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Newbie Tank

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Old March 2nd, 2011, 01:04   #661
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Grande prarie
Olla and a pleasure to say hi. New to canada, new to my area. not new to airsoft. Though i can say i miss my M249, ahh suppressing fire.

call me chris, call me charlie foxtrot, or call me sythiss
Im 28
i live in Grande Prairie

I have plans and aspirations to start something, sort out a group, regular games and all that.

Why settles for scraps when you can take the whole thing
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Old March 2nd, 2011, 01:37   #662
Ktown Militia
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Originally Posted by sythiss View Post
Olla and a pleasure to say hi. New to canada, new to my area. not new to airsoft. Though i can say i miss my M249, ahh suppressing fire.

call me chris, call me charlie foxtrot, or call me sythiss
Im 28
i live in Grande Prairie

I have plans and aspirations to start something, sort out a group, regular games and all that.

Why settles for scraps when you can take the whole thing

Welcome to the forums!
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Old March 5th, 2011, 12:49   #663
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: France

I am from France and been a Geardo since 1986.
I don't play Airsoft.
I am more a renactor/collector from early XXth century (WW1 US Kits to now) no matter of countries or period FRANCE 1940 to SAS CRW, got a ROMAN LEGION 1st Century kit, SW Armors, Halo or Aliens USCM.
I like to learn new tricks and make friends.
Sometimes i take a plane and go to your side of the sea :-)

AH et puis je peux être un vrai emmerdeur quand j'ais une idée ou recherche en tête...Désolé LoL

NOTA : AGE VERIFICATION will be a bit difficult from where i am...a pity i ve already spot some' to buy on your Sale page...

Last edited by LSKIV; March 5th, 2011 at 12:54..
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Old March 8th, 2011, 18:11   #664
Black Patch
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Alberta. Sherwood Park.
New to the Forum

Hi all.

I am Pete Holt from Yorkshire in the UK, I am 29 years young (I just look older due to the uphill paper round!) and I am Ex Job.

I am Currently going through the process of staying in Canada permanently as my Canadian girlfriend will kill me if I go back

Back on track... I have been involved in Airsoft in the UK for the last 8 years. Played at many sites but I found a home at Cerberus Airsoft in Yorkshire for 2 and a half years prior to moving out to Canada.
My involvement there included Marshalling, game set up, helping organize Mil Sims and digging holes and making good bacon sandwiches ! I was a member of Damocles, a team hosted by Cerberus.

I currently don't have my gear in Canada.
So playing at events will have to wait.
As I have found out through Oborous and Jeff Baker it isn't straight forwards in bringing Airsoft equipment (Rifles and Pistols especially) in to Canada but I have the info that I require and the links to the "How to section" from the CBSA. So that is a work in progress.
Eventually I hope to get involved in the community around Edmonton and in time join a team.

My main focus for playing Airsoft is on Mil Sim events and having fun. The more realistic and the longer the time frame, the better.

My biggest dislike of Airsoft is : I can't handle people who have issues with Newbies (If they have some sense and are willing to learn then every concession as to lack of experience should be given to them IMO) Regardless how long the veterans have played, we must remember we all started somewhere.

Rant over!

I hope thats enough info on me and I look forwards to getting out ASAP and meeting all those I can and seeing what the community in Canada is like and all about.

Thanks again.

Pete Holt
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Old March 8th, 2011, 18:51   #665
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Location: Prince Albert, SK
I just realized I have never introduced myself. lol

I'm "Redshirt" Steve. I have been playing airsoft for about 2 years the first year and a half was without the knowledge of a greater community.

I'm from Prince Albert, SK, and I am the webmaster at (where we organize local ops)

My start in AirSoft was actually playing Nerf in our church building, and then some one bought a clearsoft gun and we were hooked!
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Old March 8th, 2011, 23:33   #666
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Thunder Bay, Ontario
Hi everyone.

I'm 18 years old from Thunder Bay, Ontario. I am a real firearms owner, but I realized that I can't get out shooting as much as I'd like, and that I need to get in shape, so I thought I would maybe give this a try. I may be new to this, but I realize that firearms and airsoft guns are very different and are both something to be enjoyed but taken seriously. In general I'm interested in pretty much anything military-related.

I own an SKS, M1 Garand, Remington 700P, and a Chinese M14 copy, so if I decide this is the other hobby for me, I'm probably going to get an airsoft M14, as I see that airsoft versions of my other guns aren't really that available.
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Old March 9th, 2011, 02:27   #667
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Mississauga/Ottawa
It didn't feel right introducing myself before I got age verified. Now that my AV is waiting to get updated, I might as well tell you guys a bit about myself.

I live in Mississauga and you can call me Iskaryot(Iscariot), Kary, or my real name. I just turned 18 recently and I am an ethnic Chinese. My favourite military faction is the Chinese People's Liberation Army; part of that may be due to my ethnic origins. However, it's mostly their innovation and liberal spirit with technology that I admire. As for my political beliefs, religious beliefs, or other beliefs, you'd have to ask me in person if you really care. Same goes for my hobbies, it's better ask me in person.

The reason I got interested in airsoft is solely because FPS games are not real enough. Even games like ArmA2 or Project Reality cannot simulate our environment to even a fraction of its worth. I want to learn tactics that real soldiers use. I want to run around and get tired or get cut. I want to invite friends to outdoor games instead of sweating in my bedroom. I want to meet new people. In short, I am interested in modern warfare(not the game) and I just want to have fun.

If you ever see a skinny guy in Type 07 uniform with a matching plastic sniper's veil who's always wearing silver goggles, chances are that's me. Feel free to say hello to me, give me advice on airsoft, throw food or money at me, but mostly I'd rather have you covering my six.

Looking forward to airsofting with you all.
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Old March 11th, 2011, 02:21   #668
I'm 16 y.o.
Join Date: Mar 2011
Hello from DualGlocks from Edmonton, Alberta

Hello, Tyler here (dualGlocks) just intro for myself here. I'm 16, from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I mainly play paint ball as got into it at a young age from a older buddy, and never was old enough for airsoft. I play for my own team, and run my own team every weekend with 10 solid players and sponsors, so im a pretty serious guy, no fooling around when it comes to that. Ive played paint ball for 6 years almost and pay for all my gear and everything .

Reason im here: I play airsoft with buddies, and i like airsoft, only problem is im 16 and not of age, which in most places, like my city, you can not play unless 18 years or older, so kinda a bummer. I'm more of a sniper, have all my gear, vest, pouches, camo, ghillie suit ect.. My guns are VSR Custom - Metal fluted barrel, all redone trigger system, spring (550 and up), scope 4x32. My other gun is a DPS M4 ( crappy, first gun, but i love it, and dont use it much as my sniper is my prim, so it works) has a sick paint job on it. My pistol i will order soon is a 1911 or a M9, still seeing.

Thats just a little about me though. Thanks!
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Old March 11th, 2011, 02:28   #669
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You can contact EASY Group (Edmonton Airsoft Youth Group) if you're 16. It seems like kind of a stepping stone to EAR, the 18+ club there (Edmonton Airsoft Regiment). From what I hear/understand they seem to be a pretty good bunch of guys and are approved/supported by EAR so no worries about drawing the ire of the older players (and hey, although I do approve of a blanket 18+ rule in Canada, playing the 2 or 3 times I have here in UK it's not like minors are inherently more dangerous. Just extra care needs to be taken by the organizers and approved on a case by case basis (ie. don't let chavs into the field....)).
ಠ_ಠLess QQ more Pew Pew
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Old March 14th, 2011, 18:57   #670
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Deadmonton
Hey all, I'm new to the AirSoft community.

My name is milan and I'm looking forward to getting out to some games.

Also I'm in edmonton
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Old March 14th, 2011, 19:40   #671
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Calgary, Alberta
Wow, lots of people in Edmonton latley. Good to see more people in Alberta!
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Old March 16th, 2011, 00:37   #672
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Montréal, Qc
Hey guys. I'm a frenchie from Montréal. I just started showing interest in Airsoft, coming back from my 1st paintball day. Gotta say it was awesome, but it lacked that little something I wish I'll be able to find around here. I gotta admit that just by shopping and
reading(lots of) guides/newb' hints all around this forum, I might already be hooked up :/ Good thing is I have a new job that should pay for all the gear I just bought heh... (damn... some of these guns aren't cheap). also it shouldn't be too hard to get age verified as there seems to be quite a few "verifiers" in my region.

From what I know about myself regarding to fps/paintball/larp, I'm more of a CQB type. Moving alot, capturing objectives, getting in the heat of the battle and a decent(I think) reaction time. I dont know how well this is gonna fit in the Airsoft game... (correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I've heard/seen in youtube' vids, airsoft seems to be composed of a good bit of "waiting for the enemy team to make a stupid move" game. I've never been in it so I dont really know, it's just an outsider's obervation.

Anyway, call me Kefray or Jean-Francois (if you can pronounce that right) If you are from Montreal or the surroundings, and your team is looking for fresh recruits to fill your water tanks for a while, look me up. Oh I'm 24 by the way.

Pleasure meeting some of you guys in the near future. Springs' coming!
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Old March 16th, 2011, 06:11   #673
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Richmond Hill

I'm from Richmond Hill.

I caught airsoft fever while walking around in Pacific Mall one day and it led me to start looking around the web for airsoft guns. My search eventually led me to this forum, and after a bit of deliberation and procrastination, I signed up. While in downtown on other business, I stopped by TTAC3 and got age-verified, so now I'm mostly just waiting for it to go through.

My primary motivation for taking up airsoft is for collecting the guns.

I like guns. However, I don't want to go through the trouble of acquiring real steel, and in any case I'd like something I could practice with at home without seriously damaging the plaster. I also like tinkering with things, and from what I've seen so far, airsoft gives good opportunity to do that.

I don't exactly have a lot of cash at the moment but I do want a good quality airsoft gun, namely a pistol. Since that will likely set me back quite a bit, I probably might not have enough money to spend on equipment or a primary AEG. I probably won't be joining any games in the near future, but I would like to eventually.
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Old March 16th, 2011, 06:41   #674
AXe Hound
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Originally Posted by Alceister View Post

I'm from Richmond Hill.

I caught airsoft fever while walking around in Pacific Mall one day and it led me to start looking around the web for airsoft guns. My search eventually led me to this forum, and after a bit of deliberation and procrastination, I signed up. While in downtown on other business, I stopped by TTAC3 and got age-verified, so now I'm mostly just waiting for it to go through.

My primary motivation for taking up airsoft is for collecting the guns.

I like guns. However, I don't want to go through the trouble of acquiring real steel, and in any case I'd like something I could practice with at home without seriously damaging the plaster. I also like tinkering with things, and from what I've seen so far, airsoft gives good opportunity to do that.

I don't exactly have a lot of cash at the moment but I do want a good quality airsoft gun, namely a pistol. Since that will likely set me back quite a bit, I probably might not have enough money to spend on equipment or a primary AEG. I probably won't be joining any games in the near future, but I would like to eventually.

Once you are AV'd there are lots of good deals in the classifieds. You might be playing sooner than you think :P
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Old March 17th, 2011, 00:05   #675
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Peterborough
New to ASC

Hello everyone
Todd here,
I am a dreaded milsim paintballer, but I am looking to branch out to milsim airsoft. I am 31 and hang my hat in Oshawa.

I have been searching around the world of Google and Youtube, saw alot of cool AEGs and gear, I already have all the gear but I am open to suggestions on a good reliable and upgradable AEG. I am looking at the ICS-47 R.I.S at Mach1. But I can't find any reviews regarding the Canadian legal tinted lowers, any info you experienced players could give is much appreciated.
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