs to rub his eye)

PS: I'm not saying all games are bad if that's what you are getting but the age limits of shows that kids watch and games that kids play should be enforced more.
Loving the Shadows.

Last edited by Afya; May 2nd, 2007 at 17:10..
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Old May 2nd, 2007, 21:48   #64
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I think a large problem is that the law enforcers are blaming the companies that sell them and the manufacturers when it is solely the parents fault in the first place. Theres nothing really that we can do. Complaining will not help anything. Ever, in fact, it may ruin it.

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Old May 5th, 2007, 10:27   #65
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I may not have much of a position on this matter but here it goes anyway.

It is the parents responsibility to ensure that their children are playing safe, and staying out of trouble. If the parent isn't doing that, than it doesn't matter if they had a stick to depict a gun, they'll still get hurt.

If a parent is too lazy to make sure that their children have the required safety equipment to play a certain activity, than again its their fault, not the item, or in this case the dealers fault. If a kid was soccer without shin pads, they would get hurt.

Even if the parents said 'wear glasses kids', I bet it would be regular safety glasses that they would use, and still would not have done anything to protect their eyes or face.

In the end, it was the parents fault, and not the dealers nor the actual device (airsoft gun) that caused this.
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