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weapons and airsoft seized in mississauga



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Old October 6th, 2005, 01:18   #46
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Rezz was different. He did produce drugs, but his op was too small for dealing purpoces. Plus people who grow almost never deal. He just mixed 2 hobbies, drugs and collecting expensive replicas/real steel FA rifles which is a bad idea. I guess he wasn't carefull enough... This guy on the other hand was selling or planing to sell guns to criminals.
P.S I think Rezz only had 2 assault rifles and a carbine (m1 or whatever it was). Rest was airsoft. This guy hasd way more real steel.
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Old October 6th, 2005, 18:37   #47
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Toronto Ontario
heres a few guns have seen on the news or heard of being on the streets the russian ones to be exact
AK-47,AK,74U A.K.A BABY AK (GANG NAME I GUESS),tokakrev tt handgun,sks,mosin-nagant,svs 36/svt39/svt40 i know theres a few other but ive seen everthing on citypulse execpt ak-74u
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Old October 6th, 2005, 19:42   #48
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Location: Toronto, Ontario
I guess I missed a lot of incidents since I never seen/heard about any of those weapons siezed. I do remember a story about 2-3 years ago where some 15y.o kid got an "AK" shipped from states, there was a big stink about it in the papers. There was a guy holding it and "Siezed AK assault rifle" on the bottom. I still have a pic somewhere. Somebody made a mistake that time, it was actually a Saiga 12 gauge shotgun, not an AK Btw, you gotta check the names before posting them. I think you meant AVS 36 not SVS, SVT39 not 40 (there was 38 and 40 model). Kind of hard to believe that too many AVS rifles made it here since there was only about 40k of them made if I'm not mistaken, most of use was during the war with Finland in 1940, it ended up being replaced by SVT40 pretty fast. I only held/seen AVS once. Original Russian made TT 33s are pretty hard to find as well. Mostly Chinese and Korean models are on US market these days, same story with SKS carbines, mostly Yugo and Chinese made.
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Old October 6th, 2005, 22:45   #49
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Toronto Ontario
yes i meant avs36 the svt 39 was meant to be 39 those guns are pretty much the same in design ecept for the avs wich is auto matic but im sure ive seen them in seizures its posible they were chinese nockoff of the sks and tts and aks it hard to tell on tv when they only show for roughly 10 seconds those are just a few of the guns on the streets of toronto stupid people we should just resolve gang fights with airsoft skirmishes instead of killing atleast they wont kill each other :roll:

that wont happenthey just keep shoooting and then theyll put out curfews wich are pointless and wont work
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