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Why does everyone want to be a sniper?



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Old May 26th, 2008, 20:45   #46
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
Nah he just like to throw tampons at people.
Ok, this is a proven fact.

I think the post before this touched on something, the vision it takes of not having to have much skill except putting crosshairs on a guy and pulling the trigger. The view that most other aspects of airsoft roles requires a lot of money and skill, so they figure the sniper role would be the easiest, and least expensive (a gun and camo, big deal), hence the thought they'd go for it.

All I can say, sniper role is the hardest, most time consuming and most difficult role in airsoft to stick with. Add in learning how to shoot, predict the shot, compensate for overhop, hooking, sideways drifting, droppage of the round, setting the hop up correctly and knowing it won't work in every area or from every direction you take the shot. And that is just the shooting aspect, sneaking into an area is tough, getting near an objective is tougher, dealing with patrols and such in the area and either sneaking past them, or getting compromised and getting your ass out of the sling you got yourself into...............

Fuck, I have a hard-on now.
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Old May 26th, 2008, 20:54   #47
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lol there is a good response...thank you
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Old May 26th, 2008, 20:57   #48
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Originally Posted by k2x5 View Post
In this thread there are links to sniper feild manuals and such. Might be worth a read amongst the lolstuff.
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Old May 26th, 2008, 21:09   #49
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Originally Posted by Armandhammer View Post
lol there is a good response...thank you
Cool. Like my avatar?
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Old May 26th, 2008, 21:11   #50
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
Ok, this is a proven fact.

I think the post before this touched on something, the vision it takes of not having to have much skill except putting crosshairs on a guy and pulling the trigger. The view that most other aspects of airsoft roles requires a lot of money and skill, so they figure the sniper role would be the easiest, and least expensive (a gun and camo, big deal), hence the thought they'd go for it.

All I can say, sniper role is the hardest, most time consuming and most difficult role in airsoft to stick with. Add in learning how to shoot, predict the shot, compensate for overhop, hooking, sideways drifting, droppage of the round, setting the hop up correctly and knowing it won't work in every area or from every direction you take the shot. And that is just the shooting aspect, sneaking into an area is tough, getting near an objective is tougher, dealing with patrols and such in the area and either sneaking past them, or getting compromised and getting your ass out of the sling you got yourself into...............

Fuck, I have a hard-on now.
Honestly, if you are good enogh at camouflaging to get close enough to bitch slap someone, then you're REALLY good lol

Last edited by Skladfin; May 26th, 2008 at 21:44..
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Old May 26th, 2008, 21:14   #51
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
Cool. Like my avatar?
Am I walking into a trap here? Yeah I do as a matter of fact
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Old May 26th, 2008, 21:34   #52
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Originally Posted by Armandhammer View Post
Am I walking into a trap here? Yeah I do as a matter of fact
No trap, just me in a low budget movie. Great acting skills, eh? Stand up, walk to the side.
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Old May 26th, 2008, 21:54   #53
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Originally Posted by Shrike View Post
In this thread there are links to sniper feild manuals and such. Might be worth a read amongst the lolstuff.
The best thing I can advise for people looking to learn to stalk their prey, take up hunting.

If you can get up close (50 yards and less) of an amimal before taking your shot, your on the right track. I get most my kills in around 30-80 yards.

I treated my airsoft "sniping", just as I would if I were out hunting.

Aquire a target, stalk it and move to optimal vantage point (or concealment point), then take my shot & repeat process.

Big difference being your airsoft enemy can't smell ya out like an animal can, unless ya got a distinct smell coming from ya.

I been going up the tree's during airsoft games since 2003. NOONE has ever even shot at me while up a tree. To be honest I don't think anyone's seen me up there either.

Last edited by BC_K; May 26th, 2008 at 21:57..
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Old May 26th, 2008, 22:01   #54
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Originally Posted by BC_K View Post
I been going up the tree's during airsoft games since 2003. NOONE has ever even shot at me while up a tree. To be honest I don't think anyone's seen me up there either.
Well everyone know your secret and they'll be looking up now won't they

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Old May 26th, 2008, 22:29   #55
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
Well everyone know your secret and they'll be looking up now won't they
Oh I've already let my tactics out months ago.

I'm more or less dissapointed noone else has provided the same level of frustration as I have on the field. Pricks like me make the game challenging.

I've stopped VIP escorts you name it, actually picked off the VIP twice now from my tree spots.

Black BB's are great, you can tell if you got shot at or a fly flew past ya.

Gotta have a good eye when using them, or them impacting the ground will lead right back to ya.

Also I highly suggest you have a non blow back pistol as a sidearm. TM MK23 is the BEST out there.

Dead accurate, dead silent. From 15 feet and just regular forest ambience during a game, you can't hear it. It's got a reputation for that.
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Old May 26th, 2008, 22:40   #56
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I've been playing for a little more than a year now. I have a G36 (full size) and a stock MP5A4. I just purchased bolt-action sniper rifle (Well L96v2) to play around with because I want to try out the sniper/marksman role. I'm fully planning on keeping the L96 on my back and using the MP5 as my primary while doing this and only using the L96 as an opportunity weapon. If I decide I like it, then I'll look at dropping some money into upgrading the L96 into a really decent platform.

For me personally I like sneaking around the bush to try and get in behind my enemy. Karma and I did it at the Wolfpack game at one point -the two of us kept 5 or 6 guys busy for a time while they tried to kill us (we limited our shooting so it only appeared to be one of us). I think we only got two or three kills out of it but damn it was fun. Just knowing we were tieing up some enemies that weren't fighting "at the front" so to speak was worth it in itself. I imagine I could have been much more effective with a very quiet BAR instead of my noisy AEG.

My cryptic point is that I've been playing for a year as a normal infantryman and now I'm trying out some different ways of playing to see how I like them. Suggest to your friends that if they don't want to spend a very large amount of time moving slowly and patiently, and waiting for shots, not getting kills, etc. then not to snipe. I really kindof wish the "sniper" role was actually called "recon" or "scout" or something. I think it would be far more descriptive of the actual role.

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Old May 26th, 2008, 22:46   #57
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
My cryptic point is that I've been playing for a year as a normal infantryman and now I'm trying out some different ways of playing to see how I like them. Suggest to your friends that if they don't want to spend a very large amount of time moving slowly and patiently, and waiting for shots, not getting kills, etc. then not to snipe. I really kindof wish the "sniper" role was actually called "recon" or "scout" or something. I think it would be far more descriptive of the actual role.
I believe that the marines have scout snipers. I may be wrong but just putting that out there.
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Old May 26th, 2008, 22:53   #58
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Originally Posted by McKay View Post
I believe that the marines have scout snipers. I may be wrong but just putting that out there.
I know in real militaries they are often referred to as that, I was mentioning it more for airsoft.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old May 26th, 2008, 22:57   #59
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
I know in real militaries they are often referred to as that, I was mentioning it more for airsoft.
Ah, that is a bit strange to be honest. You'd think that people would be more willing to call the sniper role scout sniper.
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Old May 26th, 2008, 23:05   #60
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1) DM for the win
2) There's also a fair bit of talent and intuition required to make a good sniper, from what I've seen. Now, I know I don't have it, but I gotta tell you...I've "WTF!" 'd pretty hard at 47 a couple of times...the random appearing out of bushes that you were SURE you cleared a second ago, the ridiculous shots from a million miles away...did I mention he used a stock CA M24 with no scope? And before that a JG M14 springer? no scope, just intuition and patience. I was always happy he was on my team...and double alert for any sound of a bolt moving or ANYTHING that said he was in the area if I wasn't. As Relja learned the hard way, if you don't go to the ground after the first shot, you'll spend the next little while respawning....

Perhaps people want to be capable of stuff like that? I'm probably phrasing 47's exploits in a more epic fashion than necessary, but since I've been on the business end more often than the waiting end, that's how I've come to perceive it.
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